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1 Role of the Case Manager Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Role of the Case Manager Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Role of the Case Manager Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District 2009

2 2 Case Manager: Role of Special Educator and General Educator Advocate Communicate Monitor Intervene Assist Collect, Interpret and Defend Data

3 3 Case Manager: Becoming Familiar With The Student Special Education Teacher Meet the student, within the first 3 wks of school. Verify the schedule (pg. 4) and the ARD. Review ARD minutes from previous year for parent concerns and district commitments. Know student’s disability(ies). General Education Teacher Verify that the student is in the correct class. Receive a copy of the IEP, FBA, BIP, and modifications.

4 4 Case Manager: Becoming Familiar With The Student Special Education Teacher Know the student’s instructional and related services including IEP, FBA, BIP and modifications. Make contact with the parents within the first 3 wks. of school. Build a relationship with parent and student. General Education Teacher Ask questions/seek additional information regarding your concerns, disability areas, parent concerns, and district commitments.

5 5 Case Manager: Communicating Relevant Information Special Education Teacher Ensure IEP’s, FBA’s, BIP’s, and modifications have been distributed. Communicate parental concerns or requests to appropriate staff. Explain academic and behavioral/social strengths and areas of need. Alert administrators and nurses to changes in medications and medical conditions. General Education Teacher Ask for clarification on IEP’s, FBA’s, BIP’s, and accommodations/ modifications if needed. Communicate with the special education teacher regarding how the student is functioning. Communicate any changes noted in student performance or participation level.

6 6 Case Manager: Communicating Relevant Information with the ICS Paraprofessional Ultimately the general education and special education teachers are responsible for implementing the student’s program/IEP. Para will receive training and follow-up support re: data collection methods, BIP implementation, and information on the area of disability. Para will notify the case manager of student concerns. Para will follow local, state, and federal guidelines re: student confidentiality. Para will communicate with general and special education teachers; not the family.

7 7 Case Manager: Monitoring Progress Special Education Teacher Receive progress report with grades and conduct. Review progress report. For grades below 75, intervene with the student, parent, and teacher. General Education Teacher Enter grades on progress report. Alert the parent and Case Manager of failing grades. Work with the student, parent, and Case Manager when grades fall below 75.

8 8 Case Manager: Instructional Assistance Special Education Teacher Ensure that the IEP and BIP are being implemented (collect data). Ensure that the modifications/ accommodations are being implemented and documented. Be familiar with the general education curriculum. Provide support, assistance, and encouragement to the teacher and student. General Education Teacher Document implementation of the IEP and BIP. Document implementation of the modifications. Ask for assistance in the implementation and documentation of the IEP, BIP, and modifications. Communicate with the parent. Provide re-teaching, reminders, and encouragement to the student.

9 9 Case Manager: Preparing for Annual ARD’s Special Education Teacher Gather VCAMSS data from ALL teachers and related service personnel working with the student. Use VCAMSS data to develop Present levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance from all teachers. (PLAAFP) Use PLAAFP to identify strengths and concerns and develop IEP General Education Teacher Complete “Student Information for Annual ARD’s for the Case Manager” (secondary). Alert the Case Manager of student’s areas of strengths and concerns. Document levels of performance. Review documentation and be able to articulate the use of modifications.

10 10 Case Manager: Preparing for Annual ARD’s Special Education Teacher At the ARD have: Updated IEP’s; PLAFFP; Draft IEP’s; Placement Considerations State Testing and Accommodations Recommendations General Education Teacher At the ARD have: Academic grades and conduct; Documentation to support or discontinue use of selected modifications; Areas of strengths and concerns both academic and behavioral/social

11 11 Case Manager: Preparing for Annual ARD’s Special Education Teacher Grades Attendance information; Discipline information; Assessment Information (State and District assessment) Recommendations for programming and services based on data. General Education Teacher Information related to how the student participated and benefited from the general education setting and curriculum; Information to support State Assessment decisions; Recommendations for programming and services based on data.

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