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Student Collaboration Development A Stand Alone Instruction Resource By Kareem Jabbar Downer-Shojgreen.

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1 Student Collaboration Development A Stand Alone Instruction Resource By Kareem Jabbar Downer-Shojgreen

2 Purpose and Audience for Project The purpose of the StAIR project is to allow the student to review or refresh their knowledge about the 6 keys of collaboration. The audiences for this project are educators that will use this resource to enable them to encourage student collaboration. The audience will range from those newly involved in education to veteran educators. Some will be certified educators and others will have professional degrees ranging from B.A’s, B.S’s, M.A’s, and Ph.D.’s. Also, all participants will be technology competent and proficient.

3 Objectives In this project, the learner will review or refresh their knowledge about the 6 keys of collaboration. They will review the 6 keys that make effective collaboration possible when utilized by their students. 1. Effective Communication 2. Accountability 3. Responsibility to Commitment 4. Engagement 5. Drive and determination 6. Focus on Results

4 Objectives Think about these four questions as you complete this resource. You will answer them in your own words at the conclusion of this resource. What does collaboration mean to me in the classroom? How is collaboration important to me in the classroom? When can I collaborate in the classroom? Where in the classroom will collaboration manifests itself?

5 6 Keys to Collaboration The children of Four Peaks Elementary are going to provide us with a look at what collaboration is in their eyes, and what it means to them. What is Collaboration?

6 Think about this question and about how you would answer it. What will happen to student development If I start working collaboratively through face to face communication or through multiple technology mediums available? 6 Keys to Collaboration

7 Effective Communication So, lets look at what communication is?communication Now, what is 2 way communication ?2 way communication For Effective Communication both individuals are listening to what it is offered by others as they offer their own ideas, and respond in a constructive manner. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 1: Effective Communication

8 Any process in which a message containing information is transferred, especially from one person to another, via any of a number of media. Communication may be verbal or nonverbal; it may occur directly, such as in a face-to-face conversation or with the observation of a gesture; or it may occur remotely, spanning space an time such as in writing. Communication contributes to the development of all therapeutic relationships. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of Communication

9 Two-way communication: Information has to be SENT from one person and RECEIVED by another person. Meaning needs to be received and translated to a level of understanding. Roles can be reversed. The sender can become the receiver and the receiver can become the sender at any time in a conversation. Communication can be an be verbal and/or nonverbal. Home 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of 2 Way Communication

10 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 1: Checkpoint Effective Communication is: A: The use of a verbal medium to relate an idea in a constructive manner. C: Individuals mutually sharing ideas through multiple mediums in a constructive manner. B: An individual sharing ideas to a group of attentive listeners. D: The use of a non- verbal medium to convey information in a constructive manner. HELP

11 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Effective Communication is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 1: Effective Communication Checkpoint

12 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 1: Checkpoint

13 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 2: Accountability Accountability This brings us to the question, what is accountability.accountability Accountability is holding others responsible to the work they have committed to.

14 Being accountable is about being responsible and managing relationships. It is about knowing who is liable to whom and for what. Also, it is about being responsible to others, being responsible for oneself, and sharing responsibility with others. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of Accountability

15 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 2: Checkpoint Accountability is: C: Being responsible only for oneself, and not responsible for others. D: Being responsible and managing relationships. A: Being able to assign blame when managing relationships. B: Being partially responsible for some relationship. HELP

16 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Accountability is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 2: Accountability Checkpoint

17 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 2: Checkpoint

18 Responsibility to commitment. Again, what is commitment?commitment Commitment is taking ownership of what you have stepped up to the plate for and following through. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 3: Responsibility to Commitment

19 Commitment is demonstrated by two actions. First is support, it helps develops a commitment in the eyes and minds of others by focusing on what is important. Support means concentrating on what adds value, what works, and acknowledging others with the same frame of mind. Most importantly, support is standing up to those who would undermine commitment. Second is improvement, it means a willingness to look for a better way and learn from the process. It focuses on eliminating complacency and confronting what is not working. Improvement can be the challenging of current expectation and taking the risk to make changes. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of Commitment

20 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 3: Checkpoint Responsibility to Commitment is: C: F ocusing on what is important in the eyes of others. D: It means a willingness to look for a better way and learn from the process. A: Commitment is taking ownership of what you have stepped up to the plate for and following through. B: Commitment is taking partial ownership of what you have stepped up to the plate for and following through. HELP

21 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Responsibility to Commitment is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 3: Responsibility to Commitment Checkpoint

22 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 3: Checkpoint

23 Engagement What does engagement mean?engagement Engagement is actively listening and participating in a group or activities towards a resulting goal. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 4: Engagement

24 Engagement should be measured by two factors interaction and influence. Interaction is simple, by commenting verbally, nonverbally, face to face, or through another medium you will be able to know who is interacting. Influence speaks to the action that is taken due to the communications you deliver. This shows that your content has been seen and it has spurred someone into taking action. Influence can also be measured by how much a message is shared. This shows that people saw your communication and acted on them by sharing. By looking at your levels of interaction and influence you can really measure the effectiveness of your engagement. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of Engagement

25 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 4: Checkpoint Engagement is: C: Actively listening and participating in group or activities towards a resulting goal. D: People sharing your communications and acting on them. A: Commenting verbally, nonverbally, face to face, or through another medium B: The action that is taken due to the communications you deliver. HELP

26 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Engagement is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 4: Engagement Checkpoint

27 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 4: Checkpoint

28 Drive and Determination What is Drive and Determination ?Drive and Determination Drive and determination is staying on track and finishing what was started and contributing positively to the growth of the environment. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 5: Drive and Determination

29 Drive and Determination are powerful allies in helping people to work hard and achieve. It is being fueled by a passion for finishing what was started, it can range from a path of enjoyment to obsession. Drive and determination can be achieved by always striving to be your best, keeping true to yourself, becoming more single minded and focused, developing a strong sense of direction, not taking no for an answer, and speaking your mind. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition of Drive and Determination

30 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 5: Checkpoint Drive and Determination is: C: Jumping from track to track and working on current contributions of the group. D: Staying on track and finishing what was started without contributing to the growth of the environment. A: Contributing positively to the growth of the environment. B: S taying on track and finishing what was started and contributing positively to the growth of the environment. HELP

31 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Drive and Determination is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 5: Drive and Determination Checkpoint

32 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 5: Checkpoint

33 Focus on Results What is it to Focus on Results?Focus on Results Focus on Results means championing real outcomes; getting group outcomes that solve problems. 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 6: Focus on Results

34 Focus on Results means knowing your what and why. First, know your goals. What is it you want to accomplish? Once you know your long range goals, you can break them into bite-sized, achievable actions. If you don’t have a target, you’ll never hit it. Begin with the end in mind and be clear about the results you want. If you do not like the results, perhaps you’re asking the wrong question. Want a better result? Ask a better question. Focus begins with the question, “What do I want?” Second, once you know what, ask why you want it. What is your reason? To be able to contribute more to others? Your “why” will carry you to your goals. Without a strong “why” it is hard to follow through. Lastly, create the action plan that guides you down the path to focus and results. Your focus becomes actions that produce the result you’ve committed to. Be absolutely clear about what you want. Have a big enough reason so your emotions give you the drive to follow through. Create a plan that gives you the greatest amount of possibility to make it happen. 6 Keys to Collaboration Definition Focus on Results

35 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 6: Checkpoint Focus on Results is: C: Championing real outcomes; getting group outcomes that solve problems. D: A plan that gives you some amount of possibility to make it happen. A: Having multiple ideas about what you want. B: Having some emotions that allow you to follow through. HELP

36 No, that is not right. Go back and look over what Focus on Results is. 6 Keys to Collaboration Key 6: Focus on Results Checkpoint

37 6 Keys to CollaborationKey 6: Checkpoint

38 Think about this question and about how you would answer it. How much impact will it have on student development, now that I have predicted that students with adequate collaboration skills will growth and perform better? 6 Keys to Collaboration

39 What are the 6 keys to Collaboration? 1. Effective Communication (in your words) 2. Accountability (in your words) 3. Responsibility to Commitment (in your words) 4. Engagement (in your words) 5. Drive and Determination (in your words) 6. Focus on Results (in your words)

40 Take some time to think about what you’ve just covered, in your own words answer these questions. What is Collaboration to me and what does it look like? What does collaboration mean to me in the classroom? How is collaboration important to me in the classroom? When can I collaborate in the classroom? Where in the classroom will collaboration manifests it self? 6 Keys to Collaboration

41 Student Collaboration Development A Stand Alone Instruction Resource By Kareem Jabbar Downer-Shojgreen

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