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SWDF - Background 36 Recommendations by Lump Sum Grant

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1 Briefing Session on Phase 2 of Social Welfare Development Fund 社會福利發展基金第二階段簡報會 14 December 2012

2 SWDF - Background 36 Recommendations by Lump Sum Grant
Independent Review Committee (Dec 2008). Recommendation 6 - Set up a $1 billion Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF) to support Scope A - training, Scope B - business system upgrading projects and Scope C - studies for enhancing service delivery. 為履行整筆撥款獨立檢討委員會(委員會)在2008年12月的36項建議 社署在二零零九年獲獎券基金撥款,設立10億元的發展基金(這是委員會第6項建議),支援以下範疇: A - 機構的董事會成員、管理層和員工(不限於社會工作者)的培訓和專業發展訓練,以及聘請人員替代參加訓練的員工的費用; B - 機構菌業務系統提升計劃(例如資訊科技基礎設施、系統設計,及加強機構管理能力或協助機構重組架構的措施);以及 C - 改善機構服務提供情況的研究

3 SWDF - Background For implementation in 9 years by three
3-year phases (from to ). Maximum funding cap for each NGO for three phases is 9% of its annual subventions in or $2M, whichever is the higher. 基金分3個階段共9年推行,即第一階段由 至 ,第二階段由 至 ,以及第三階段由 至 。 每間受津助非政府機構可向發展基金申請的最高資助總額為該機構在 年度獲社署津助金額的9%或200萬元,以較高者為準。

4 SWDF - Background The percentage of total funding cap under each phase for individual NGO is as follows: Phase (period) % of total funding cap Phase 1 (10-11 to 12-13) 33% Phase 2 (13-14 to 15-16) Phase 3 (16-17 to 18-19) remaining % Total: 100% 每間機構在每個階段最高可申請的基金限額為: - 第一階段及第二階段是機構最高資助總額的33% - 第三階段是餘下的%

5 SWDF – Progress of Phase 1
Phase 1 ( to ) was launched in Jan 2010. There were three rounds of applications. A total of $262.9M was approved for 150 NGOs under Phase 1. 基金第一階段在2010年開展 第一階段總共為機構安排了3次申請 第一階段基金共批出2.629億元資助150間非政府機構

6 SWDF – Progress of Phase 1
Breakdown of the total approved amount: Scope Approved Amount % Scope A – Training $143.7M 54.7% Scope B – System Upgrading Non-Information Technology $11.3M 4.3% Information Technology $79.5M 30.2% Scope C – Studies $28.4M 10.8% Total: $262.9M 100% 有關獲批計劃的詳情如下- A – 培訓和專業發展訓練計劃共批出1.437億元,佔撥款54.7% B – 業務系統提升計劃共批出9,080萬元,資訊科技佔7,950萬元,佔撥款30.2%,非資訊科技佔1,130萬元,佔撥款4.3% C – 研究項目共批出2,840萬元,佔撥款10.8%

7 SWDF – Review on Phase 1 Conducted from Feb to Sept 2012.
Collected views from more than a third of 171 NGOs through visits and meetings. Feedbacks are generally positive. NGO Staff: more training opportunities (i.e. training outside HK and long term courses). NGO Management: enhanced management capacity and improve overall service delivery. 社署在2012年2月至9月期間透過探訪和會議,諮詢了超過三分一的機構,聽取他們對基金第一階段推行的意見。 機構對發展基金第一階段的反應普遍正面。 機構員工認為發展基金為他們提供更多培訓機會,特別是長期的專業課程(例如社會工作學士課程、管理碩士課程)及海外/內地的培訓計劃。截至31/3/2011,共有約11 000人受惠於有關培訓資助。 非政府機構管理層亦認為有關系統提升計劃可加強其機構的管理能力,並改善整體的服務提供情況。

8 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Based on the views collected from NGOs, SWD has come up with a few enhancement measures to be implemented in Phase 2 of the SWDF. 各機構亦向我們提供了寶貴的意見(當中包括申請、推行和監督推行資訊科技業務系統提升計劃時需要完善的地方) 社署在推出基金第二階段時,在基金原有的框架上引入一些優化措施,從而更切合機構及同工的實際需要。

9 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Inclusion of non-subvented service staff in training programmes when there is no additional cost implications To maximize the value of training. May include non-subvented staff in sharing sessions, talks and seminars, etc. NGOs should report the number of non-subvented staff who attend the training under the existing reporting mechanism. 在沒有額外成本的原則下,機構可讓非受資助的員工一同參與培訓及專業發展 可增加培訓項目的價值及成本效益 可讓非資助員工參與例如分享會、講座、研討會 機構需透過現行匯報機制向社署報告這些非受資助員工參與基金資助培訓的人數

10 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Provision of Administration Support (AS) For management/coordination work of SWDF including the employment of temporary administrative/clerical staff, and outsourcing of accounting work, etc. Maximum amount of AS for each NGO is at 5% of the NGO’s funding cap for the phase or $500,000, whichever is the less. 2) 提供行政支援 考慮到機構需要管理基金的撥款,在第二階段機構可在基金中申請行政支援撥款 行政支援用於管理及協調基金的相關工作,包括聘請短期行政員工或文員,或是將一些會計類的工作外判 行政支援計算方法是機構在第二階段最高可申請限額的5%或50萬,以較低者為準

11 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Allow virement of funds between Non-IT and IT project More flexibility for NGOs to implement approved projects. Virement of fund among approved projects, irrespective IT or non-IT nature, is allowed. For virement of fund to IT projects, prior consent from Information Systems and Technology Branch (ISTB) of SWD is required. 3) 非資訊科技和資訊科技項目的撥款可互相調撥 在第一階段如資訊科技項目的開支超過撥款,機構需自行承擔超支金額,且示能動用整筆撥款和其儲備。此外資訊科技項目之間互相調撥款項亦是不容許 第二階段為提供更多彈性予機構推行計劃 容許機構在資訊科技項目和非資訊科技項目之間可互相調動撥款 唯機構須預先得到社署資訊系統及科技科的同意,且不會影響其他獲批准計劃的推行

12 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Promote sharing of information of approved projects To promote sharing culture among NGOs to inspire innovative ideas in project planning under SWDF. SWD will make use of the information provided by NGOs on their approved projects of SWDF for sharing through sharing sessions or e-platform. 4) 分享資料 推動分享文化以啟發機構創新思維設計更多計劃 社署會運用機構提供的資料(例如已批准的計劃)透過分享會或其他電子平台如網頁等讓更多機構可以互相交流智慧、經驗和心得。

13 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Streamlining the process of applications for IT projects Incorporate the Application Guide for IT-related Projects into the application form Reduce information required Illustrate by examples 5) 簡化資訊科技項目的申請 為了捉成機構申請資訊科技項目,社署檢討及優化資訊科技項目的申請手續 將申請資訊科技項目的指引融入申請書中 減少書寫資料 提供更多例子作參考 (詳情稍後資訊系統及科技科同事會再解釋)

14 SWDF – Enhancement Measures
Allowing sufficient time for completing approved projects A maximum implementation period approved for a project is three-year. Beginning date of the implementation period will be counted from the date of endorsement by LFAC. Some projects will be approved for implementation beyond 6) 給予充分時間推行獲批准的項目 如有需要個別計劃可批最長3年的推行時間 由獎劵基金諮詢委員會同意該項目起計算最長為3年 個別計劃的推行會超越第二階段即 年度

15 SWDF – Other Issues Highlighted
Application for extension of project under Phase 1 It should be an approved project and already commenced within Phase 1. SWD’s prior approval should be sought for project with delayed completion date beyond Phase 1. NGOs should report the actual expenditure of the projects and the overall expenditure in Phase 1 upon completion of the projects (approved for extension). a) 第一階段申請延長推行計劃 如機構在第一階段如有獲批項目已經開展了推行,但預計未能於第一階段內完成 可向社署申請批准延長其計劃的推行時間 如機構獲批准延長計劃的推行期,需在第一階段後仍要按年向社署匯報計劃的支出及在完成計劃時匯報基金的總開支

16 SWDF – Other Issues Highlighted
Cover the full course fee of the long-term training beyond Phase 1 It should be an approved project and already commenced within Phase 1. The maximum implementation period is four-year counting from the course receiving subsidy from SWDF. SWD’s prior approval for extension of the project is required. b) 讓機構運用批款支付長期課程的學費 長期課程必須是已獲批的項目並在第一階段已開展課程 機構可預先向社署作書面申請,將培訓課程的資助延長至第一階段後,讓員工可以運用批款支付餘下年度的學費及完成整個課程 最長年期為4年由第一階段該長期課程開始獲基金資助起計算

17 SWDF – Others Issues Highlighted
Flexibility to implement projects within the approved Areas NGOs may: change the destination of the approved outside-HK programmes. increase / reduce the number of participants of the training courses. arrange suitable courses under the approved training subjects. postpone the completion date of the approved system upgrading projects / studies within phase. c) 給予彈性推行計劃 事實上,基金在第一階段一直有提供彈性讓機構推行計劃,例如: 海外培訓項目可配合需要更改前往的目的地 培訓項目的參加人數可按機構需要增加或減少 在已批准的培訓項目的大範疇下,安排合適的課程 因應需要機構可自行調動(如延遲)業務系統提升計劃或研究項目的開展時間,但需在該階段內完成。如要亥超越該階段才可完成需獲社署預先批准

18 SWDF – Others Issues Highlighted
Claw back arrangement Any surplus at the end of Phase 1 will be clawed back. SWD will further announce the usage of the fund clawed back from NGOs. d) 歸還尚未用的撥款的安排 根據申請守則,在第一階段完結後,若機構尚有未用的批款(經核實後),便須歸還給社署 如有計劃已獲社署批准延長推行期至第一階段後,則可將尚未用的撥款帶到下一年度使用直至完成該計劃及已完成與該計劃有關的所有支出後再計算歸還尚未用的撥款的金額 社署會進一步研究如何善用機構歸還的款項,並會於第三階段開展前決定有關的安排。

19 SWDF – Others Issues Highlighted
Procurement procedures NGOs should achieve the best value for money for service procurement to implement the approved projects. Should comply with NGOs’ own procurement guidelines, which should be devised in line with those set out in Chapter 6 of the Lotteries Fund Manual. e) 採購程序 在使用奬券基金的撥款上, 非政府機構有責任向公眾交待其用途; 並要為本身的採購決定負責。非政府機構進行採購時, 須力求達 到物有所值。 機構須依照奬券基金手冊第6章的原則, 各自負責設立其採購及存貨管理系統,並訂立足夠的檢查及管理措施, 予以監察。

20 SWDF – Others Issues Highlighted
f) IT projects Observations from Phase 1 Involvement of staff in projects Tendering and procurement Working with contractors Others issues 此部份由社署資訊系統及科技科負責

21 SWDF – Others Issues Highlighted
(f) IT projects (cont’d) Sufficient time for project implementation Virement of fund among approved projects Streamlined application form Rearranged sections Check boxes to facilitate input Examples for easy reference 此部份由社署資訊系統及科技科負責

22 SWDF – Invitation for Applications under Phase 2
Implementation period: to Invitation letters together with the Guidance Notes for Application and Application Forms will be sent to NGOs in January 2013. Application will be closed in June 2013. 第二階段推行時期: 由 年度至 年度 基金第二階段的邀請信、申請指引及申請書會於2013年1月中後向機構發出

23 SWDF – Vetting for Applications
Non-IT Projects will be vetted by SWD and endorsed by Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee (LFAC). IT Projects will be vetted by SWD, in consultation with the Joint Committee on Information Technology for the Social Welfare Sector (JCIT) and then endorsed by LFAC. 審批申請書 非資訊科技計劃 – 由社署津貼組負責再要由獎劵基金諮詢委員會同意 資訊科技計劃 – 由社署資訊系統及科技科負責,經過諮詢社會福利界資訊科技聯合委員會,再要由獎劵基金諮詢委員會同意

24 SWDF Questions and Answers

25 SWDF Early birds may enjoy early approval from LFAC
Management & Staff together to devise innovative projects

26 Thank You

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