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《 A Course on Culture Translation 》 Translation Techniques.

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1 《 A Course on Culture Translation 》 Translation Techniques

2 II. Sentence level 1. Literal & Free translation 2. Addition & Omission 3. Combination & Division 4. Conversion & Negation Addition & Omission

3 Eg : 京剧演员主要运用四种艺术手法: 唱、念、做、打。 The actors and actresses of Beijing Opera mainly use four forms of performing methods, namely, chang, nian, zuo, and da.

4 Addition : to supply necessary words or phrases in translation.

5 Eg: 京剧演员主要运用四种艺术手法:唱、念、 做、打。 The actors and actresses of Beijing Opera mainly use four forms of performing methods, namely, chang (singing), nian (recitation), zuo (facial and body acting), and da (martial arts).

6 Omission : to omit the unnecessary words or phrases in the target language.

7 In the facial masks of Beijing Opera, white usually represents crafty, black integrity, yellow bravery. Eg: 京剧脸谱中白色代表奸诈,黑色代表正直不 阿,黄色代表骁勇。

8 In the facial masks of Beijing Opera, white usually represents crafty, black integrity, yellow bravery. Eg: 京剧脸谱中白色代表奸诈,黑色代表正直不 阿,黄色代表骁勇。 represents 略译

9 七夕节源自牛郎与织女的传说。 Qixi Festival originated from the ancient story of Niu Lang, a cowboy, and Zhi Nu, a weaving maid. Q: Which techniques is used ? A. Addition B. Omission Practice A. Addition a cowboy a weaving maid.

10 Chinese profile English profile 增译与略译互为补充,两种译法可以并用. Summary cultural differences

11 Translate the following sentence by using one of the 2 techniques you have learned in this lecture. “ 文房四宝 ” 到宋朝以后特指湖 笔、徽墨、宣纸、端砚。 Practice Please.

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