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Unit 2 Lesson 5 Tell Me, Tree Let’s Explore

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1 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Tell Me, Tree Let’s Explore
2nd Grade Created by Mrs. Perez-Vasquez

2 Vocabulary and Definitions
Content Standard: Reading: Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.0 Learning Objective: Today, you will read the selection vocabulary and definitions.

3 Story written by Gail Gibbons
Tell Me Tree Story written by Gail Gibbons

4 Selection Vocabulary Solid limbs sprouts extremely release trunks stems minerals oxygen substance growth

5 Vocabulary Definitions
Carefully read the word and the definition. The definition provides an explanation of the word.

6 Definitions The definition helps you understand the meaning of a word.
To find the definition of a word, a person may use a dictionary or a glossary.

7 Solid Definition: Strong The trunk of a tree is solid .

8 Limbs Plural of limb: a branch of a tree.
Definition: Plural of limb: a branch of a tree. The trunks and limbs are the stems of a tree.

9 Sprouts Definition: Begins to grow. A seed sprouts when a small root begins to grow.

10 Extremely Definition: Very. Extremely cold climates are not good for growing trees.

11 Release Release. The leaves release the oxygen into the air.
Definition: Release. The leaves release the oxygen into the air.

12 Trunks Definition: Plural of trunk: the main part of a tree where the branches grow out. The hard, woody stem of a tree is called a tree trunk.

13 Stems Plural of stem: the main part of a plant.
Definition: Plural of stem: the main part of a plant. The trunks, limbs, and branches are the stems of a tree.

14 Minerals Definition: Plural of mineral: something found underground and used as food for plants growing in soil. The root absorbs water and minerals.

15 Oxygen Definition: A gas that has no color or smell but is needed for things to live. Leaves make food and a gas called oxygen.

16 Substance Material of a certain kind.
Definition: Material of a certain kind. Inside the leaves is a substance called chlorophyll.

17 Seedling A young plant that is grown from a seed.
Definition: A young plant that is grown from a seed. A baby tree is called a seeding.

18 Concept Vocabulary The concept word for this lesson is Growth

19 Growth Definition: Growth is “the process of becoming larger.”

20 Growth To grow and become larger, living things need special care. Trees need sun, food, water and minerals.

21 Think What other environmental factors can affect the germination, growth, and development of trees?

22 Selection Vocabulary Solid limbs sprouts extremely release trunks stems minerals oxygen substance growth

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