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1 Linking our Supervisory Initiatives to the Strategic Plan for ACCESS John Burl Artis SUPERVISION for ALIGNMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Linking our Supervisory Initiatives to the Strategic Plan for ACCESS John Burl Artis SUPERVISION for ALIGNMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Linking our Supervisory Initiatives to the Strategic Plan for ACCESS John Burl Artis SUPERVISION for ALIGNMENT

2 2 Processes and Functions Requiring Alignment Program Development = How does this Program support our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies? The Program Delivery System = How does the Delivery of the Program Requirements support our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies? Program Assessment = How will we determine the Results of our Program and whether the Results support our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies? Staff Selection and Assignment = How do we use our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies to select and assign staff? Professional Development = How do we use our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies to decide about and deliver Professional Development for staff? Budget Processes = How do we use our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies to make key budgetary decisions for our Programs ? Organizational Culture= How do we build, nurture, and monitor an Organizational Culture based on our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies

3 3 The Supervisory Alignment Question Are the Values, Motivations, and Activities of the Staff we Supervise in alignment with and supportive of the ACCESS Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategies?

4 4 A Dialogue

5 5 Dialogue Starters Rationale = Focus the Supervision Process on the implementation of the ACCESS Strategic Direction; Align the achievements and growth opportunities of staff with the Strategic Direction; and, Signal to everyone they are responsible for implementing and monitoring the ACCESS Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategies The Desired Response The Supervisor Prompt The Supervisory Teaching Opportunity

6 6 Dialogue Starter # One How does your work relate to the achievement of the Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategies of the ACCESS Strategic Plan? Desired Response ---- Supervisor Prompt---- Teachable moment---- Our Vision has become my job description!!

7 7 Other Dialogue Starters ACCESS Strategic Plan and Job Success ACCESS Strategic Plan and Job Challenges and Opportunities ACCESS Strategic Plan and Quality Service ACCESS Strategic Plan and Future Expectations ACCESS Strategic Plan and Departmental Collaboration ACCESS Strategic Plan and Organizational Collaboration ACCESS Strategic Plan and Personal and Professional Support ACCESS Strategic Plan and Personal and Professional Goals

8 8 Practicing Quality Leadership and Service Leadership GET the RIGHT People on the BUS, the WRONG People off the BUS, and the RIGHT People in the RIGHT SEATS. Jim Collins, Good to Great The Essence of my job!!!

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