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ARES STANDARDIZED TRAINING Meeting our served agencies needs in the Second Century [Iowa Section Statewide ARES Meeting, March 21, 2015]

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Presentation on theme: "ARES STANDARDIZED TRAINING Meeting our served agencies needs in the Second Century [Iowa Section Statewide ARES Meeting, March 21, 2015]"— Presentation transcript:

1 ARES STANDARDIZED TRAINING Meeting our served agencies needs in the Second Century [Iowa Section Statewide ARES Meeting, March 21, 2015]

2 Lee H. Cooper, W5LHC Section Manager, South Texas Section WGD Assistant Director for Emergency Communications Founding member Texas Division of Emergency Management Communications Coordination Group Member, FEMA Region VI Regional Emergency Communication Coordination Working Group Contributor, DHS Office of Emergency Communications, AUXFOG pamphlet (companion to NIFOG ) [** This presentation used with permission.**]

3 Problem Statement: No ARES standard training program across field organization Limited focused, affordable training offerings from HQ Served Agencies looking for increased validation of standard skill sets in volunteers Little reliability in using license class as skill indicator Public Service events provide only limited training Issue with resource typing and “Away Team” capabilities.

4 League Offerings: Introduction to Emergency Communication (EC-001) Cost inhibits participation Course should be broken into multiple courses with focus on complementing any corresponding FEMA course No (that I am aware of) validation of course by FEMA or other served agencies as meeting their needs or expectations. Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs (EC-016) Interestingly, no cost for this more comprehensive course Very heavy in FEMA related requirements PR-101: ARRL Public Relations (EC-015) Free or purchase CD for home study

5 Proposed Solution? South Texas section, working with all sections in WGD, proposed a standardized training program that can be shared with served agencies to show level of skills Along with ICS and NIMS, also aligns with COM-L and COM-T training (increases Agency comfort level that we understand the way they operate) [“speak” the language] Took upcoming AUXCOM classes into consideration Program was adopted by all WGD Sections (STX, NTX, WTX and OK) and is being implemented

6 West Gulf Division plan: Implemented a standardized training program across the West Gulf Division. Allows for a method to classify users (resource type) Provides ability to present to served agencies a standardized training program modeled off something they know (ComL, ComT, AuxCom) Improves level of trust between ARES and Served Agencies

7 West Gulf Division plan: Plan has four levels of skill validation: Basic member (Entry level) Certified (recommended base level) Advanced (leadership preparation) Away Teams (Rapid response /ARESmat) Modeled after combination of ComT and MARS training.

8 West Gulf Division plan: Plan breaks out into separate knowledge areas  Classroom training  Participation level  Leadership  Task Book Sets standard while allowing options for volunteers to set their own pace to achieve

9 Levels: BASIC Assumes certain basic operating skills by virtue of being licensed. Does not necessarily validate competency in those skills. Entry level into ARES organization CERTIFIED Sets base level of validated skills desired by organization for ARES volunteer

10 Levels Con’t: ADVANCED Increased skill set validation. Candidate for leadership positions Candidate for Away team consideration AWAY Team Highest level of training Able to function on 72-96 hour away team missions in devastated areas. Prime candidates for Communications Coordinating Group (CCG) requested deployment IF approved by ARRL Programs and Services Committee, would be a Field Appointment (Black badge)

11 Training Plan: LevelBasicIntermediateAdvancedAway Team Qualified Notes /Comments Classroom ICS-100 – Intro to ICSORRR NIMS requirement for volunteers ICS-200b – ICS for Single ResourceORRR NIMS requirement for volunteers ICS-700a – NIMS IntroORRR NIMS requirement for volunteers ICS-800 – National Response FrameworkORRR NIMS requirement for volunteers ICS-802 – CommunicationsOORR ARRL EC-001OORR ARRL EC-016OOOO Recommended for all ECs and DECs Skywarn Basic (bi-annual renewal)ORRR Skywarn Advanced (bi-annual renewal)OOOO Public Information Officer PR-101OOOO Participation Join an ARES groupR Directed Net Participation (quarterly)ORRR Public Service event (annually)RRRO Simulated Emergency Test (annually)*ORRR Serve as Net ControlOORR Leadership Present Training SessionOORO Hold Leadership PositionOORR May be in related type organization General or Higher LicenseOOOR O = Optional R = Required

12 Training Plan Task Book: LevelBasicIntermediateAdvancedAway Team Qualified Notes /Comments Proficiency/Skill Obtain Amateur License RRRR Obtain General or Higher Class License 00RR Obtain Workbook RRRR Solder PL-259 on coax 0OOO Build simple dipole antenna OORR Operate VHF Winlink station ORRR Operate Winlink station peer to peer OORN/A Operate HF Winlink station OOOR Write and send ICS-213 message ORRR Demonstrate Proficiency in ICS Forms OORR Program tone into HT ORRR Setup Cross Band repeat on mobile ORRR Program frequency & offset into radio ORRR Build Powerpole adapter cable OORR Demonstrate ability to setup and operate a Type I Away Team Go Kit* OOOR Assemble 24 hour Go Kit ORRR Assemble 72/128 hour Go Kit OOOR *Complete VHF Packet to HF Pactor linked system OOOR

13 Summary:  Sets standard level of training at Division level (for WGD)  Proposed as standard for National level  Would provide standards for ARESmat deployments  Provides assurances to Served agencies that we understand and are trained in –  ICS and NIMS  Understanding of COM-L and COM-T roles  Experienced with standard ICS forms used in incidents  Demonstrates our commitment to working with them in their environment

14 Additional opportunities There are several other areas that can be added to supplement our working relationship with Agencies Ensure members have (and have read) copy of both NIFOG and AUXFOG Ask for WebEOC training and become part of their system Look at how we can use Social media to supplement situational awareness of incidents for them Seek local training that allows us to become “Force Multipliers” to our served agencies

15 OK…, so how does this apply to us? The standards proposed in this presentation were developed for the West Gulf Division and the situations they face. The same criteria may not be totally applicable to our needs in the Iowa Section. Still, the need exists to establish “standards” that are recognized by our key served agencies. At the least, our people should have IS-700, IS-100, IS- 200, IS-800, and IS-802. Also recommended is IS-775. All of these are on-line courses and don’t require a large amount of time to complete.

16 More: ARRL courses, especially EC-01 and EC-16, are also recommended. Again, it should be noted that FEMA/Homeland Security does not currently recognize the ARRL courses as part of their training/certification standards. Situation is not likely to change any time soon. Additional training recommendations: AuxCom Course is highly recommended as part of training. “Team Leaders” are encouraged to complete the COML course.

17 Proposal for the Iowa Section: What works for Texas Gulf Division may not be the best fit for us in the Iowa Section. Currently (so far as I know today), ARRL has adopted an ARES “training standard” as such. Therefore, I would like to assemble a “working committee” (composed of some ECs and DECs) to study the situation and report back with some initial recommendations to the Iowa SM within six months, say last of October, or the first of November. We can use the WGD proposal as a reference guide for our own deliberations—but not necessarily their entire document.

18 Next Steps: The committee’s draft report will be forwarded to all Iowa Section ECs & DECs for comments and/or suggestions. A finalized draft to be submitted to our Iowa SM by the first of the year. At the present time, these proposals are recommendations for standardized training. But their importance in our relationship with some of the served agencies cannot be overstated.

19 Questions? Lee H Cooper, PMP, CKM, ITILv3 W5LHC Section Manager, South Texas Section

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