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CprE 288 – Quick intro for compiling C in Linux

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Presentation on theme: "CprE 288 – Quick intro for compiling C in Linux"— Presentation transcript:

1 CprE 288 – Quick intro for compiling C in Linux
Instructor: Dr. Phillip Jones

2 Overview Compile C code in Linux Linux Basics
Logging in to Linux boxes from off-campus

3 Open a file At the command line prompt type:
gedit file_name_to_create & In this case I created a file called hw3_1.c The “&” is important. Without it you lose the prompt

4 Blank File A gedit window should open Notice the name of you file
on the tab

5 Add your C code Don’t forget to SAVE In this case I just
copied from Word Note: if you copy from Word the “ “ may not copy correctly. Just manually retype. See Next slide

6 Add your C code

7 Compile your code and execute it
compile hw3_1.c and call the executable “test”. Output of the program. Note: I have not put any code for my_strcat Run the program that you just compiled called “test”

8 Linux Basics Some on-line tutorials and quick reference cards
How do I know where I am pwd (tells you your current location, use this command often) What is in my current location ls (list all the files and directors at this location) Changing directories cd directory_name cd .. (takes you up one directory level) cd ~ (takes you to your home directory) Making a new directory mkdir new_directory_name

9 NX NX is an application that allows you to access Linux machines from off campus. It is very lightweight and can be typically installed in less than 5 minutes You can download NX 3.5 from the following links For Windows: After you install the NX client, make sure to install any additional fonts that are available for your platform type. If you do not some application will not display properly You can try NX 4 (I have not tried this). You can download from: Note: You will need to adjust the setting to be compatible with NX 3.5. You can login to the following ISU Linux machines using your userID & password Those listed here: The ones that are NX capable will say NX in there list of applications.

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