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L o g o Community Relations / CSR Dian Anggraeni, M.Si Pengantar Public Relations, 2012.

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1 L o g o Community Relations / CSR Dian Anggraeni, M.Si Pengantar Public Relations, 2012

2 L o g o Community Relations Community relations, as a public relations function, is an institution’s planned, active, and continuing participation within a community to maintain and enhance its environment to the benefit of both institution and the community. (Center and Jackson, 2002)

3 L o g o Understanding the Community Relations 1.Community relations is the function that evaluates public attitudes, identities the mission of an organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. 2.Community relations is usually limited to the local area. Business organizations give attention to their community relations for good reason 3.Organizations can exist and make a profit only as long as the public allows them to exist. 4.Benefits from good community relations do not come automatically. 5.To make the company as a good corporate citizen Dian Anggraeni, M.Si Pengantar PR 2012

4 L o g o The Role of PR Nine areas of an organization’s community relationships: 1.Issuing news of interest to the community and providing top official of the organization with the information on the status of community relations. 2.Representing the organization in all sorts of volunteer activities, including fund drives and getting employees to do likewise. 3.Managing the contribution function – giving donation if a corporation, raising funds if a nonprofit organization 4.Counseling management on contribution of employees as volunteer workers or board members, arranging for use of facilities and equipment by community groups.

5 L o g o 5. Functioning as the organization’s intermediary with local government, civic, educational and ad hoc groups concerned with reform, social problems and celebrations 6. Planning and helping to implement special events such as ground breaking or dedication of new facilities change in location, anniversaries, reunions, convertion, or exhibitions 7. Preparing advertising or position papers aimed at residents or local government as needed or desirable 8. Preparing publications for distributing to resident groups 9. Planning and conducting open houses or tours as needed or desirable

6 L o g o ComRel Can Be The Core of PR Programming? Community Relations can be the the core of public relations programming because it sets the tone of what an organization stand for – non in words (rhetoric) but in actions (behavior)

7 L o g o Three strategic levels need to be planned: 1.Defensive: guarding against negative acts, or act of mission 2.Proactive: being a leader in positive acts that appeal to key publics 3.Maintenance: finding ways to retain relationships with publics not currently key but still able to influence a company’s reputation by forthright expression of their perception of it. Dian Anggraeni, M.Si PR Kontemporer 2011

8 L o g o Types of Community Relations Standard community relations to create awareness and let facilities to be used: I.Standard community relations to create awareness and let facilities to be used: a. Membership network, assigning ‘official’ representatives to all community groups. b. Speakers bureau, placing talks to key groups on topics vital to the organization. C. Make facilities available d. Open houses, visitations, tours e. Programs around holidays f. Service on boards of directors g. Take part in public events and back ‘must-support’ causes causes

9 L o g o II. Placing people throughout its planning and decision-making networks: networks: a. Ambassador or constituency relations programs b. Hold regular opinion leader briefings or ideas exchanges. c. Set up local community relations advisory boards d. Employee volunteer programs e. Community research, jointly with a college perhaps f. Employee volunteer programs g. Social projects that tackle the real community needs a seen by your key publics seen by your key publics h. Make expertise available

10 L o g o Successful Community Relations Successful community relations are planned, organized and systematized. In community programs there should be five considerations: 1.Targeting Which groups in the community must be targetedWhich groups in the community must be targeted In order to motivate the behaviors neededIn order to motivate the behaviors needed What specific activities will achieve this motivation?What specific activities will achieve this motivation? What information must be gathered and assessed before startingWhat information must be gathered and assessed before starting 2.Participation or own 3.Here versus there 4.Official versus employee activities 5.Reaching opinion leaders

11 L o g o Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment to Improve Community well-being through discretionary business practices and contributions of corporate resources. ( Kotler and Lee, 2005) CSR is major efforts under corporate social initiatives, are major activities undertaken a corporation to support social causes and to fulfill commitment to corporate social responsibility.

12 L o g o Undang-Undang CSR  UU No. 40/2007 tentang Perseoran Terbatas Pasal 74: 1. Perseroan yang menjalankan kegiatam usahanya di bidang dan/atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam wajib dan/atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam wajib melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. 2.Tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) merupakan kewajiban Perseroan dimaksud pada ayat (1) merupakan kewajiban Perseroan yang dianggarkan dan diperhitungkan sebagai biaya yang dianggarkan dan diperhitungkan sebagai biaya Perseroan yang pelaksanaannnya dilakukan dengan Perseroan yang pelaksanaannnya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kepatuhan dan kewajaran. memperhatikan kepatuhan dan kewajaran. 3. Perseroan yang tidak melakukan kewajiban sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dikenai sanksi sesuai dengan dimaksud pada ayat (1) dikenai sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan. ketentuan perundang-undangan.

13 L o g o  UU No. 25/2007 tentang Penanaman Modal asing Pasal 15: Setiap penanam modal berkewajiban melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Pasal 16: Setiap penanam modal bertanggung jawab menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup.  UU No. 19/2003 tentang BUMN Pasal 88 ayat (1) “…BUMN dapat menyisihkan sebagian laba bersihnya untuk keperluan pembinaan usaha kecil/koperasi serta pembinaan masyarakat sekitar BUMN.”

14 L o g o What Are The Trends? Increased giving Increased giving Increased reporting Increased reporting Establishment of a corporate social norm to do good Establishment of a corporate social norm to do good A shift from obligation to strategy A shift from obligation to strategy The traditional approach: fulfilling an obligation The traditional approach: fulfilling an obligation The new approach: supporting corporate objective as well

15 L o g o Why Do Good? Corporate Social Initiatives has similar potential benefits. It appears that such participation looks good to potential consumers, investors, financial analysts, business colleagues, in the annual report, in the news and maybe even in the Congress. The bottom line benefits including: –Increased sales and market share –Strengthened brand positioning –Enhanced corporate image and clout –Increased ability to attract, motivate, and retain employees –Decreased operating costs –Increased appeal to investors and financial analysts. 23567

16 L o g o The Major Challenges To Doing Good Choosing social issue Choosing social issue Selecting an initiative to address the issue Selecting an initiative to address the issue Developing and implementing program plans Developing and implementing program plans Evaluation Evaluation

17 L o g o Types of CSI 1.Cause Promotions: Supporting social causes through promotional sponsorships Example: McDonald sponsored the olympic Youth Camp Program held in 200 in Sydney, Australia DELL sponsors efforts to collect used computers for donations to local nonprofits and public agencies

18 L o g o Types of CSI 2.Cause Related Marketing Donating a percentage of revenue to a specific cause based on product sales. Examples: McDonald earmarked $1 for children’s causes from the sale of Big Macs and other items on World Children’s Day, November 20, 2002 DELL offers 10 percent off selected new products when up to three used products are recycled online

19 L o g o Types of CSI 3. Corporate Social Marketing Supporting behavior change campaign Examples: McD promotes timely childhood immunizations DELL offers free and convenient return of used printers for recycling or reuse

20 L o g o Types of CSI 4. Corporate Philanthrophy Making direct contribution to a charity or cause Examples: Ronald McD House offers places to stay for families with seriously ill children Through Dell Direct giving program with employees, employee donations are made to earth share, which supports multiple environmental projects

21 L o g o Types of CSI 5.Community volunteering Providing volunteer services in the community Examples: McD providing meals for professionals and volunteers at September 11 disaster sites DELL employees around the globe participate in Global Community Involvement Week each September including activities such as park cleanup.

22 L o g o Types of CSI 6. Socially Responsible Business Practices Adopting and conducting discretionary business practices and investments that support social causes Examples: Mc D changed to recycled content packaging and reduced packaging materials DELL creates product design program with specific environmental guidelines, policies and goals

23 L o g o

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