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Chapter 1 Personal Financial Planning in Action Copyright © 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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1 Chapter 1 Personal Financial Planning in Action Copyright © 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 Personal Financial Planning Objectives 1.Identify social and economic influences on personal financial goals and decisions 2.Develop personal financial goals 3.Assess personal and financial opportunity costs associated with financial decisions 4.Implement a plan for these decisions 1-2

3 Financial Planning Process of managing your money to achieve personal economic satisfaction Financial Plan: –Formalized report –Summarizes current financial situation –Analyzes financial needs –Recommends future financial activities 1-3

4 Advantages of Financial Planning Increased effectiveness in obtaining, using, and protecting financial resources Increased control of your financial affairs Improved personal relationships Sense of freedom from financial worries 1-4

5 Life situation and personal values Financial planning in our economy –Domestic economic influences –Global Influences –Inflation –Interest rates Objective 1 Identify Social and Economic Influences on Personal Financial Goals and Decisions 1-5

6 Life Situation and Personal Values Adult life cycle Life Situation Factors: –Marital status, household size, employment –Exhibit 1-1 (page 5) Major events: –Graduation, marriage, divorce –Birth or adoption of child –Career or health changes Values: –The ideas and principles you consider correct, desirable, and important 1-6

7 Financial Planning in Our Economy Domestic Influences Economy’s influence on financial planning –Business, labor & government The Federal Reserve –“.. Sets the nation’s monetary policy to promote the objectives of maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates.” – 1-7

8 F inancial Planning in Our Economy Global Factors U.S economy affected by foreign investors and competition from foreign companies Level of imports/exports affects available supply of dollars Level of foreign investment affects domestic money supply Money supply affects consumer interest rates 1-8

9 Financial Planning in Our Economy Inflation Inflation =  in the general level of prices Reduces buying power of the dollar Most harmful to those on fixed incomes Inflation rates vary “Hidden inflation” CPI = a measure of inflation 1-9

10 Financial Planning in Our Economy Interest Rates Interest Rate = the cost of money –Affected by supply and demand –Risk premium: Length of time funds in use Expected inflation Uncertainty –Major impact on financial planning 1-10

11 8 Basic Financial Planning Activities ObtainingChapter 1 Planning Chapters 2, 3 SavingChapter 4 BorrowingChapter 5 SpendingChapter 6, 7 Managing RiskChapter 8- 10 InvestingChapter 11-13 Retirement/Estate PlanningChapter 14 1-11

12 Time Frames for Achieving Financial Goals : –Short-term goals........... w/in 1 year –Intermediate goals.........2-5 years –Long-term goals...........> 5 years Financial Needs Goals: –Consumable-product goals... Food, clothing –Durable-product goals...... Car, appliances –Intangible-purchase goals...Education, health Objective 2 Develop Personal Financial Goals 1-12

13 Goal-Setting Guidelines Effective Goals should be: – Realistic – Stated in specific, measurable terms – Based on a time frame – Action-oriented 1-13

14 Objective 3 Assess Personal and Financial Opportunity Costs of Financial Decisions Opportunity cost = what you give up making a choice –The trade-off of a decision –Not always measurable in dollars; may be time –Consider lost opportunities resulting from your decisions 1-14

15 Opportunity Costs and Financial Trade-Offs Personal Opportunity Costs (time, effort, health) Financial Opportunity Costs (Interest, liquidity, safety ) Financial Acquisitions (car, home, college education, investments, insurance, retirement fund) 1-15

16 Time Value of Money Increase in an amount of money as a result of interest earned –Saving today = more money tomorrow –Spending today = lost interest Saving and spending decisions involve considering the trade-offs –Current needs can make spending worthwhile 1-16

17 Calculating interest earned: –Principal = amount of savings –Annual interest rate –Length of time money on deposit (in years) Simple interest: Time Value of Money Interest Calculations Amt in Svgs X Annual Interest Rate Time Period Interest X = 1-17

18 $500 on deposit at 6% annual interest for 6 months: Principal = $500 Interest rate = 6% Time period = ½ (6/12 months) Time Value of Money Interest Calculation Example $500 X 6%1/2$15 X = 1-18

19 Future Value The increased value of money from interest earned Amount to which current savings will increase Total amount available in the future “Compounding” 1-19

20 Future Value Example Future Value Original Amount in Savings Interest Earned = + $100 deposited for 1 year at 6% per year Future Value = $100 + ($100 X.06 X 1) Future Value = $100 + $6 = $106 1-20

21 Future Value Tables Exhibit 1-3A = FV of a Single Amount –Multiply Table Factor by amount deposited –All Future Value factors > 1.0 Example: –$650 invested at 8% for 10 years –Factor = 2.159 –FV = $650 X 2.159 = $1,403.35 1-21

22 Future Value Series of Deposits Exhibit 1-3B “Annuity” = series of equal deposits at equal intervals earning a constant rate Example: –Deposit $50 per year at 7% for 6 years –Exhibit 1-3B factor = 7.153 –Future Value = $50 x 7.153 = $357.65 1-22

23 Present Value The current value of a future amount based on a certain interest rate and time period The current value of an amount desired in the future How much to deposit now to obtain a desired total in the future “Discounting” 1-23

24 Present Value Tables Exhibit 1-3C = PV of a single amount –Multiply Table Factor by amount deposited –All Future Value factors < 1.0 Example: –You want $1,000 five years from now –You can earn 5% on your money –Present Value = $1,000 X 0.784 = $784 1-24

25 Present Value of a Series of Deposits Exhibit 1-3D Determine how much you need to deposit now in order to withdraw a specific amount for a desired number of years Example: –You want to withdraw $400/year for 9 years –Your money is earning 8% per year –Deposit = $400 X 6.247 = $2,498.80 1-25

26 The 6-Step Financial Planning Process 1-26

27 1.Determine current financial situation 2.Develop financial goals 3.Identify alternative courses of action Continue same course of action Expand current situation Change current situation Take a new course of action Objective 4 Implement a Plan for Making Personal Financial and Career Decisions 1-27

28 4.Evaluate alternatives Consequences of choices Evaluate risks Financial Planning information sources 5.Create and implement financial action plan 6.Review and revise plan Objective 4 Implement a Plan for Making Personal Financial and Career Decisions 1-28

29 Financial Planning in Action 1-29

30 Career Choice and Financial Planning 1. The life work one selects = key to financial well being and personal satisfaction 2. Career choices have risks and opportunity costs 3. Career choices require periodic re- evaluation of trade-offs related to personal, social and economic factors 4. Changing personal and social factors require continuous assessment of your work situation 1-30

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