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Family Profile COPY AND FILL IN THE BLANKS Today I am ____ years old. In ____ years I will be 30 years old. This is how I want my life to look… I am ___________.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Profile COPY AND FILL IN THE BLANKS Today I am ____ years old. In ____ years I will be 30 years old. This is how I want my life to look… I am ___________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Profile COPY AND FILL IN THE BLANKS Today I am ____ years old. In ____ years I will be 30 years old. This is how I want my life to look… I am ___________ (married, single, in a relationship) I have _______ (#) children. They are___ years old. I want to live in ____________(city), _______ (state) because_________________________________.

2 Housing Profile Apartment for Rent ____ bedrooms/ _____ bathrooms Ad or description Monthly payment $________ / mo. Insurance $20/ mo. Utilities (15% of monthly payment ) $_______/ mo. Total $___________/ mo. House for Rent ____ bedrooms/ _____ bathrooms Ad or description Monthly payment $________ / mo. Insurance $20/ mo. Utilities (15% of monthly payment ) $_______/ mo. Total $___________/ mo. Condo to Own ____ bedrooms/ _____ bathrooms Ad or description Monthly payment (plus property tax) $________ / mo. Insurance $50/ mo. Utilities (15% of monthly payment ) $_______/ mo. Total $___________/ mo. House to Own ____ bedrooms/ _____ bathrooms Ad or description Monthly payment (plus property tax) $________ / mo. Insurance $50/ mo. Utilities (15% of monthly payment ) $_______/ mo. Total $___________/ mo.

3 Choose which one is best for you Which one will you choose? ______________________________ What are the benefits of your choice? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4 Transportation How do you want to get around town? What make model and year did you choose?

5 Types of cars Economy car Midsize car Large car

6 Monthly Car payment (7% interest on a 48 month loan) Amount of LoanMonthly paymentAmount of LoanMonthly Payment $5,000$119.73$16,000$383.14 $6,000$143.68$17,000$407.09 $7,000$167.62$18,000$431.03 $8,000$191.57$19,000$454.98 $9,000$215.52$20,000$478.92 $10,000$239.46$25,000$597.00 $11,000$263.41$30,000$716.00 $12,000$287.35$35,000$835.00 $13,000$311.30$40,000$954.00 $14,000$335.25$45,000$1073.00 $15,000$359.19$50,000$1,192.00

7 Car insurance $ 100/ mo

8 Gasoline You will drive about 500 miles per month Gas costs about $3.00/ gallon Economy Cars- 30 miles per gallon Midsize Cars- 20 miles per gallon Large Cars- 10 miles per gallon 500/ _____mpg = _____ gal _____gal x $3.00 = ________ Gasoline Cost

9 Maintenance You will drive about 500 miles per month Economy Cars- 12¢ per mile Midsize Cars- 15¢ per mile Large Cars- 19¢ per mile 500 x ______maintenance cost = _______ total maintenance cost per month

10 Clothing Your clothing budget will vary according to your talents, taste, and time. Where do you like to shop? Are you a “blue jeans” person or someone who prefers designer clothing? (Enter you answers to these questions on #3 of your Budget Profile.) Are you willing to shop for bargains to produce a designer wardrobe or do you always pay full price? Refer to the clothing chart to determine the monthly clothing expense for your family and then enter it on #3 of your Budget Profile. Total Cost of Clothing $________/month

11 Entertainment Eating Out (Restaurants/Fast Food) Assume an average price per outing for a small family at $40.00 then multiply by the number of times per month you will eat out. $40.00 X ___/month = $_______ (Cost of eating out per mo.) Recreational/Entertainment Activities These include parties, movies, concerts, sporting events, books, DVDs, CDs, hobbies/sports, and electronics such as IPods, cell phones, internet, cable TV, etc. Use the attached list to calculate a monthly cost for each of these categories. Total Cost of Recreational/Entertainment $________ (Add both together and Enter these amounts on #6 of your Budget Profile)

12 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Parties: How many parties will you have in one year? Multiply that number by $100 Divide that number by 12months to get a monthly budget Example: I will have a Halloween party, 2 birthday parties, and an Earth Day party 4 parties total x $100 = $400 / 12 months = $33.33

13 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Concerts/ Movies/ Sporting Events How many times will you go to the movies in a year? How many times will you see a concert? How many times will you attend a sporting event? Add all costs and divide by 12 to get your monthly cost. Movies ____ x $10=______ Concerts ____x $50= _____ Sporting Events x $50= _____ Total ______ / 12 mo. = ____ mo. cost

14 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Books/ DVDs/ CDs How many books, CDs, or DVDs will you buy in a month? Books ___x $10=____ DVDS ___ x $15=____ CDs ____ x $15=____ Total ______ per month

15 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Hobbies/ Sports How many people in your family will participate in hobbies or sports? Multiple that number by $100 to get a monthly cost. Number participating___ x $100= ______

16 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Electronics Will you have internet, cable or a cell phone? Add all of your expenses. Internet $30 Cable $40 Cell Phone $40 Total $______

17 Recreational/Entertainment Activities Now total all your Recreational/ Entertainments costs Parties + Concerts/movies/events + Books/CDs/DVDs + Hobbies/Sports + Electronics= TOTAL REC/ENTERTAINMENT COST per month

18 Vacations Vacations can be short trips (2 to 4 days) such as weekend getaways or longer trips (7 to 10 days) such as cruises or travel to other countries. Decide how many short and long trips you want to take per year, multiply that by the cost of each and divide by 12 months to get a monthly cost for vacations.\ _____ # short trips X $500 divided by 12 months = _______ _____ # long trips X $3,000 divided by 12 months= _______ Total Cost of Vacations per Month = _______ (Enter this amount on #7 of your Budget Profile)

19 Food This category is for food prepared at home. Using the “Cost of Food At Home” chart, select which monthly plan is right for you and your family. The Thrifty Plan is based on low-cost foods such as beans and rice and may take longer to prepare. The Low-Cost and Moderate Plans offer a greater variety; while the Liberal Plan lets you buy whatever you want, regardless of the cost. Total Cost of Groceries$________/month (Enter this amount on #4 of your Budget Profile.)

20 Grocery Shopping Imagine you need to make two days of meals for your family. What will be on your menu? Don’t forget meals, snacks, and beverages. Once you have planned out your meals and snacks. Write a grocery store list of all of the ingredients that you will need.

21 Sample Menu Day One BreakfastLunchDinnerSnacks Veggie OmeletPeanut butter and Jelly Sandwich SalmonGranola Bar Toast with butter and jellyApplesCouscousYogurt Orange JuiceCarrot Sticks and ranchZucchini with butter and parmesan cheese Watermelon Yogurt covered pretzelsMilk Water Grocery List: Onions Mushrooms Egg Beaters Jelly Butter Bread Orange Juice Peanut Butter Apples Carrot Sticks Yogurt Covered Pretzels Salmon Couscous Zucchini Parmesan Milk Granola Bars Watermelon *You can assume that you already have Condiments (butter, syrup, spices, ketchup, dressings, mustard, mayo) in your cupboards

22 Time to go shopping Look through grocery ads to find the costs of your items. Add up all the item prices for both days then multiply that price by 15 to estimate a months worth of groceries. Corn (12) $2 Avocado (3) $3

23 What else do we have to pay for????? There are additional monthly expenses that you may not have considered… Lets look at them now!

24 CHILD CARE If both parents are working while there are young children in the family, (a reasonable assumption in today’s economy) you will need to consider your child-care options. First, look back to see how many children you are planning to have, and their ages to record below. Would you have: (Circle One) No need for child care *A relative to care for them: ____________(who) Full time child care in a center/pre-school/certified home-based program Enter at [8] on Your Budget Profile AgeArrangeme nt Cost per Month Example1 yearFull Time in Center $679 Child #1$______ Child #2$______ Child #3$______ Child #4$______ Total------- $______

25 Average National Child Care Costs 2010 Babies and Toddlers Ages 0-3 Pre-School Age 3-4 School Age Full Time Day Care Facility $679$535$200 Home Care Center $525$474$125 Full Time Nanny $3000 (for 1, 2, or 3 kids)

26 Health Insurance An unforeseen accident or illness can play havoc with the most carefully planned budget, so health insurance is a must. Many employers will pay for a portion of your health insurance, but you will usually have to pay a portion of the cost. See the table below for average out-of-pocket costs. Average Yearly Out-of-Pocket Cost 1 Person - $1522 2 People - $3010 3 People - $2496 4 People - $2472 5 or More People - $2340 Annual Health Care cost $_________divided by 12 = $____________ [9] Monthly Health Care Cost

27 Furnishings You will need to purchase replacement equipment and items for your home, such as linens (sheets), appliances (coffee pot, microwave), and decorative items (holiday decorations, etc). We will assume you have already purchased computers, home entertainment items, and furniture. Annual Budget $_________divided by 12 = $ _____________ [10] Monthly Furnishing Cost Enter at [10] on Your Budget Profile

28 Savings Although you may not think so now, you will need some savings in your future. There are predictable things to save for (a house, new furnishings, children’s college, retirement) as well as things you’d rather not think about (losing your job, a major illness). It’s not fun to spend money on a new roof or a water heater, but sometimes it has to be done. It’s a lot easier if you’ve planed for it. As a rule of thumb, every family should save at least six months’ income in case of an emergency. List what you will save for each month: _______________________________________________________________ MONTHLY SAVINGS TOTAL= $ ___________ Enter at [11] on Your Budget Profile

29 Miscellaneous Here are some possible additional expenses. Add what you feel you need to. For each item estimate a monthly cost. Holiday Gifts and birthdays = $ _____________ Will you have pets? Pets = $_____________ Contributions $_____________ Private School? $_____________ Other items: $_____________ $_____________ MONTHLY MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL = $ ________________ Enter at [12] on Your Budget Profile

30 Now it is time to add up your monthly costs: 1.Housing$_____ 2.Transportation$_____ 3.Clothing$_____ 4.Food$_____ 5.Sundries$_____ 6.Entertainment$_____ 7.Vacations$_____ 8.Child care$_____ 9.Health care$_____ 10.Furnishings$_____ 11.Savings$_____ 12.Miscellaneous$_____ TOTAL $________

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