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Microsoft Academic Program.NET Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko Student Technology Conference 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Academic Program.NET Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko Student Technology Conference 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Academic Program.NET Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko Student Technology Conference 2005

2 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 2/23.NET Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko SSP – Microsoft Academic Program Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

3 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 3/23 Moores Law Anzahl der Transistoren verdoppelt sich alle 18 Monate Intel Corp.

4 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 4/23 Agenda Microsoft.NET Framework Common Language Runtime Base Classes Web ServicesUser Interface Data and XML ADO.NETXML... Operating System Hardware

5 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 5/23 Ziele WAS ? WO ? WIE ?

6 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 6/23 Definitionen Performanz: Performanz (aus engl. Performance) bezeichnet in der Informatik die Effizienz von Programmen und Hardware bezüglich des Ressourcenverbrauchs und der Qualität der Ausgabe. [Wikipedia] Optimierung: Optimizing is the process of changing a program or the environment in which it runs to improve its performance. 1.Problem identifizieren. 2.Problem evaluieren. 3.Optimierungstechnik anwenden.

7 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 7/23 Hardware Speicher Branch Predictions Nebenläufigkeit Itanium2 McKinley

8 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 8/23 2. Profiling Profiling: Präzise Messung (von Zeit/ Clock Ticks) von Hardware und/Software um Aussagen über das Laufzeitverhalten von Applikation treffen zu können. 1.Hardwarezähler 2.Windows API and Tools 3..NET Profiling und Tools 4.Demos

9 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 9/23 Hardware Counters I Hardware Counters + Sehr hohe zeitliche Auflösung CPU Profiling Hardware –Ereignisdetektoren (event detectors) –Ereigniszähler (event counters) Performanzereignisse : –Speicher –Pipeline Stalls –Brach Prediction –Ressource Utilization

10 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 10/23 Hardware Counters II RDTSC – Read Time Stamp Counter RDPMC – Read Performance Monitor Counter >2 x CPU SpeedStep Beispiel: RDTSC(Read Time Step Counter) __int64 getTick(){ __int64 tmp; void *_ptr = &tmp; _asm{ rdtsc; mov ebx, _ptr; mov dword ptr[ebx], eax; mov dword ptr[ebx+4], edx; } return tmp; }

11 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 11/23 Windows Performance API Access performance counters through Windows API WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter( LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount ); BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency( LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount ); DWORD_PTR SetThreadAffinityMask( HANDLE hThread, DWORD_PTR dwThreadAffinityMask );

12 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 12/23.NET Profiling Perfmon WMI MS.NET 1.1 [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(out long _count); MS.NET 2.0 using System.Diagnostics; … Stopwatch _sw = new Stopwatch(); _sw.Start(); do something _sw.Stop(); _sw.ElapsedTime; // TimeSpan _sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; //long _ws.ElapsedTicks; //long

13 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 13/23.NET Profiling Services set Cor_Enable_Profiling = 0x1 set Cor_Profiler={FA0C6E77-AFF4-…992C} COM – Schnittstellen: ICorProfilerCallback ICorProfilerInfo CLR _myProfiler Cor_Enable_Profiling = TRUE CoCreateInstance ICorProfilerCallback::Initialize Demo AP

14 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 14/23.NET 1.1. vs.NET 2.0 SciMark (SOR), Monte-Carlo Quadrat, Sparse Matrix Multiplikation, LU Matrix Dekomposition 1.0 1.1 0 100 200 300 MFLOP HW: 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 (Northwood), 1x CPU, HT disabled Intel 875P Chipset, 1 GB RAM 400 2.0

15 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 15/23.NET 1.1. vs.NET 2.0 Linpack 1000x1000 1.0 1.1 0 100 200 300 MFLOP HW: 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 (Northwood), 1x CPU, HT disabled Intel 875P Chipset, 1 GB RAM 400 2.0 Mono 1.1.3.NET 1.1 Debug

16 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 16/23 C# vs. C HW: 2.4GHz Pentium 4, 1 GB RAM

17 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 17/23 Rotor Microsoft Shared Source CLI - Rotor ECMA-334 (C#) ECMA-335 (Common Language Infrastructure) Microsoft Windows® XP FreeBSD SSCLI:

18 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 18/23 Zusammenfassung Performance Engineering 1. Messen: Sind Performanzanforderungen erfüllt? JA 2. NEIN: Finde langsamen Code Eigener Code? – Optimieren. Framework Methode? – Weglassen, Alternative suchen. Nicht ersetzbarer Aufruf? – Optimieren, Alternative suchen.

19 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 19/23 © 2003-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

20 Microsoft Academic Program Student Technology Conference 2005 19/05/05 MS.NET – Performanzanalyse und Optimierung Matej Ciesko 20/23 Mehr Informationen RDTSC:

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