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CBA 3 Study Session Be ready to win some prizes!.

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1 CBA 3 Study Session Be ready to win some prizes!

2 Proclamation Line of 1763 O King George III said colonists could not move WEST of the Appalachian mountains O Control O Protection of settlers, peace with natives O grievance

3 Marbury vs. Madison O Court case O Established judicial review O Chief Justice Marshall

4 Alexander Hamilton O Secretary of Treasury O Federalist O The Federalist Papers O Hamilton’s Financial Plan

5 Protective Tariffs O Taxes on imported goods O Encourages & protects American manufacturing

6 How amendments to the Constitution are made O 2/3 of Congress must approve of the bill or proposed law

7 Neutrality O Not picking sides O George Washington O Farewell Address

8 Farewell Address O George Washington O Stay neutral O Stay away from political parties

9 George Washington O First president of the United States O Hamilton’s Financial Plan O Whiskey Rebellion O Commander in Chief during American Revolution O Farewell Address

10 Marbury vs. Madison O Court case which established judicial review O Marbury suing the Secretary of State James Madison because his appointment by John Adams was not being honored

11 Judicial Review O Judicial Branch has the power to declare a law unconstitutional O Marbury vs. Madison O Used as a means of checks and balances

12 Monarchy O The king or queen of a country O Sovereign

13 Aristocracy O Noble O Wealthy class

14 Direct Democracy O Form of government in which people rule directly

15 Representative Democracy O Form of government in which people rule through elected representatives

16 Andrew Jackson O 7 th president of the United States O Indian Removal Act O Trail of Tears O Nullification Crisis O Battle of New Orleans O “Old Hickory”

17 Nullification Crisis O Southern states refused to pay tariffs because they argued states had the right to nullify, or ignore any law they did not agree with. O South Carolina, supported by John C. Calhoun threatened to secede, or leave the U.S.

18 Tariff O A tax on goods (usually imported) O Nullification Crisis O Andrew Jackson O Alexander Hamilton (Financial Plan) O Taxes charged by king of England to pay for the French and Indian War

19 Virginia Plan O Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 O Plan for large states O 3 branches O Congress bicameral O Congress based on population for representation O Proposed by James Madison

20 New Jersey Plan O Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 O proposed by William Paterson O Plan for small states O Only strengthen Articles of Confederation, not get rid of them O States KEEP most of the power O one-house congress based on EQUAL representation

21 The Monroe Doctrine O President Monroe said the Americas (both North and South America) were no longer open and available for European colonization O If any European country tried to interfere with any part of North or South America, it would mean war with the United States

22 The Great Compromise O Proposed by Roger Sherman O Philadelphia Convention of 1787 O A bicameral congress O Senate based on EQUAL representation O House of Representatives based on population O Government had power to make money O Power is shared between state and central (federal government) O The best of both the Virginia and New Jersey Plan

23 Alien & Sedition Acts O People, specifically immigrants could not speak, write, print, or promote ideas that criticized the government for its actions. O John Adams O Targeted French immigrants who might speak out against neutrality

24 Marquis de Lafayette O General during the American Revolution who came from France to help train troops O Joined after the battle of Saratoga O Made the colonial militia into a group of highly trained soldiers during the winter at Valley Forge

25 Valley Forge O Harsh winter of 1777 in which Washington and his troop stayed at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania O Many soldiers died or deserted O Lowered morale O Troops were trained to become a professional army

26 Democratic-Republicans O Formerly known as Anti- Federalist O Thomas Jefferson O Poor class, farmers O Wanted a weak central government O State’s rights

27 French and Indian War O France and British fight for control of the Ohio River Valley (control of the Mississippi River) O France has Native American allies O Colonies want to gain this territory for expansion past the Appalachian mountains O Costly war O Colonists had to start paying taxes to the King of England after this war in order to pay for the war

28 Separation of Powers O Idea inspired by Charles De Montesquieu O Each branch is separate and equally powerful O Makes sure no branch over powers the other

29 Federalism O When the federal government and the state share power

30 Republicanism O A type of government in which people are allowed to vote for representatives

31 Popular Sovereignty O The people rule O 9 th Amendment- “power to the people”

32 Federalist and Anti-Federalist concerns over ratification O Federalists argued that we needed a strong central government. O Anti-Federalists feared that the Constitution would make the government too strong and that individual liberties were not being protected. They refused to ratify (approve the constitution until a Bill of Rights was added

33 Mayflower Compact 1620 O Written by the pilgrims aboard the ship the Mayflower O It was a set of rules that all men in colony agreed to follow O This was the earliest forms of a democratic government

34 Embargo Act of 1807 O Thomas Jefferson O The U.S. could not trade with ANY European country O Unsuccessful due to smuggling and law was unpopular O Affected the American economy

35 Haym Solomon O Jewish merchant who financed the American Revolution out of his own pocket (at first) O He was also responsible for finding sponsors (people to donate money for the war effort) O He was also in charge of paying the French soldiers who were helping the colonies during the American Revolution

36 Andrew Jackson’s policy towards Native Americans O Indian Removal Act- allowed Jackson to take away Native American land O Trail of Tears- when Native Americans walked for miles in the snow to the new lands the government allowed them to live in O Worcester Vs. Georgia- the Cherokee tribe tried to sue the state of Georgia in order to keep their land. Although they eventually won the court case, they were ignored because they were Native Americans.

37 Common Sense O Written by Thomas Paine O Promoted and explained why war with England was the only way for the colonies to be rid of tyranny (a unfair king or ruler)

38 Battle of Yorktown O Last battle of the American Revolution O George Washington (American leader) O Lord Cornwallis (British leader) O French navy surrounded British and cut off their supplies O 1777

39 Patrick Henry O “Give me liberty, or give me death!” O Anti-Federalist O Promoted support for the American Revolution

40 Bill of Rights O First 10 amendments to the constitution O Protect individual liberties O The Anti-Federalists requested the Bill of Rights be added to the U.S. Constitution (otherwise, they would not ratify or approve the Constitution)

41 Plymouth O 1620 O Puritans/ Pilgrims travel from England to the New World O Religious Freedom O Land was not good for farming O Fishing, shipbuilding O Very strict about religion

42 First 5 presidents in order O Washington O Adams O Jefferson O Madison O Monroe

43 Battle of Saratoga O Turning point in the American Revolution O French became allies (friends) with the American colonies after this battle

44 Tobacco’s role in the Virginia Colony O Responsible for the survival of the Jamestown colony 1607 O John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia O Introduction of slavery O Plantations (large farms) in the south grew tobacco O Cash crop (was sold for $)

45 Mercantilism O Economic system in which England controlled all trade in the colonies O They were told who to trade with, what to trade or make, and how much to charge O England makes most of the profit ($)

46 War of 1812 O James Madison- 4 th President of the U.S. President during the War of 1812 O “Mr. Madison’s War”- War of 1812 O Impressment- kidnapping American sailors by force. French and British. O War Hawks- Republicans from the South and the North who wanted war against the British. John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay. O Andrew Jackson- war hero of the Battle of New Orleans. Becomes president later. O Tecumseh- became allies with the British. The U.S. declares war with the British after this. O Burning of Washington, D.C. –Dolly Madison saves the painting of George Washington and other important documents O Battle of Ft. McHenry-Star spangled Banner is written by Francis Scott Key O Battle of New Orleans-happens after the Treaty of Ghent is signed. Andrew Jackson becomes a war hero O Treaty of Ghent-peace treaty between the U.S. and British

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