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Time & Expense Processing

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1 Time & Expense Processing
Welcome to State of Michigan Time & Expense Processing Reports Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management

2 List of Available Web Reports
Exceptions (Error/Warnings) Report (Slide 3) Receipts Required Report (Slide 12) Routine Traveler with No Expenses Report (Slide 19)

3 Exception (Error) Report
This report is for use in monitoring warning and errors on Expense Reimbursement requests. It can be used to determine if there a consistent pattern of exceptions for an agency, TKU or employee. If an employee has a warning on an Expense Reimbursement request it can be submitted, approved and will process. If an employee has an error on an Expense Reimbursement request it can not be submitted*, approved* nor will it process*. *If the Dept. and Agency has elected to allow Coding Block errors, an Expense Reimbursement request with coding block errors will be able to be submitted, approved and processed. Any other error will stop the progress. The My Employees box can be checked to include only employees assigned to the supervisor on the report. The Errors radio button may be selected to include only Expense Reimbursement requests with errors (and not warnings) on the report. Error codes between can be used to narrow the search to specific errors.

4 Exception (Error) Report
Users can perform the following functions: Managers and statewide access users can view the exceptions for the expense and advance reimbursements submitted by employees The dropdowns on the report windows will be populated with only the departments, agencies and tkus for which the user has security scope as defined in DCDS

5 Accessing Reports Mouse over ‘Manager’ and ‘Reports’. This will access the Reports Listing. Select the ‘Exceptions’ report.

6 Exception Report Managers may filter by Dept, Dept/Agency, Dept/Agy/Tku or Emp Id to view the report. Managers can select the My Employees checkbox to view reports for all employees reporting to them. This section allows you to filter by date ranges. You can also select by error code range or severity. Click ‘Select’ to run the report.

7 Exception Report Filtering
Users may choose payment date and/or expense date range criteria to filter the exception reports. If the user chooses Expense Dates From as 01/01/2010 and Expense Dates To as 01/31/2010, then only the exceptions associated with expense reports that had expense dates in the month of January, 2010 are shown. Users may also choose to further filter the reports by providing an error code range. If specified, the error code range enables the user to view only those exception reports whose error codes lie in the range.

8 More on Exception Report Filtering
The records will be displayed in ascending order by Department, Agency, TKU, employee last name and employee first name by default There will be page breaks when department, agency and TKU change The query that produces the report data will only include current version of each expense report. Since the adjusted version of an expense report would be paid on a different day than the original version, this needs to be considered when including a Payment Date Range in the selection.

9 Exception Report See the following page for Exception Report field details.

10 Exception Report Field Details
Name Description Validation Comments Run Date System Date Read-only Header Page Number Read only Department Department number and description as of the last travel date for the records displayed Payment Date Range Range of pay dates for which the report was created. Agency Agency number and description as of the last travel date for the records displayed Expense Date Range Range of expense dates for which the report was created. TKU TKU number and description as of the last travel date for the records displayed Supervisor Name of Supervisor that is requesting report Read Only Header. This field will only be populated when the My Employees checkbox was used as selection criteria. This column displays the employee name Body Format = last name, first name middle name Emp ID This column displays the 6 or 7 digit employee ID Status This column displays the 4 digit Status

11 Exception Report Field Details - Continued
Name Description Validation Comments Expenses From Displays the beginning date from the Expenses Report ID tab Read only Body. Fomat: mm/dd/yyyy Expenses To Displays the end date from the Expense Report ID tab Body. Format: mm/dd/yyyy Nature of Business Displays data from the Nature of Business field on the Expense Report ID tab Body Error Code Displays the error code for the exception Error Description Displays a short description for the error in the expense report. Severity The severity level of the exception. Error Source Displays the tab and line item (where applicable) on which the exception occurred.

12 Receipts Required Report
This report is used to identify expense reports that have not been audited. This report can be used to select Expense Reimbursement requests for post audit. An Expense Reimbursement request is marked audit complete by clicking the “Audit Complete” button on the expense tab. An expense request is noted audited on the History tab (“AUD”). Expense Reimbursement requests that have been audited will not appear on the receipts required report. Add reference to FMG section regarding documentation and audit.

13 Receipts Required Report
The Receipts Required Report displays expense reports that have been submitted, but have not been marked ‘Audit Complete’ on the Expenses tab by a Financial User. The dropdowns on the report windows will be populated with only the departments, agencies and tkus for which the user has security scope as defined in DCDS.

14 Receipts Required Report
Managers may filter by Dept, Dept/Agency, Dept/Agy/Tku or Emp Id to view the report. Managers can select the My Employees checkbox to view reports for all employees reporting to them. You can select which employees should be included in the report based on Employee Audit Methods. You can filter records based on Payment and Expense Date ranges. Click ‘Select’.

Users may choose payment date and/or expense date range criteria to filter the exception reports. If the user chooses Expense Dates From as 01/01/2010 and Expense Dates To as 01/31/2010, then only the exceptions associated with expense reports that had expense dates in the month of January 2010 are shown. Users may also choose to further filter the reports by pre or post audit or both. If specified, the user will view only those records based on the value in the audit configuration.

16 Receipts Required Report
See the following page for Receipts Required Report field details.

17 Receipts Required Report Field Details
Name Description Validation Comments Run Date System Date Read-only Header Page Number Read only Department Department number of the records requested Payment Date Range Range of pay dates for which the report will be created. Agency Expense Date Range Range of expense dates for which the report will be created. TKU TKU number of the records requested Supervisor Name of the supervisor that is requesting the report Read Only Header. This field will only be populated when the My Employees checkbox was used as a selection criterion. This column displays the employee name Body Format = last name, first name, middle name Emp ID This column displays the 9 digit employee ID

18 Receipts Required Report Field Details – Continued
Name Description Validation Comments Pre Audit Displays ‘N’ if employee is not Pre Audit or ‘Y’ if employee is Pre Audit Read only Body Expense ID This column displays the expense ID Expenses From Displays the start date from the expense report ID tab Expenses To Displays the end date from the expense report ID tab Expense Payment Date Displays the date of the Expense Payment Nature of Business This column displays the Nature of Business data from the expense report ID tab Expense Type This column displays Travel or Non Travel data Amount This column displays the total expense amount from the expense report Body- field is calculated Status This column displays status of the expense report Body Status can be APRW, RJCT, XTCT, HSNT, PROC

19 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report
This report assists in identifying “missing” Expense Reimbursement requests for employees who are considered routine travelers. This report identified routine travelers that have not submitted expense reimbursement requests within the specified timeframe. If the employee has no expense reports in the date range entered, the report will display the last Expense Reimbursement request that has been, submitted, approved or processed for that employee, along with the status of the report. The routine traveler designation is assigned in DCDS using the Parameters, Personnel Data, Employee Expense Profile menu.

20 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report
Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report displays employees who are identified as routine travelers in their employee expense profiles that have not submitted an expense report for the range of expense dates entered by the user. The dropdowns on the report windows will be populated with only the departments, agencies and tkus for which the user has security scope as defined in DCDS.

21 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report
Filtering The report will break on Department, Agency and TKU The records will be displayed in the ascending order of the Department, Agency, TKU, Employee last name and Employee first name

22 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report
Managers may filter by Dept, Dept/Agency, Dept/Agy/Tku or Emp Id to view the report. Managers can select the My Employees checkbox to view reports for all employees reporting to them. You can filter records based on Expense Dates range. Click ‘Select’ to run the report.

23 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report
The report shows the last time this routine traveler traveled. This helps to show if an expense reimbursement report may be needed. See the following page for Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report field details.

24 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report – Field Details
Name Description Validation Comments Run Date System Date Read-only Header Page Number Read only Department Department number of the records requested Expense Date Range Range of expense dates for which the report will be created. Agency Agency number of the records requested TKU TKU number of the records requested Supervisor Name of Supervisor that is requesting report Read Only Header. This field will only be populated when the My Employees checkbox was used as a selection criterion. This column displays the employee name Body Format = last name, first name middle name Emp ID This column displays the 9 digit employee id. Emp Status This column will display the employee’s 2 digit HRMN status, as of the date the report is being run. Read Last Expense ID This column displays the expense report ID that contains the most recent expense date.

25 Routine Travelers With No Expenses Report Field Details Continued
Name Description Validation Comments Expense From Displays the start date from the Expense Report Id Tab associated with the Last Expense ID Read only Body Expense To Displays the end date from the Expense Report ID Tab associated with the Last Expense ID Expense Pmt Date Displays the pay date the employee was reimbursed for the expense report associated with the Last Expense ID Body This field will only be populated when Status is XTCT, HSNT or PROC. Nature of Business Displays the Nature of Business from the Expense Report ID Tab associated with the Last Expense ID Expense Type Displays Travel or Non Travel ID Expense Amount Displays the total expense amount from the expense report associated with the Last Expense ID Body- Expense Status Displays the status of the expense report associated with the Last Expense ID Body Status can be APRW,RJCT, XTCT, HSNT, PROC

26 Users with questions or needing help should call the OFM Help Desk at:
Where To Get Help Users with questions or needing help should call the OFM Help Desk at: (not local) At the welcome message press “8” then press “3” for HRMN Payroll/DCDS.

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