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Skin Week Introduction and General Overview Dr. Mariamma Joseph Course Chair, Professor Dept. of Pathology LHSC, University Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Skin Week Introduction and General Overview Dr. Mariamma Joseph Course Chair, Professor Dept. of Pathology LHSC, University Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skin Week Introduction and General Overview Dr. Mariamma Joseph Course Chair, Professor Dept. of Pathology LHSC, University Campus

2 Skin Week Very important week – Skin diseases are very common – No formal clerkship rotation with dermatologists – Ample opportunity to further develop your visual and technical skills during clerkship with family doctors and specialists

3 Skin week: Strengths Student centered and partly student driven week Faculty, very experienced, interdisciplinary team Community outreach program VC Teaching from both campuses

4 Skin Week- Goal Introduce students to dermatology and plastic surgery specialties Develop a basic foundation, knowledge and skill (first year) – Prepare you for further skill development during clerkship – Eventually bring you to the level of a Primary care physician (forth year)

5 Skin week Dermatology Highly visual specialty, lots of images – Physical signs are elicited visually – By end of the week develop confidence in describing these physical signs and formulate a diagnosis on select common skin diseases

6 Dermatology Opportunity for life long independent self directed learning

7 Dermatology Challenges Verbose (wordy) specialty Lots of images Be patient “ See the images as beautiful, so that the subject will become alive” Dr. Bernard Ackerman NYU Medical Centre

8 Skin Diseases: Major Themes Rashes Medical skin diseases Bumps (growths) Surgical skin diseases

9 Rashes DermatitisPsoriasis

10 Bumps (Growths) Basal cell carcinoma Dermatofibroma

11 Skin Week - Major Objectives 1. Learn to describe lesions in an organized way using proper terminology – end of course test 2. Recognize common rashes and bumps and understand the pathophysiology and basic treatment –final exam 3. Build in a community outreach program: Sun Awareness Program

12 Skin Diseases (Med 1) Outpatient Primary care physician Lyons Guenther Inpatient specialists Temple, Fortin/Gan Tan (W) Wei Jing Loo Toth (W) Dermatologists Colby Plastic surgeons Internist Mitchell Pediatrician Joseph Pathologist

13 Skin Diseases (Med 1) Lyons Guenther,Tan,Loo Toth Dermatologists Temple, Fortin/Gan Plastic surgeons Mitchell Pediatrician Colby Campbell Dermatology in family practice Rashes Bumps (growths) Burns, wounds, ulcers Pediatric dermatology Small group session Infections Pharmacist Joseph Pathologist Structure of skin Skin Pathology Integrated clinico- pathologic approach Wrap up Loo, Joseph

14 Skin Week Assessment PCCIA: Psoriasis (10%) Sun awareness program (15%) May 16 End of the course Derm Image Quiz ( 35% ) Final examination (40%) – Multiple choice Q – Extended Match Q

15 PCCIA –Psoriasis Case Revised extensively last year with student feed back Your task is to explore how Psoriasis can affect a patient’s life. Testimonial of a patient – helps you understand the impact of this disease on patients – allows you to explore the multiple issues that a physician needs to be aware of when dealing with a patient with Psoriasis. – consider the psychosocial and economic implications for this disease. Few key articles, few pictures

16 Sun Awareness Program Monday May 16, 2011 Community outreach program Well planned and organized – Students, Guenther, Joseph Students in groups visit 40 schools and give a presentation Objectives: communicator, educator, health advocate Group assignment – Due Wednesday May 18 Schedules for presentation and group assignment available on April 1 st, 2011

17 End of Course Exam (35% ) Skin Image quiz, 12 cases (Short answer format) + 5 multiple choice questions A) List the morphological features of skin disease that you observe B) What is your diagnosis? C) What other features you look for Short answer format

18 How to Describe a Skin Lesion SCALDA Size Color Arrangement (configuration) Lesion morphology Distribution Always check hair, nail, mucosa, intertriginous areas

19 Dermatology Mini Atlas Web CT (required reading) Created to practice your skills in describing lesions in an organized way Important for end of course image test

20 Atlas for Dermatology Colour atlas and synopsis for clinical dermatology Thomas Fitzpatrick (forth edition) McGraw-Hill publisher 2001 (Learning Resource Centre)

21 Wrap Up(Joseph, Loo) CPC format Final examination review, types of questions (MCQ, EMQ) Provide suggestions on where to focus High light key concepts

22 Websites for Dermatology (terminology) – Over 8000 images, up to date, excellent quality images with short history – John Hopkin’s University of Medicine – Bernard A. Cohen and Christoph.U. Lehman (editors) (American Academy of Dermatology) Education - Med students – curriculum for sun and skin presentation

23 Thank you

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