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HGD Battle of the Sexes JEOPARDY GirlsT/FHIV/AIDSBoysSTD’s 200 400 600 800 1000.

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2 HGD Battle of the Sexes JEOPARDY

3 GirlsT/FHIV/AIDSBoysSTD’s 200 400 600 800 1000

4 Girls 200 What does TSS stand for? A: Toxic Shock Syndrome – associated with Tampon use

5 Girls 400 A: through the vaginal canal How does a baby leave the mothers body?

6 Girls 600 A: vulva The external female genital structures are collectively called the ___________.

7 Girls 800 A. During her mid 40’s or 50’s a woman stops having her menstrual cycle. Explain the term menopause.

8 Girls 1000 A: DAYS 1-5: Menstruation, DAYS 6-13: Egg ripens & lining of uterus thickens, DAY 14: Ovulation, DAYS 15-28: Egg travels through fallopian tubes to uterus. Explain the menstrual cycle.

9 True/False 200 A: True During puberty, the reproductive organs begin to function.

10 True/False 400 A: False, it is the pituitary gland. The organ responsible for telling your body to start the changes of puberty is the prostate gland.

11 True/False 600 A: False, they do have two ovaries but they are the size of walnuts. Girls have two ovaries and both are about the size of an orange.

12 True/False 800 A: True! Teenage girls and women can become pregnant anytime during their menstrual cycle?

13 True/False 1000 A: False, sperm and sex hormones are produced in the testicles. The penis is the male organ in which sperm and sex hormones are produced.

14 HIV/AIDS 200 A: Human Immunodeficiency Virus What do the letters HIV stand for?

15 HIV/AIDS 400 A: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome What do the letters AIDS stand for?

16 HIV/AIDS 600 A: HIV attacks the T-cells in your immune system and causes AIDS. Explain HIV. How does it attack your immune system?

17 HIV/AIDS 800 A: Unprotected sex with an infected person, Sharing needles with an infected person, Infected mother to unborn child, and Infected mother’s breast milk What are the four ways you can get HIV?

18 HIV/AIDS 1000 A: Always wearing latex gloves when doing first aid or work where blood may be present… doctors, dentists, nurses etc. Explain the term Universal Precautions.

19 Boys 200 A: Testosterone What is the name of the male sex hormone?

20 Boys 400 A: Prostate gland What is the name of the gland that only boys and men have?

21 Boys 600 A: Scrotum, keeps testicles 6 degrees cooler than body temperature. What controls the temperature of the testicles?

22 Boys 800 A: Spontaneous Erections During Puberty, this can happen to a boy up to 23 times a day.

23 Boys 1000 A: Nocturnal Emissions (wet dreams) During Puberty, this happens to boys while they sleep.

24 STD’s 200 A: Sexually Transmitted Diseases What do the letters STD stand for?

25 STD’s 400 A: Herpes, HPV (Genital Warts), and Pubic Lice because they can be spread through contact with skin surfaces that can’t be covered by a condom. Name three STD’s that a condom cannot always help prevent? WHY?

26 STD’s 600 A: Exposure (window period), asymptomatic phase, symptomatic phase, AIDS diagnosis, DEATH. Explain the HIV infection time line.

27 STD’s 800 A: 1.) redness, swelling, or discharge 2.) burning when urinate 3.) itching in genital area 4.) sores, rashes or bumps Name all 4 common signs & symptoms of most STD’s.

28 STD’s 1000 A: HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis B, and HPV (Genital Warts) Name all 4 STD’s that have no cure.

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