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The timber rattlesnake is a reptile. It is a poisonous snake. Rattlesnakes have dry scales that form patterns on its body. The colors are different.

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3 The timber rattlesnake is a reptile. It is a poisonous snake. Rattlesnakes have dry scales that form patterns on its body. The colors are different.

4 The adult timber rattlesnake is 38 to 40 inches long and 8 to 9 inches around. It weighs 3.1 to 3.9 lbs. the timber rattlesnake lives in Mexico and the United States. This rattlesnake lives in north lake Eire by the islands of Catawba and Marblehead and in southern Ohio. He likes Woods and hilly areas.

5 He eats small squirrels, mice, shrews, chipmunks, small birds and sometimes other snakes and amphibians.

6 Its main predator are humans, they collect them or change their environment. The lifespan of a Timber Rattlesnake is about 25 years or less. It has 8 to 10 live babies in a litter.

7 This snake protects itself by using his rattle to warn. It is the most dangerous venomous snake in the North Eastern United States. If threatened he will bite with his fangs and kill them with venom.

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