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Developing an Effective Anti-Bullying Policy Valerie R. Cherry, Ph.D., Principal Mental Health Consultant, Humanitas Julie A. Luht, MPH, Health Analyst,

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Presentation on theme: "Developing an Effective Anti-Bullying Policy Valerie R. Cherry, Ph.D., Principal Mental Health Consultant, Humanitas Julie A. Luht, MPH, Health Analyst,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing an Effective Anti-Bullying Policy Valerie R. Cherry, Ph.D., Principal Mental Health Consultant, Humanitas Julie A. Luht, MPH, Health Analyst, Humanitas

2 2 The Plan  Overview bullying-prevention information  Preview the SafetyNet virtual toolkit  Discuss how your center can develop an effective anti-bullying policy

3 3 Take a minute to think…  Of a time when you were bullied, teased, or harassed. This could have been 30 years ago or last week.  What did bystanders do to help or hurt the situation?  How did an authority figure (e.g., teacher, principle, supervisor) react?

4 4 Quiz Question How often do teachers or other adults intervene in situations that involve bullying? a. 4% of the time b. 10% of the time c. 25% of the time d. 47% of the time Ref: eBasedPrevention:

5 5 The SafetyNet

6 6 Bullying Prevention Toolkit  Core components  Six-module staff training  Resources  Brochure/Fact sheet  Sample policy  CSS integration  Scenarios  Newsletter article  PowerPoint presentations  Hazing Information Notice

7 7 Core Components  Planning  Training  Promotional Activities  Environmental Safeguards  Center-wide Prevention Activities

8 8 Six-Module Training  Bullying Overview  Planning a Bullying- Prevention Program  Recognizing Bullying  Helping the Target  Working with the Bully  What Would You Do?

9 9 Brochures and Fact Sheets

10 10 Bully Police USA-

11 11 And the laws for Mississippi…

12 12 Anti-Bullying Policy

13 13 Why An Anti-Bullying Policy?  Persistent bullying can severely inhibit a person’s ability to learn effectively, lead to mental health issues, and even violence  A center culture where bullying is allowed or ignored will lead to poor retention of students and more serious acts of disturbance  Job Corps file review

14 14 Goals of An Anti-Bullying Policy  A policy that promotes a training and educational environment for all students, employees, and volunteers free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying  A policy that supports a total learning experience on center which includes personal growth, employability, healthy interpersonal relationships, wellness, and freedom from discrimination and abuse  A policy that gives a clear and consistent message that harassment, intimidation or bullying are forms of dangerous and disrespectful behavior that will be identified and not allowed at Job Corps centers or the work environment

15 15 True or False  An effective policy includes a clearly stated “Zero Tolerance” for bullying behavior?  A policy is more effective, if it provides interventions for bullies and targets of bullies?

16 16 Elements of An Effective Anti-Bullying Policy  Preparation  Writing the Policy  Communication  Keys to Success

17 17 Preparation  Identify an anti bullying policy writing team  Conduct center self-assessment and data review  Identify applicable state law(s) related to bullying

18 18 Writing the Policy  Describe the center’s position on bullying  Define bullying  Address applicable state law(s)  Describe how the policy will be introduced and disseminated to center students and staff  Outline responsibilities and rights of students and staff  Describe sanctions for bullying behavior  Describe rewards for inclusive behavior

19 19 Writing the Policy  Identify procedures for reporting  Describe how the center will respond to and investigate reports of bullying  Identify the job title of the center official responsible for ensuring the policy is implemented  Identify the job title of the center official who will complete significant incident reports for bullying

20 20 Writing the Policy Con’t  Identify how the center will protect targets of bullying  Identify how the center will increase positive behavior of bullies  Include a statement that expresses your center’s on-going commitment to prevent bullying and to support a positive center climate

21 21 Communication  Add anti-bullying policy to the center’s student handbook and web site  Include in “Introduction to Center Life” presentation for students during CPP  Include in orientations for new staff  Include in staff development trainings  Integrate with Career Success Standards  Send copy of this policy to the regional office

22 22 Keys to Success  Students and Staff are Key to a Successful Anti-Bullying Policy  Students and staff are more likely to support an anti-bullying campaign when they have been directly involved in determining the need for such a program, developing the policy and deciding on its implementation  Confidentiality must be maintained in order for the program to be viewed by the students as credible  Firm limits on unacceptable behavior by the center administration  Consistent application of sanctions for unacceptable behavior or violation of rules by the center administration  Staff are involved and act as authorities and positive role models

23 23 Resources Checklist Sample Policy Fact Sheet Brochure Bullying-Prevention Resource List

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