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Online Electronics Laboratory Core Technology –Consumer Electronics, Computers, and Communications Future Projects –Alarm, remote control, robot –Equalizer,

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Presentation on theme: "Online Electronics Laboratory Core Technology –Consumer Electronics, Computers, and Communications Future Projects –Alarm, remote control, robot –Equalizer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Electronics Laboratory Core Technology –Consumer Electronics, Computers, and Communications Future Projects –Alarm, remote control, robot –Equalizer, mixer, transceiver –Noise reduction headphone –Power hi-fi

2 Electronics Laboratory Courses: –EE352 - Introduction to Electronics Laboratory –EE312 - Basic Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory Webpage: – Instructor: –Prof. Pao-Lo Liu, 215A Bonner Hall –645-3115 ext. 1207 –paololiu @

3 Electronics Laboratory I Location: –Furnas Hall 415-417 Hands On Support –Mr. Roger Krupski –Teaching Assistants –Senior Assistants

4 Learning Goals Instrumentation –Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Power Supply, Data Acquisition Device and Model –Diodes, Transistors, ICs Circuit and Design –Analog and Digital, Diagrams and Simulation, Construction and Diagnosis Experiment and Data Analysis –Safety Team Work, Communications, Ethics Writing Report

5 What are Needed Active Team Member NOT Observer –Meet regularly and work together over the web Laboratory Manual Laboratory Notebook –Bound, Page Serialized Components –Prototype Board, Resistors, Capacitors, Wires, Diodes, BJT, FET, Op Amp, ICs Reading and Preparation! –10 hrs of Activities per Week Web Resources – icsResources.html icsResources.html

6 Activities Lecture Preparation Lab Session –Attend the weekly laboratory session. Report –Due in one week; no late report –Will be graded in two weeks. –File re-grading request immediately. Exam and Final Project –No missing exam

7 Grading Guidelines EE352 – Each Student –2 Summary (15 pts each) –2 Full Reports (20 pts each; identify) –In-Lab Final (30 pts) EE 312 – Each Student –2 Summary (20 pts each) –1 Full Report (30 pts; identify) –In-Lab Final (30 pts) Attendance counts Reports to be Written in Turns by Team Members EE352 – Exp. 4 or 6; not both Writing Reports –

8 Experiments Introduction to Electronics Laboratory RC Filter and Bridge Circuit Operational Amplifier PN Junction Diodes and Switching Characteristics* DC Power Supply AC Power Circuit* Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Logic Gates Digital Circuits Bipolar Junction Transistor* * EE352 only Schedule Posted on the Course Webpage

9 Equipment Digital Multimeter Oscilloscope Function Generator Power Supply Computer – –Electronics Workbench, PSPICE –Data Acquisition

10 Digital Multimeter

11 Voltage (M  ) and Resistance (+) Current (  ) Common AC or DC Sensitivity

12 Agilent Digital Multimeter

13 Digital Multimeter Select the Mode –Current Mode: Different plug –Resistance Mode: Red lead positive Select the Sensitivity Scale AC Measurements –Limited to few kHz –RMS: peak /  2 for sinusoidal wave –Alternative: oscilloscope imeter/

14 Digital Multimeter Voltage –In parallel with a resistor in the circuit Current –In series with a current path in the circuit Resistance –Two terminals of a resistor out of circuit

15 Experiment at Home  10 V !!

16 Oscilloscope

17 Basic instruments emulator, digital oscilloscope basics Virtual Scope

18 Scope Online - DSO3062A

19 Oscilloscope Waveform, Frequency Transient, Time

20 Oscilloscope Auto Mode Dual Trace (Voltage vs. Time) –Waveform display and timing comparison Time Base Adjustment –5-10 cycles of sine wave –Clearly measurable rise or fall time Sensitivity, Position DC or AC coupling –AC coupling: high pass filter; droop Trigger Source –A, B, line, external; low or high pass filter to get stable display Averaging Measurements Using Cursors:  V,  t, rise time Data Acquisition –Save BMP, export data –LabView or Intuilink Manual posted on course website

21 Labview n Operate, Run n Print LabView screen shot n Data file

22 Intuilink Scope screen shot Digitization and data file –two columns – time, voltage –three columns – time, trace 1 voltage and trace 2 voltage Digitization Screen Shot

23 Spreadsheet Data Processing –Subtraction, addition, averaging Data Plotting –Insert Chart –Chart Type: XY (Scatter) with line –Data Range –Series: Multiple traces –Scale –Axis X: Time Y: Voltage Data Analysis –Fourier analysis

24 Experiment at Home - Power Supply Safety: Do not short the power supply!

25 Power Supply Dual Adjustable Voltage Common Reference - Ground Node Current Limiting Earth Ground 5-V Source

26 Experiment at Home – Sound Card Function Generator

27 Function Generator Input waveforms to characterize circuit response

28 Virtual Function Generator

29 Function Generator Waveforms –Sine, square, triangular, sawtooth Frequency Amplitude –Peak-to-peak or RMS –DC Offset –Output impedance Reading off by a factor of 2 Other functions –Modulation –Sweeping gen/WaveFormGen/WaveFormGen.html Full manual posted on course website

30 Prototype Circuit Board Power Bus Ground Bus Bridge the Gap Internal Contacts

31 Prototype Circuit Board

32 Post Assembly –Align notches –Make sure the post is not shorted to the metal Wire to the Post –Only insert the exposed metal wire –Do not let the insulator extend into the post Prototype Board Assembly

33 Tools –PSPICE –Electronics Workbench, Multisim Virtual Instrument –LTSpice Getting Started –Short instruction in manual –Demo on course website – Practice, Practice, and Practice! Simulation

34 Procedures of Simulation Compose the Circuit. –GUI Schematic Capture –Text Circuit Description File Correct Errors. Run Simulation. Review Results. –Bias Voltage, Waveform, Frequency Response Optimize the Circuit.

35 Resistor Identification Fixed Resistors - Color coded –Carbon film, metal wire white –black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white –0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 –Two significant digits; one multiplier –Example: brown black brown; 100  –More color ring: Tolerance Gold 5% Silver 10% –Color code calculator: Adjustable Resistors - Potentiometer

36 n Fixed Resistors and Resistor Array n Potentiometer or Pot

37 Current I = V / R Power P = I  V = I 2  R –Resistor rated at 0.25 W can burn while operating above its power handling limit. Power Dissipation

38 Capacitors - Labeled or number coded –Number Coded: 104; 10 x 10 4 = 10 5 pF –Labeled: 22; 22 pF 10  F –Electrolytic capacitors are labeled and polar. –Accuracy code K; 10% Capacitor Identification

39 Electrolytic, ceramic, mica, tantalum, polystyrene film

40 n Electrolytic capacitor in wrong polarity has a leakage current. - Wrong bias, circuit fails to function n When biased above its rated voltage, an electrolytic capacitor could explode. - Shock Safety: For electrolytic capacitors, do not reverse bias or over voltage. It may explode!

41 Component Identification Transistors -2N3904 –Pin configuration: EBC Op Amp - 741 –Pin configuration: –2-in, 3+in, 4-V, 7+V, 6 out, 1,5 offset –Notch - pin 1 ICs – Data Sheet

42 Putting it All Together Prototype Circuit Board –Power supply and ground bus –Semiconductor devices –R, C –Short wires Ground Reference Power Line Filter –Switching transient

43 Recommendations Read the laboratory manual. Run Multisim or PSPICE. Put the circuit together before the laboratory. Plan what to do in the laboratory. Don’t make up or copy reports.

44 Introduction Oscilloscope – –Trigger; small signal –AC or DC coupling –Timing comparison –Data acquisition Power supply – current limiting Function generator Voltage divider E-Bench/Multisim or PSPICE

45 Oscilloscope Synchronization of small signal –Trigger: channel, filtered –External, strong, synchronized signal Small AC signal on DC –AC coupling Low Frequency –DC coupling Ground Loop Noise –Single primary ground, reference node Measurements –Amplitude, frequency (period) Timing Comparison –Dual trace –Cable length at high frequency


47 USB Oscilloscope Analog to digital converter –1 M samples/sec USB interface Software –Front panel –FFT –Screen catch –Data file Limitations –Trigger not perfect –Limited bandwidth

48 USB Oscilloscope Adjustments –Channel –Trigger –Time –Sensitivity –Single trace acquisition –Cursors for measurements File –Save BMP –Export data

49 Oscilloscope Auto


51 Bench Power Supply Voltage Source –Constant voltage –Adjustable Protection –Current limit; <100 mA Select source A Set to 1V; minimum current Attach a 10-  resistor Turn current limit knob until 100 mA –No longer constant voltage Multiple Voltages –Common or ground reference Set voltage Set current limit Select dial A or B

52 Cellular Phone Power Supply Preparation –Unplug, cut cable, identify the positive wire –Do not short wires –Plug in, measure dc voltage; < 10 V –Check ac ripple with USB oscilloscope; use capacitor if needed Limitations –Voltage is not adjustable –Current has no limit, no short circuit protection Add a fuse Verify circuit connections before plugging in the power

53 Agilent Power Supply

54 Function Generator Waveform Selection –Sine (frequency scan) –Square (time or transient response) Amplitude –Peak-to-peak –50  load assumed (reading x2 actual) Frequency Offset –Digital pulses

55 Sound Card Codec Synthesizer –Software programmable Limitations –Frequency range DC or 20 Hz 20 kHz –Amplitude 1-2 V –Transient spikes –Frequency fluctuations –Noise –No offset adjustment

56 Sound Card Function Generator

57 Function Generator Waveform f, V Change dial Decimal Point DC Offset Keypad Enter Unit

58 Voltage Divider Derive mV signal for input Protect USB oscilloscope

59 Do not use “Earth Ground” Pick one reference node as the primary ground node –Power supply common node Connect oscilloscope to common Connect function generator to common Connect the ground of circuit to common Do not form a ground loop Ground Reference

60 Set up function generator Display waveforms on oscilloscope and record data in file DC and AC coupling –Low frequency waveform –Small AC signal on large DC Compare timing using dual traces Voltage divider –Practice triggering with weak signal and external trigger Practice PSPICE or Electronic Workbench / Multisim Activities

61 Can you operate the laboratory equipment? Do you know how to read resistance and capacitance? Have you done PSPICE simulation of the voltage divider circuit? –Why is a 47-  resistor used? Have you grabbed a waveform from the oscilloscope? How about the data file? Have you read the lab manual? Do you have a partner and parts for the next experiment? Review

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