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Drug TermsAlcohol TermsTobacco TermsMiscellaneousMyth & Facts $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug TermsAlcohol TermsTobacco TermsMiscellaneousMyth & Facts $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug TermsAlcohol TermsTobacco TermsMiscellaneousMyth & Facts $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000

2 Drug terms $200 Chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of pleasure in response to a variety of activities.

3 Drug Terms Answer $200 Answer: Endorphins Answer:

4 Drug Terms $400 A change in the body’s chemistry so that without the presence of substance (Drug), normal functioning begins to fail.

5 Drug Terms Answer $400 Answer: Physical Addiction Answer

6 Drug Terms $600 The physical symptoms that occur when an addictive drug is cleared from the body.

7 Drug Terms Answer $600 Answer: Withdrawal Answer:

8 Drug Terms $800 Mental dependence on a drug, habit, or behavior.

9 Drug terms Answer $800 Answer: Psychological Addiction Answer:

10 Drug Terms $1000 The unpleasant feelings that occur when endorphins are lacking.

11 Drug Terms $1000 Answer: Dysohoria Answer:

12 Alcohol Terms $200 The active ingredient of alcoholic beverages.

13 Alcohol Terms Answer $200 Answer: Ethanol Answer:

14 Alcohol Terms $400 Consuming five or more drinks within a few hour’s time.

15 Alcohol Terms Answer $400 Answer: Binge Drinking Answer:

16 Alcohol Terms $600 This a test used to check the alcohol level in a person’s breath, which reflects the blood level of alcohol.

17 Alcohol Terms Answer $600 Answer: Breathalyzer Test Answer:

18 Alcohol Terms $800 An enabler who is a member if the family of, or has a close relationship with, a person addicted to a drug.

19 Alcohol Terms Answer $800 Answer: Codependent Answer:

20 Alcohol Terms $1000 A cluster of birth defects, including permanent mental and physical retardation and facial abnormalities seen in children born to mothers who abuse alcohol during pregnancy..

21 Alcohol Terms Answer $1000 Answer: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Answer:

22 Tobacco Terms $200 The addictive drug present in tobacco.

23 Tobacco Answer $200 Answer: Nicotine Answer:

24 Tobacco Terms $400 Chemical present in tobacco.

25 Tobacco Terms Answer $400 Answer: Tars Answer:

26 Tobacco Terms $600 A drug whose abuse is likely to lead to abuse of other, more potent, and dangerous drugs.

27 Tobacco Answer $600 Answer: Gateway drug Answer:

28 Tobacco Terms $800 Burning tars release many of these which are cancer causing agents.

29 Tobacco Answer $800 Answer: Carcinogens Answer:

30 Tobacco Terms $1000 When a smoker inhales this deadly gas is formed which is formed during the burning of tobacco.

31 Tobacco Terms Answer $1000 Answer: Carbon Monoxide Answer:

32 Miscellaneous $200 The taking of a drug for its medically intended purpose, and in the appropriate amount, frequency, strength, and manner.

33 Miscellaneous Answer $200 Answer: Drug Use Answer:

34 Miscellaneous $400 The deliberate taking of drugs for anything other than its medical purpose.

35 Miscellaneous Answer $400 Answer: Drug Abuse Answer:

36 Miscellaneous $600 The taking of drug for its medically intended purpose but not in the appropriate amount, frequency, strength, or manner.

37 Miscellaneous Answer $600 Answer: Drug Misuse Answer:

38 Miscellaneous $800 A term made up, to describe their drug use, by people who claims their drug taking produces no harmful social or health effects.

39 Miscellaneous Answer $800 Answer: Recreational Drug Use Answer:

40 Miscellaneous $1000 DAILY DOUBLE!! The first step in the spiral that leads to physical addiction

41 Miscellaneous Answer $1000 Answer: Curiosity Answer:

42 Myths & Facts $200 This is the only cure for a hangover.

43 Myths & Facts Answer $200 Answer: Time Answer:

44 Myths & Facts $400 This syndrome is a loss of ambition and is a characteristic of long term marijuana abusers.

45 Myths & Facts Answer $400 Answer: Amotivational Syndrome Answer:

46 Myths & Facts $600 Adults who drink this amount of alcohol cause no physical harm to overall health.

47 Myths & Facts Answer $600 Answer: Moderation Answer:

48 Myths & Facts $800 This is the legal limit for a driver under the age of 21.

49 Myths & Facts Answer $800 Answer: 0 Answer:

50 Myths & Facts $1000 The strongest of all the painkillers.

51 Myths & Facts Answer $1000 Answer: Morphine Answer:


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