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Year 9 ICT - 2006 Preparing for the Onscreen Test.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 ICT - 2006 Preparing for the Onscreen Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 ICT - 2006 Preparing for the Onscreen Test

2 Think Tools! Word Processor Spreadsheet Database Presentation File Manager Email Web Browser

3 When would you use a spreadsheet? Think about calculations, sorting data, creating charts and graphs… Make sure you use its features to show efficiency…cut,paste, use FORMULA’S e.g.=sum(A1:A4)

4 When would you word process? Think about letters, posters, leaflets, reports… Make sure you use its features to show efficiency…cut,paste, format (change fonts, colours, size)

5 Make sure you use its features to show efficiency…sorting, running queries, reporting When would you use a database? Think about surveys, test results, stock count and prices…

6 Make sure you use its features to show efficiency…insert images, slide transitions, format (change fonts, colours, size) When would you use presentation software? Think about reports, animations…

7 Which tools 1? You need to create a report to the Head teacher about the profit that can be made from a school pop concert? Spreadsheet – costings & profit & Presentation to present report

8 Which tools 2? You have been asked to carry out a survey and present a brief report to the school governors? Database – compile survey results & Presentation to present report

9 Which tools 3? You have been asked to make a list of suitable websites. Where would you save the list? Use the tools of the Web browser. Save your list in favourites (Don’t forget to create a new folder)

10 File management You may be asked to find files. Manage files – create folders and save work

11 Email You will be asked to use email. You may also have to CC someone else into your email

12 Web Browser When using the search engine think carefully about your keywords, use ‘AND’, ‘OR’, ‘NOT’, +, - Show efficient searching

13 Read Always read the question through carefully The task may ask you to complete a file and then email it back to someone and CC someone else into the email Do not miss anything out Don’t waste time Check your work

14 Opportunity This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ICT capability Show off Good luck

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