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THE FUTURE OF FUKUSHIMA CHAPTER 23 NUCLEAR POWER Can nuclear energy overcome its bad rep?

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Presentation on theme: "THE FUTURE OF FUKUSHIMA CHAPTER 23 NUCLEAR POWER Can nuclear energy overcome its bad rep?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FUTURE OF FUKUSHIMA CHAPTER 23 NUCLEAR POWER Can nuclear energy overcome its bad rep?

2 March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster World’s most expensive natural disaster $300,000,000,000

3 What happened at Fukushima? Nuclear power plant survived a huge Pacific earthquake. This wave of water knocked out the nuclear power plant generators and water cooling system. Earthquake created a monster tsunami (wave). This resulted in a full meltdown of several of its six reactors Accident received the highest rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale (7).

4 Nuclear Energy There are currently 432 nuclear power plants around the world. Nuclear is clean (very few toxic gas emissions) 80% of electricity in France is nuclear.

5 Atoms 101

6 Nuclear Energy Energy released when an atom is either split (fission) or combines with another atom (fusion).

7 Nuclear Fission Reaction that occurs when a neutron breaks the nucleus of an atom apart releasing smaller particles. 1 lb. of uranium ore produces the same amount of energy as 100,000 lbs. of coal

8 The Fission Reaction A chain reaction releases about 10 million more times of heat than burning fossil fuels.

9 Isotopes Atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

10 Uranium Isotopes

11 Radioactive Decay Pathway for Uranium - 238

12 Radioactive Half-Life

13 The Penetrative Ability of Different Radioactive Particles

14 Mining for Uranium

15 Uranium Fuel Rod Assembly

16 Fuel Rods Cylinders filled with uranium pellets that provide the fuel for fission reactors.

17 Control Rods Rods that absorb neutrons to control the nuclear chain reaction.

18 A nuclear power plant is really very Similar to a coal-burning plant. 1. Fission of UR results in energy released as heat 2. Heat converts water into steam 3. Steam drives a turbine 4. Turbine powers the generator 5. Generator creates electricity for the grid

19 How a Nuclear Power Plant Generates Electricity: Pressure Water Reactor

20 How a Nuclear Power Plant Generates Electricity: Boiling Water Reactor

21 Nuclear power plants use phenomenal amounts of water to cool the fuel rods and create steam. The ‘smoke’ seen here is really steam released from the cooling tower.

22 Major Nuclear Disasters 1. 1979. Three Mile Island. PN, USA 2. 1986. Chernobyl, USSR 3. 2011. Fukushima, Japan

23 Materials with low levels of radiation Can be safely buried USA produces 100,000 tons/year Low-Level Radioactive Waste

24 High-Level Radioactive Waste From spent fuel rods and nuclear weapons USA produces 2000 tons/year No long-term storage plan

25 Pros & Cons of Nuclear Power

26 Although many people are scared of nuclear power, it has a good safety record!

27 Despite the enormous financial and emotional costs of the Fukushima-Daiichi disaster, very few deaths were the direct result of the accident.

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