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Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization

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1 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Urbanization Trends Global Indicators Uneven global distribution of urbanization Shenzhen, China; Calcutta and Mumbai, India “…the urban system and its spokes form the structural skeleton of society.”

2 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities and Civilizations Egalitarian societies Southwest Asia (6,000 BC); increasing complexity Cities and States … the next logical step. Specialization political systems and gov. Ancient cities: three administrative levels dominant urban center The city…a recent invention (only 8,000 years) Formative era 7,000-5,000 BC (Mesopotamia)

3 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities and Civilizations (cont.) Location: proximity to farmland surface and ground water defense proximity to trade routes Functions: political centers religious centers economic centers cultural centers

4 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities and Civilizations (cont.) Size of early centers: 10,000-15,000 determined by capacity of social and economic system


6 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities: Diffusion to Greece Mesopotamian Greece 3,000 BC Greece is highly urbanized 500 cities and towns 250,000 inhabitants Global impact of Greek cities Characteristics: Acropolis and Agora Underbelly: poor sanitation and slave labor

7 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities: Roman Cities Extensive settlement system Good transport and infrastructure Rectangular grid layout Military towns Characteristics: forum, stadium, high culture and architecture Underbelly: slave labor


9 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Ancient Cities: Other Rising Cities Xian, China Saharan trading cities Mayan urbanization Aztec capital of Teotihuacan > 100,000

10 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Sjoberg’s Preindustrial City folk-preliterate feudal - modest houses and unpaved streets preindustrial - religion/governmental core urban-industrial - economic core cities reflective of societal development

11 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Primate Cities dominant city in a settlement system “a country’s leading city is always disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national capacity and feeling.” - Mark Jefferson (1939) agricultural dominance colonial rule poor countries with distant colonial past

12 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Primate Cities dominant city in a settlement system “a country’s leading city is always disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national capacity and feeling.” - Mark Jefferson (1939) agricultural dominance colonial rule poor countries with distant colonial past

13 Urban Geography: Civilization and Urbanization
Modern Western Cities Evolution Medieval cities mercantile city: commercial nodes; trading companies and merchants. Manufacturing City Origin in the British Midlands ‘black towns’ unregulated jumbles of activity slums, poor sanitation, inadequate water, child labor Modern city: transportation, legislation, planning Postmodern city: The annihilation of space? Role of technology

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