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Democratic Political System

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1 Democratic Political System
How Things Get Done in a Pluralistic Democratic State

2 Speaking the Language of Democracy
All states have some form of Government- Institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces binding decisions on citizens Some states have Democracy- A system of government in which people rule. The United States has a Republic- A (democratic) system of government in which people elect policy makers (representatives) who make policy to represent the will of the people Our system is a contest Policy- Government response to a problem or issue Politics- The struggle to control policy making

3 The Democratic Political System is a set of institutions and activities that link together people and their government

4 People Interests, Concerns, Problems
Linkage Institutions Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups Policy Making Institutions Congress, Executive, Courts, Bureaucracy Policies Laws, Regulations, Spending, Taxes, Programs, Nondecision People Interests, Concerns, Problems

5 People Interests, Concerns, Problems
Concerns: gas prices, crime, college tuition, Social Security… Interests: boating, cycling, art… Problems: paying bills, noisy neighbors, trash pick up,

6 Linkage Institutions People Interests, Concerns, Problems
Political Parties: nominate candidates for office, represent political ideologies Elections: Allow us to vote for candidates who promise to represent our views Interest Groups: organizations that represent a group’s interest by influencing policy makers. Ex. NRA, AEA, Oil Industry Linkage Institutions Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups

7 Policy-Making Institutions
People Interests, Concerns, Problems Policy-Making Institutions Legislature: makes laws addressing issues and concerns, Ex- minimum wage laws Executive: (President, Governor) enforces those laws Courts: settle disputes over the law, interprets the law Bureaucracy: government agencies responsible for running the government Linkage Institutions Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups Policy Making Institutions Congress, Executive, Courts, Bureaucracy

8 Policies People Interests, Concerns, Problems
Laws: increasing mileage requirements for cars, Regulations: food labels, emissions standards Spending: increasing Social Security benefits Taxes or Tax Cuts: reducing federal gasoline tax Programs: Free or reduced lunch Not Doing Anything What? Linkage Institutions Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups Policy Making Institutions Congress, Executive, Courts, Bureaucracy Policies Laws, Regulations, Spending, Taxes, Programs, Nondecision

9 People People Interests, Concerns, Problems
New concerns, interests, and problems… Ex.- increasing Social Security taxes makes it difficult for young workers to save for college Pluralism- governing by satisfying diverse and competing interest The process occurs at federal, state, and local levels of government between thousands of competing interests Linkage Institutions Political Parties, Elections, Interest Groups Policy Making Institutions Congress, Executive, Courts, Bureaucracy Policies Laws, Regulations, Spending, Taxes, Programs, Nondecision People New Interests, Concerns, Problems

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