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“ Away From The Everyday” Sports Camp Melissa Carroll Kevin Moote Andrew Timmers Fil DaSilva.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Away From The Everyday” Sports Camp Melissa Carroll Kevin Moote Andrew Timmers Fil DaSilva."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Away From The Everyday” Sports Camp Melissa Carroll Kevin Moote Andrew Timmers Fil DaSilva

2 Introductory Game for Sepak Takraw  “Keep it up” game - groups of 5 -using appropriate part of body

3 Sepak Takraw  Video  Technique  Skills/concepts  Strategies/tactics  Rules/modifications – team size  Questions???


5 Future hopes  The ultimate goal is to get this program implemented into the secondary school curriculum as another option for physical education course

6 Target population  Children aged 11- 13  Grades 7 and 8

7 Purpose/Objectives  To avoid high school physical education and general physical activity dropout  Introduce many non traditional games from the four games categories (net wall, batting fielding, invasion, target games)  To increase the current and future physical activity levels in our target population  To increase awareness of games played by different cultures

8 Location/Duration/Progression  Location - Our program will have to be run through an institution with the appropriate resources as it would be far too expensive to start-up  Duration – variable  Progressive – beginning with a lead-up game using basic skills and progressing to the more complex skills and tactics used in the formal game

9 Evidence-based Rationale for Program  Over half of children and youth aged 5 to 17 are not active enough for optimal growth and development (Cragg, Cameron, Craig, & Russell, 1999).  In 2002, only 12% for girls and 24% for boys were classified as being active enough (Craig & Cameron, 2004).  In 2001, 5.3 billion dollars in Canadian health care costs were attributed to physical inactivity (Katzmarzyk & Janssen, 2004).  Children from economically disadvantaged families have fewer activity opportunities for physical activity participation (Canadian Council on Social Development, 2001).  41% of Canadian children receive PE only 1 - 2 days per week while 74% of Canadian adults feel PE should be delivered daily (Cameron, Craig, Coles, & Cragg, 2001)  Less than 1/3 of young people from industrialized and developing nations are sufficiently active to benefit their present and future health (World Health Organization, 2000).

10 Explanation for Target Population Stages of Development in Sport from Early Childhood to Late Adolescence - introduce children to more possible activities that they will continue as they grow older (Cote, Baker, & Abemethy, 2003; Cote, 1999: Cote & Hay, 2002)

11 Examples of activities TargetNet/WallStriking/FieldingInvasion BowlingGolfCurling Lawn bowling Croquet bocce ball archery tennisbadmintonhandballracquetball table tennis squash paddle ball sepak takraw jai alai kickballsoftball lob ball slow pitch 3 pitch cricketroundersrugbylacrosse ultimate frisbee speedballbroomball field hockey ringette European handball

12 Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU)  Teaching games through games  Break game into their simplest form then increase the complexity  Develop Knowledgeable performers in games  Every leaner is important and involved  Focus on the development of tactical awareness and decision making.

13 TGFU Games categories 1)Target 2)Striking/Fielding 3)Net/Wall 4)Invasion  Students gain skills and knowledge of a variety of games associated with the four games categories  Student become literate in a variety of games

14 Pros and Cons of the TDFU Model  Cons- If the teacher, coach or camp counsellor is not qualified they will: –not have enough time –won’t have sufficient equipment  Pros- more variety of sports and skills acquired –less kids dropping out –maximum participation –games literacy –more learner centered

15 Introductory Game for European Handball  Ultimate Space Ultimate Space Ultimate Space  Rules - Players may only take three steps with the ball, and pass or throw at the target within five seconds. - Players without the ball may not use any body contact to get the ball away. If a player succeeds in knocking down a target, a point is scored and play begins again with opponent’s team having possession of the ball. - If the player does not succeed in knocking down the target, each team attempts to gain possession of the ball without body contact and the team who gains possession makes passes and takes steps towards their target cone.

16 European Handball  Video  Strategies/tactics- one timers  Rules/modifications – team and court size, nets  Questions???

17 Developmental Appropriateness of European Handball and Sepak Takraw Uses the on & off ball skills that are necessary in almost every invasion and Net/Wall game By this age, most children will have the appropriate abilities (sending & receiving skills with both hands and feet, hand-eye coordination, accuracy, etc.) from mainstream games to succeed in both of our activities

18 Developing Personalized Goals Through the use of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) model, students are able to make goals in the lead-up games and apply them to the activity Encourage individual and group goal- setting throughout the program

19 Evaluation At the end of our program we will have a satisfaction survey to see if the program has met our original goals and standards This will be included in the program package

20 Wrap-Up By having children participate in our program we hope to decrease the ever- increasing drop out rate Also our program, if successful, will help our children with the growing obesity problem “When students experience quality programs, they value their time spent in physical education lessons. They enjoy being active, like to be fully involved in their lessons and believe they are improving their skills” (CAHPERD)

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