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Subject Selection for NSS Studies (for Parents of S.3 Students) Mr. Vincent WS LO MH 5 June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Selection for NSS Studies (for Parents of S.3 Students) Mr. Vincent WS LO MH 5 June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Selection for NSS Studies (for Parents of S.3 Students) Mr. Vincent WS LO MH 5 June 2012

2 Changes Chinese Literature added M1 added as one of the elective subjects. Combined Science canceled Students might take two elective subjects in S.4

3 Class4A (33) 4B (33) 4C (33) 4D (33) 4E (33) Elective 1Chi History EconomicsGeographyChemistry Elective 2Geography (30*)or Business, Accounts & Finance Studies (30*)or Economics (30*)or Chinese Literature(30*) BiologyPhysics Elective 3 (student can choose one elective here) 1.History (30*) 2.Information and Communication Technology (25*) 3. Biology (30*) 4. Visual Arts (25*) 5. Economics (30*) 6. Geography (30*) 7. Mathematics Module 1 (25*) * upper limit (tentative)

4 Procedure of Class Selection Class Selection: –4 groups –Students will choose the class according to the form ranks. –Students will know how many seats remained in each S4 classes instantly for their information.

5 Selection of the 6 th Subject in 4A, 4B, 4C It will be done immediately after class selection. Student needs to hand in the Second Elective Selection Form to his/her first choice counter. E.g. If s/he chooses Economics as the first choice of the 2nd elective, s/he should submit the form to Economics counter. The results will be released within one and a half hour on the same day.

6 Procedure of the Selection of the 7 th Subject (the 3 rd Elective) It will be done immediately after selection of class (for 4D & 4E) and second elective (for 4A, 4B & 4C). Student needs to hand in the Third Elective Selection Form to his/her first choice counter. E.g. If s/he chooses Biology as the first choice of the 3rd electives, s/he should submit the form to Biology counter. The results will be released on the following day.

7 The Criteria for Selection of the 6th & 7th Subject (the 2nd & 3rd Elective) ElectiveExams (*) / Special Aptitude Test (#) / Daily Marks (@) BiologyIntegrated Science (*) Visual ArtsVisual Arts (@) HistoryLiberal Studies (80%), China Studies(20%) (*) ICTICT (@) BAFSMaths(40%), English (60%) (*) Economics / Geography Liberal Studies (80%), China Studies(20%) (*) Mathematics Module 1Mathematics (*) Chinese LiteratureChinese Language (*)

8 Others For those who take 3 electives, they might apply for studying M1/M2 according to current system. –Students apply for studying M1 or M2 after the first term of S.4. –The modules are conducted after school and on some Saturday mornings. –Applicants need to attend a course in Term 1 of S.4 and a test at the end of the course. –Applicants are short-listed on the basis of Math results in S.3, 1st Term of S.4 and the test at the end of the course.

9 NSS Class & Subject Selection Date: –14 July 2012 (Saturday) Time: –5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. –8:15 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. (For S.4A, B and C only) Place: –Primary School Hall

10 SBA: Level Up Mission Instruction AttemptFeedback Improvement

11 Past-Paper Portfolios List of topical core questions Reflection: –What topic(s) is/are assessed? –What key concepts/skills are assessed? –What have I learnt from the questions? –What are the “tips” (tactics) for doing the questions? –Are there related questions in the past-papers? Revision: –1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 1 year

12 NSS Tutors Graduates from the school

13 NSS Study Room Library Student Common Room Canteen (in the near future)

14 External Benchmarking IELTS LCCI

15 Students with Special Education Needs Conduct formal assessment in S.4

16 JUPAS Application

17 Program Selection Career Mapping –Guidance for further studies –Online aptitude tests

18 Others Additional Information (300 words) School Reference Report –Subject percentile (rank) in school (Academic Performance in School) –Personal and General Abilities Principal’s Recommendations –Best Sportsman, Best Musician, Best Artist, Outstanding Service, Best Neighbour, Best Learning, Student of the Year, Fruits of the Spirit Awards

19 Student Learning Portfolios SLP Self-account (1000 words)

20 NSS Committee Kenson WONG (HOC) Ada WONG (Career Guidance) Henry KAM (OLE, OEA) Pauline CHENG (monitoring SBA) Jack PANG (School Reference Reports)

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