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CHE-300 Review nomenclature syntheses reactions mechanisms.

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1 CHE-300 Review nomenclature syntheses reactions mechanisms

2 Alkanes Alkyl halides Alcohols Ethers Alkenes conjugated dienes Alkynes Alicyclics Epoxides

3 Alkanes Nomenclature Syntheses 1. reduction of alkene (addition of hydrogen) 2. reduction of an alkyl halide a) hydrolysis of a Grignard reagent b) with an active metal and acid 3. Corey-House Synthesis Reactions 1. halogenation 2. combustion (oxidation) 3. pyrolysis (cracking)

4 Alkanes, nomenclature CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH CH3CHCH2CH2CH3 (n-hexane) (isohexane) n-hexane 2-methylpentane CH CH3 CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 CH3CCH2CH3 (no common name) CH3 3-methylpentane (neohexane) 2,2-dimethylbutane CH3CHCHCH3 (no common name) 2,3-dimethylbutane

5 Alkanes, syntheses 1. Addition of hydrogen (reduction). | | | | — C = C — H Ni, Pt, or Pd  — C — C — | | H H Requires catalyst. CH3CH=CHCH H2, Ni  CH3CH2CH2CH3 2-butene n-butane

6 Reduction of an alkyl halide
a) hydrolysis of a Grignard reagent (two steps) i) R—X Mg  RMgX (Grignard reagent) ii) RMgX H2O  RH Mg(OH)X SB SA WA WB CH3CH2CH2-Br Mg  CH3CH2CH2-MgBr n-propyl bromide n-propyl magnesium bromide CH3CH2CH2-MgBr H2O  CH3CH2CH Mg(OH)Br propane

7 with an active metal and an acid R—X + metal/acid  RH
active metals = Sn, Zn, Fe, etc. acid = HCl, etc. (H+) CH3CH2CHCH Sn/HCl  CH3CH2CH2CH SnCl2 Cl sec-butyl chloride n-butane CH CH3 CH3CCH Zn/H+  CH3CHCH ZnBr2 Br tert-butyl bromide isobutane

8 3. Corey-House Synthesis CH3 CH3 CH3
CH3CH-Br Li  CH3CH-Li CuI  (CH3CH)2-CuLi isopropyl bromide CH CH3 (CH3CH)2-CuLi CH3CH2CH2-Br  CH3CH-CH2CH2CH3 2-methylpentane (isohexane) mechanism = SN2 Note: the R´X should be a 1o or methyl halide for the best yields of the final product.

9 Alkanes, reactions 1. Halogenation R-H X2, heat or hv  R-X HX a) heat or light required for reaction. b) X2: Cl2 > Br2  I2 c) yields mixtures  d) H: 3o > 2o > 1o > CH4 e) bromine is more selective f) free radical substitution

10 CH3CH2CH2CH3 + Br2, hv  CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br 2% + CH3CH2CHCH3 98% Br
n-butane n-butyl bromide + CH3CH2CHCH % Br sec-butyl bromide CH CH3 CH3CHCH Br2, hv  CH3CHCH2-Br <1% isobutane isobutyl bromide CH3 CH3CCH % tert-butyl bromide

11 Alkyl halides nomenclature syntheses 1. from alcohols a) HX b) PX3 2. halogenation of certain alkanes 3. addition of hydrogen halides to alkenes 4. addition of halogens to alkenes 5. halide exchange for iodide reactions 1. nucleophilic substitution 2. dehydrohalogenation 3. formation of Grignard reagent 4. reduction

12 Alkyl halides, nomenclature
CH CH3 CH3CHCH2CHCH3 CH3CCH3 Br I 2-bromo-4-methylpentane tert-butyl iodide 2-iodo-2-methylpropane 2o o CH3 Cl-CHCH2CH3 sec-butyl chloride 2-chlorobutane 2o

13 Alkyl halides, syntheses
1. From alcohols With HX R-OH HX  R-X H2O i) HX = HCl, HBr, HI ii) may be acid catalyzed (H+) iii) ROH: 3o > 2o > CH3 > 1o (3o/2o – SN1; CH3/1o – SN2) iv) rearrangements are possible except with most 1o ROH

14 CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH + NaBr, H2SO4, heat  CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br
n-butyl alcohol (HBr) n-butyl bromide 1-butanol bromobutane CH CH3 CH3CCH HCl  CH3CCH3 OH Cl tert-butyl alcohol tert-butyl chloride 2-methyl-2-propanol 2-chloro-2-methylpropane CH3-OH HI, H+,heat  CH3-I methyl alcohol methyl iodide methanol iodomethane

15 CH3CHCH2-OH + PBr3  CH3CHCH2-Br
…from alcohols: b) PX3 i) PX3 = PCl3, PBr3, P + I2 ii) ROH: CH3 > 1o > 2o iii) no rearragements CH3CH2-OH P, I2  CH3CH2-I ethyl alcohol ethyl iodide ethanol iodoethane CH CH3 CH3CHCH2-OH PBr3  CH3CHCH2-Br isobutyl alcohol isobutyl bromide 2-methyl-1-propanol bromo-2-methylpropane

16 Halogenation of certain hydrocarbons. R-H + X2, Δ or hν  R-X + HX
(requires Δ or hν; Cl2 > Br2 (I2 NR); 3o>2o>1o) yields mixtures!  In syntheses, limited to those hydrocarbons that yield only one monohalogenated product. CH CH3 CH3CCH Cl2, heat  CH3CCH2-Cl CH CH3 neopentane neopentyl chloride 2,2-dimethylpropane chloro-2,2-dimethylpropane

17 Halide exchange for iodide. R-X + NaI, acetone  R-I + NaX 
i) R-X = R-Cl or R-Br ii) NaI is soluble in acetone, NaCl/NaBr are insoluble. CH3CH2CH2-Br NaI, acetone  CH3CH2CH2-I n-propyl bromide n-propyl idodide 1-bromopropane idodopropane iii) SN R-X should be 1o or CH3

18 Reactions of alkyl halides:
Nucleophilic substitution Best with 1o or CH3!!!!!! R-X :Z-  R-Z :X- Dehydrohalogenation R-X KOH(alc)  alkene(s) Preparation of Grignard Reagent R-X Mg  RMgX Reduction R-X Mg  RMgX H2O  R-H R-X Sn, HCl  R-H

19 1. Nucleophilic substitution
R-X :OH  ROH :X- alcohol R-X H2O  ROH HX alcohol R-X :OR´  R-O-R´ :X- ether R-X :CCR´  R-CCR´ :X- alkyne R-X :I  R-I :X- iodide R-X :CN  R-CN :X- nitrile R-X :NH  R-NH HX primary amine R-X :NH2R´  R-NHR´ HX secondary amine R-X :SH  R-SH :X- thiol R-X :SR´  R-SR´ :X- thioether Etc. Best when R-X is CH3 or 1o! SN2

20 2. dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides
| | | | — C — C — KOH(alc.)  — C = C — KX H2O | | H X RX: 3o > 2o > 1o no rearragement  may yield mixtures  Saytzeff orientation element effect isotope effect rate = k [RX] [KOH] Mechanism = E2

21 CH3CHCH3 + KOH(alc)  CH3CH=CH2 Br
isopropyl bromide propylene CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br KOH(alc)  CH3CH2CH=CH2 n-butyl bromide butene CH3CH2CHCH KOH(alc)  CH3CH2CH=CH2 Br butene 19% sec-butyl bromide + CH3CH=CHCH3 2-butene 81%

22 3. preparation of Grignard reagent CH3CH2CH2-Br + Mg  CH3CH2CH2-MgBr
n-propyl bromide n-propyl magnesium bromide reduction CH3CH2CH2-MgBr H2O  CH3CH2CH Mg(OH)Br propane CH3CH2CHCH Sn/HCl  CH3CH2CH2CH SnCl2 Cl sec-butyl chloride n-butane

23 Alcohols nomenclature syntheses 1. oxymercuration-demercuration 2. hydroboration-oxidation 3. 4. hydrolysis of some alkyl halides reactions 1. HX 2. PX3 3. dehydration 4. as acids 5. ester formation 6. oxidation

24 Alcohols, nomenclature
CH CH3 CH3CHCH2CHCH3 CH3CCH3 OH OH 4-methyl-2-pentanol tert-butyl alcohol 2-methyl-2-propanol 2o o CH3 HO-CHCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2-OH sec-butyl alcohol n-propyl alcohol 2-butanol propanol 2o o

25 Alcohols, syntheses 1. oxymercuration-demercuration: Markovnikov orientation. 100% yields.  no rearrangements  CH3CH2CH=CH2 + H2O, Hg(OAc)2; then NaBH4  CH3CH2CHCH3 OH

26 2. hydroboration-oxidation:
Anti-Markovnikov orientation.  100% yields.  no rearrangements  CH3CH2CH=CH2 + (BH3)2; then H2O2, NaOH  CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH

27 Reaction of alcohols 1. with HX: R-OH HX  R-X H2O a) HX: HI > HBr > HCl b) ROH: 3o > 2o > CH3 > 1o SN1/SN2 c) May be acid catalyzed d) Rearrangements are possible except with most 1o alcohols.

28 CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH + NaBr, H2SO4, heat  CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br
n-butyl alcohol (HBr) n-butyl bromide 1-butanol bromobutane CH CH3 CH3CCH HCl  CH3CCH3 OH Cl tert-butyl alcohol tert-butyl chloride 2-methyl-2-propanol 2-chloro-2-methylpropane CH3-OH HI, H+,heat  CH3-I methyl alcohol methyl iodide methanol iodomethane

29  With PX3 ROH + PX3  RX PX3 = PCl3, PBr3, P + I2 No rearrangements
ROH: CH3 > 1o > 2o CH CH3 CH3CCH2-OH PBr3  CH3CCH2-Br neopentyl alcohol ,2-dimethyl-1-bromopropane

30 Dehydration of alcohols
| | | | — C — C — acid, heat  — C = C — H2O | | H OH ROH: 3o > 2o > 1o acid is a catalyst rearrangements are possible  mixtures are possible  Saytzeff mechanism is E1

31 CH3CH2-OH + 95% H2SO4, 170oC  CH2=CH2
CH3CCH % H2SO4, 85-90oC  CH3C=CH2 OH CH3CH2CHCH % H2SO4, 100oC  CH3CH=CHCH3 + CH3CH2CH=CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH H+, 140oC  CH3CH2CH=CH2 rearrangement!  CH3CH=CHCH3

32 As acids. With active metals: ROH Na  RONa ½ H2  CH3CH2-OH K  CH3CH2-O-K H2 With bases: CH4 < NH3 < ROH < H2O < HF ROH NaOH  NR! CH3CH2OH CH3MgBr  CH Mg(Oet)Br

33 Ester formation. CH3CH2-OH + CH3CO2H, H+  CH3CO2CH2CH3 + H2O
CH3CH2-OH CH3COCl  CH3CO2CH2CH HCl CH3-OH CH3SO2Cl  CH3SO3CH HCl Esters are alkyl “salts” of acids.

34 Oxidation Oxidizing agents: KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, CrO3, NaOCl, etc. Primary alcohols: CH3CH2CH2-OH KMnO4, etc.  CH3CH2CO2H carboxylic acid Secondary alcohols: OH O CH3CH2CHCH K2Cr2O7, etc.  CH3CH2CCH3 ketone Teriary alcohols: no reaction.

35 Primary alcohols ONLY can be oxidized to aldehydes:
CH3CH2CH2-OH C5H5NHCrO3Cl  CH3CH2CHO pyridinium chlorochromate aldehyde or CH3CH2CH2-OH K2Cr2O7, special conditions 

36 Ethers nomenclature syntheses 1. Williamson Synthesis 2. alkoxymercuration-demercuration reactions 1. acid cleavage

37 Ethers R-O-R or R-O-R´ Nomenclature:
simple ethers are named: “alkyl alkyl ether” “dialkyl ether” if symmetric CH3 CH3 CH3CH2-O-CH2CH3 CH3CH-O-CHCH3 diethyl ether diisopropyl ether

38 1. Williamson Synthesis of Ethers
R-OH Na  R-O-Na+  R-O-R´ R´-OH HX  R´-X (CH3)2CH-OH Na  (CH3)2CH-O-Na+ +  CH3CH2CH2-O-CH(CH3)2 CH3CH2CH2-OH + HBr  CH3CH2CH2-Br isopropyl n-propyl ether note: the alkyl halide is primary! 

39 CH3CH2CH2-OH + Na  CH3CH2CH2-ONa
+  CH3CH2CH2-O-CH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CH-OH HBr  (CH3)2CH-Br 2o The product of this attempted Williamson Synthesis using a secondary alkyl halide results not in the desired ether but in an alkene! The alkyl halide in a Williamson Synthesis must beCH3 or 1o!

40 2. alkoxymercuration-demercuration: Markovnikov orientation.
100% yields.  no rearrangements  CH3CH=CH2 + CH3CHCH3, Hg(TFA)2; then NaBH4  OH CH3 CH3 CH3CH-O-CHCH3 diisopropyl ether Avoids the elimination with 2o/3o RX in Williamson Synthesis.

41 Reactions, ethers: Acid cleavage. R-O-R´ (conc) HX, heat  R-X R´-X CH3CH2-O-CH2CH HBr, heat  CH3CH2-Br

42 Alkenes nomenclature syntheses 1. dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide 2. dehydration of an alcohol 3. dehalogenation of a vicinal dihalide 4. reduction of an alkyne reactions 1. addition of hydrogen 8. hydroboration-oxidation 2. addition of halogens 9. addition of free radicals 3. addition of hydrogen halides addition of carbenes 4. addition of sulfuric acid epoxidation 5. addition of water hydroxylation 6. halohydrin formation allylic halogenation 7. oxymercuration-demercuration ozonolysis 15. vigorous oxidation

43 Alkenes, nomenclature C3H6 propylene CH3CH=CH2 C4H8 butylenes CH3CH2CH=CH2 α-butylene 1-butene CH3 CH3CH=CHCH CH3C=CH2 β-butylene isobutylene 2-butene 2-methylpropene

44 * * * * (Z)-3-methyl-2-pentene (3-methyl-cis-2-pentene)
(E)-1-bromo-1-chloropropene *

45 1. dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides
| | | | — C — C — KOH(alc.)  — C = C — KX H2O | | H X RX: 3o > 2o > 1o no rearragement  may yield mixtures  Saytzeff orientation element effect isotope effect rate = k [RX] [KOH] Mechanism = E2

46 CH3CHCH3 + KOH(alc)  CH3CH=CH2 Br
isopropyl bromide propylene CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br KOH(alc)  CH3CH2CH=CH2 n-butyl bromide butene CH3CH2CHCH KOH(alc)  CH3CH2CH=CH2 Br butene 19% sec-butyl bromide + CH3CH=CHCH3 2-butene 81%

47 dehydration of alcohols:
| | | | — C — C — acid, heat  — C = C — H2O | | H OH ROH: 3o > 2o > 1o acid is a catalyst rearrangements are possible  mixtures are possible  Saytzeff mechanism is E1

48 CH3CH2-OH + 95% H2SO4, 170oC  CH2=CH2
CH3CCH % H2SO4, 85-90oC  CH3C=CH2 OH CH3CH2CHCH % H2SO4, 100oC  CH3CH=CHCH3 + CH3CH2CH=CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH H+, 140oC  CH3CH2CH=CH2 rearrangement!  CH3CH=CHCH3

49 dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides
| | | | — C — C — Zn  — C = C — ZnX2 | | X X eg. CH3CH2CHCH Zn  CH3CH2CH=CH ZnBr2 Br Br Not generally useful as vicinal dihalides are usually made from alkenes. May be used to “protect” a carbon-carbon double bond.

50 4. reduction of alkyne CH3 H \ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \
\ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \ H CH3 trans-2-butene CH3CCCH3 H H H2, Pd-C C = C syn- Lindlar catalyst / \ CH3 CH3 cis-2-butene

51 Alkenes, reactions 1. Addition of hydrogen (reduction). | | | | — C = C — H Ni, Pt, or Pd  — C — C — | | H H a) Requires catalyst. #1 synthesis of alkanes CH3CH=CHCH H2, Ni  CH3CH2CH2CH3 2-butene n-butane

52 2. Addition of halogens. | | | | — C = C — X  — C — C — | | X X X2 = Br2 or Cl2 test for unsaturation with Br2 CH3CH2CH=CH Br2/CCl4  CH3CH2CHCH2 Br Br 1-butene ,2-dibromobutane

53 Addition of hydrogen halides.
| | | | — C = C — HX  — C — C — | | H X HX = HI, HBr, HCl Markovnikov orientation CH3CH=CH HI  CH3CHCH3 I CH3 CH3 CH2C=CH HBr  CH3CCH3 Br

54 Addition of sulfuric acid.
| | | | — C = C — H2SO  — C — C — | | H OSO3H alkyl hydrogen sulfate Markovnikov orientation. CH3CH=CH H2SO4  CH3CHCH3 O O-S-O OH

55 Addition of water. | | | | — C = C — H2O, H  — C — C — | | H OH a) requires acid Markovnikov orientation low yield  CH3CH2CH=CH H2O, H+  CH3CH2CHCH3 OH

56 Addition of halogens + water (halohydrin formation):
| | | | — C = C — X2, H2O  — C — C — HX | | OH X X2 = Br2, Cl2 Br2 = electrophile CH3CH=CH Br2(aq.)  CH3CHCH HBr OH Br

57 7. oxymercuration-demercuration:
a) Markovnikov orientation. b) 100% yields.  c) no rearrangements  CH3CH2CH=CH2 + H2O, Hg(OAc)2; then NaBH4  CH3CH2CHCH3 OH

58 With alcohol instead of water:
alkoxymercuration-demercuration: | | | | — C =C — + ROH, Hg(TFA)2  — C — C — | | OR HgTFA | | | | — C — C — NaBH4  — C — C — OR HgTFA OR H ether

59 8. hydroboration-oxidation:
#2 synthesis of alcohols. Anti-Markovnikov orientation.  100% yields.  no rearrangements  CH3CH2CH=CH2 + (BH3)2; then H2O2, NaOH  CH3CH2CH2CH2-OH

60 9. Addition of free radicals.
| | | | — C = C — HBr, peroxides  — C — C — | | H X anti-Markovnikov orientation. free radical addition CH3CH=CH HBr, peroxides  CH3CH2CH2-Br

61 10. Addition of carbenes. | | | | — C = C — + CH2CO or CH2N2 , hν  — C — C —  CH2 •CH2• “carbene” adds across the double bond | | — C = C —   •CH2•

62 11. Epoxidation. | | C6H5CO3H | | — C = C — (peroxybenzoic acid)  — C— C — O epoxide Free radical addition of oxygen diradical. | | — C = C —   •O•

63 12. Hydroxylation. (mild oxidation)
| | | | — C = C — KMnO4  — C — C — syn | | OH OH OH — C = C — HCO3H  — C — C — anti peroxyformic acid | | glycol

64 stereoselective and stereospecific
cis-2-butene + KMnO2  meso-2,3-dihydroxybutane mp 34o CH3 H OH trans-2-butene + KMnO4  (S,S) & (R,R)-2,3-dihydroxybutane mp 19o CH3 CH3 H OH HO H HO H H OH CH CH3 stereoselective and stereospecific

65 13. Allylic halogenation. | | | | | | — C = C — C — + X2, heat  — C = C — C — + HX | | H  allyl X CH2=CHCH Br2, 350oC  CH2=CHCH2Br + HBr a) X2 = Cl2 or Br2 b) or N-bromosuccinimide (NBS)

66 14. Ozonolysis. | | | | — C = C — O3; then Zn, H2O  — C = O + O = C — used for identification of alkenes CH3 CH3CH2CH=CCH O3; then Zn, H2O  CH3CH2CH=O O=CCH3

67 15. Vigorous oxidation. =CH KMnO4, heat  CO2 =CHR KMnO4, heat  RCOOH carboxylic acid =CR KMnO4, heat  O=CR ketone

68 CH3CH2CH2CH=CH2 + KMnO4, heat 

69 Dienes nomenclature syntheses same as alkenes reactions special: conjugated dienes 1. more stable 2. preferred products of eliminations 3. give 1,2- & 1,4- addition products

70 (cumulated dienes are not very stable and are rare)
isolated dienes are as you would predict, undergo addition reactions with one or two moles…  conjugated dienes are unusual in that they: are more stable than predicted are the preferred products of eliminations give 1,2- plus 1,4-addition products

71 nomenclature: CH2=CHCH=CH2 CH3CH=CHCH2CH=CHCH3 1,3-butadiene ,5-heptadiene conjugated isolated 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene) conjugated

72 isolated dienes: (as expected) 1,5-hexadiene

73 conjugated dienes yield 1,2- plus 1,4-addition:

74 Alkynes nomenclature syntheses 1. dehydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalides 2. coupling of metal acetylides with alkyl halides reactions 1. reduction 2. addition of halogens 3. addition of hydrogen halides 4. addition of water 5. as acids 6. with Ag+ 7. oxidation

75 Alkynes, nomenclature HCCH ethyne acetylene CH3 CH3CH2CCH HCCCHCH2CH3 1-butyne methyl-1-pentyne ethylacetylene sec-butylacetylene

76 Synthesis, alkynes: dehydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalides H H H | | | — C — C — + KOH  — C = C — KX + H2O | | | X X X H | — C = C — NaNH2  — C  C — + NaX + NH3 X


78 coupling of metal acetylides with 1o/CH3 alkyl halides
R-CC-Na R´X  R-CC-R´ + NaX SN2 R´X must be 1o or CH3X CH3CC-Li CH3CH2-Br  CH3CCCH2CH3

79 1. Addition of hydrogen (reduction)
Alkyne, reactions 1. Addition of hydrogen (reduction) HCCH H2, Pt  CH3CH3 [ HCCH + one mole H2, Pt  CH3CH CH2=CH2 + HCCH ] H \ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \ — C  C — \ / H2, Pd-C C = C syn- Lindlar catalyst / \ H H

80 CH3 H \ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \ H CH3 trans-2-butene CH3CCCH3 H H H2, Pd-C C = C syn- Lindlar catalyst / \ CH3 CH3 cis-2-butene

81 Addition of X2 X X X | | | — C C— X2  — C = C — + X2  — C — C — | | | X X X Br Br Br CH3CCH Br2  CH3C=CH Br2  CH3-C-CH Br Br Br

82 Addition of hydrogen halides:
H H X | | | — C C— HX  — C = C — + HX  — C — C — | | | X H X HX = HI, HBr, HCl Markovnikov orientation Cl CH3CCH HCl  CH3C=CH HCl  CH3CCH3 Cl Cl

83 Addition of water. Hydration.
— C  C — H2O, H+, HgO  — CH2 — C— H OH — C = C — “enol” keto-enol tautomerism Markovnikov orientation.

84 CH3CH2CCH H2O, H2SO4, HgO  1-butyne O CH3CH2CCH3 2-butanone

85 As acids. terminal alkynes only!
with active metals CH3CCH Na  CH3CC-Na+ + ½ H2  with bases CH4 < NH3 < HCCH < ROH < H2O < HF CH3CCH CH3MgBr  CH CH3C CMgBr SA SB WA WB

86 Ag+ terminal alkynes only!
CH3CH2CCH AgNO3  CH3CH2CC-Ag+  CH3CCCH AgNO3  NR (not terminal) formation of a precipitate is a test for terminal alkynes.

87 7. Oxidation CH3CH2CCCH KMnO4  CH3CCH hot KMnO4  CH3CCCH O3; then Zn, H2O  CH3CH2COOH HOOCCH3 CH3COOH CO2 2 CH3COOH

88 Alicyclics nomenclature syntheses like alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, etc. reactions as expected exceptions: cyclopropane/cyclobutane

89 methylcyclopentane 1,1-dimethylcyclobutane

90 cyclopentene 3-methylcyclohexene 1,3-cyclobutadiene
4 2 5 1 6 cyclopentene methylcyclohexene 1,3-cyclobutadiene

91 Cycloalkanes, syntheses A. Modification of a cyclic compound:
H2, Ni Sn, HCl Mg; then H2O

92 Cycloalkanes, reactions:
halogenation 2. combustion 3. cracking 4. exceptions Cl2, heat + HCl

93 exceptions: H2, Ni, 80o CH3CH2CH2-I CH3CH2CH3 Cl2, FeCl3

94 exceptions (cont.) + H2, Ni, 200o  CH3CH2CH2CH3

95 Cycloalkenes, syntheses
KOH(alc) H+, Δ cyclohexene Zn

96 Cycloalkenes, reactions:
addition of H hydroboration-oxid. addition of X addition of free radicals addition of HX 10. addition of carbenes addition of H2SO4 11. epoxidation addition of H2O,H+ 12. hydroxylation addition of X2 + H2O 13. allylic halogenation oxymerc-demerc ozonolysis 15. vigorous oxidation

97 H2, Pt Br2, CCl4 trans-1,2-dibromocyclohexane HBr H2SO4 Markovnikov H2O, H+ Br2 (aq.) dimerization

98 HF H2O,Hg(OAc)2 NaBH4 Markovnikov (BH3)2 H2O2, NaOH anti-Markovnikov
HBr, perox. anti-Markovinikov polymer. CH2CO,hv PBA

99 trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol
KMnO4 cis-1,2-cylohexanediol HCO3H trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol Br2, heat O Zn, H2O O=CHCH2CH2CH2CH2CH=O KMnO4, heat HO2CCH2CH2CH2CH2CO2H

100 Epoxides nomenclature syntheses 1. epoxidation of alkenes reactions 1. addition of acids 2. addition of bases

101 Epoxides, nomenclature
ethylene oxide propylene oxide cyclopentene oxide (oxirane) (methyloxirane) Synthesis: C6H5CO3H cis-2-butene β-butylene oxide

102 acid catalyzed addition
epoxides, reactions: acid catalyzed addition OH CH2CH2 H2O, H+ OH CH3CH2-O-CH2CH2 CH3CH2OH, H+ OH CH2CH2 Br HBr

103 2. Base catalyzed addition

104 Mechanisms: Free radical substitution SN2 SN1 E2 E1 ionic electrophilic addition free radical electrophilic addition Memorize (all steps, curved arrow formalism, RDS) and know which reactions go by these mechanisms!

105 Free Radical Substitution Mechanism
initiating step: X—X  2 X• propagating steps: 2) X• R—H  H—X R• R• X—X  R—X X• 2), 3), 2), 3)… terminating steps: 4) 2 X•  X—X 5) R• + X•  R—X 6) 2 R•  R—R

106 Substitution, nucleophilic, bimolecular (SN2)
CH3 > 1o > 2o > 3o

107 Substitution, nucleophilic, unimolecular (SN1)
3o > 2o > 1o > CH3 1) 2)

108 Mechanism = elimination, bimolecular E2
3o > 2o > 1o

109 Elimination, unimolecular E1
3o > 2o > 1o


111 Free radical electrophilic addition of HBr:
Initiating steps: 1) peroxide  2 radical• 2) radical• + HBr  radical:H + Br• (Br• electrophile) Propagating steps: 3) Br• + CH3CH=CH2  CH3CHCH2-Br (2o free radical) 4) CH3CHCH2-Br HBr  CH3CH2CH2-Br Br• 3), 4), 3), 4)… Terminating steps: Br• + Br•  Br2 Etc.

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