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Presented by LAS Fifth Grade Team Kelly Adamson and Nancy Castillo.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by LAS Fifth Grade Team Kelly Adamson and Nancy Castillo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by LAS Fifth Grade Team Kelly Adamson and Nancy Castillo

2  A clear hypothesis  Research and documentation  An experimental procedure that tests the hypothesis  Data collecting and recording  Data analysis  Conclusions that refer to the hypothesis

3 Proving the hypothesis true is NOT the purpose of a science fair project A well-supported answer based on research to a problem IS the purpose

4  Mold  Blood or other bodily fluids  Tissue (animal or human)  If human subjects or animals are used, a form explaining how they will be used MUST be completed and approved BEFORE the experiment begins.

5  Displays or models without an investigation  Experiments done without a scientific rational  Experiments with more than one variable  Experiments that don’t test the hypothesis  Models of science—volcanoes exploding, mixtures that have no connection to the hypothesis, etc.

6  Originality/creativity20%  Comprehension30%  Organization & completeness30%  Effort & Motivation10%  Clarity10%

7  Original problem or an unique approach to an old one  Interpretation of data shows original thinking/creativity  Student shows understanding of how their results can have real life applications

8 Does the project show creativity in:  The hypothesis or questions asked?  The approach to solving the problem?  Analysis or data?  Use of equipment?  Construction and/or design of new equipment?

9  There is a clear hypothesis and project design  Depth of study is demonstrated  Experiment effectively tests the hypothesis  Procedures and data collection are well done  Data is recorded in an organized fashion

10  The results and conclusions are logical and related to the hypothesis  What would you have done differently if you were to conduct this experiment again? Try to explain why results occurred as they did. How could you experiment further? (Conclusion)  Knowledge of scientific principals are shown (Research)

11  The study is complete, within the scope of the problem  Scientific literature has been researched  The experiment has been repeated (at least 3 trials) and data has been carefully recorded  The project is well-executed

12  Time-lapse on the experiment is appropriate to test hypothesis and make observations  Time spent on background reading/research is appropriate  Student learned considerable amount about the subject during the project  The display is informative, complete, clear, well organized and attractive

13  The original notebook is available for inspection  The notebook is well-organized and accurate  The purpose, procedures, results and conclusions are clear  The title accurately reflects the project  The abstract is clear and descriptive

14  Start with the student’s interests/hobbies  Decide on the area of interest  Write the problem or question  Do some preliminary research on the topic  Formulate a hypothesis  Figure out the experiment—how are you going to TEST the hypothesis?

15 1.Complete all data for the experiment  Remember, a log is handwritten  Each entry should be added at the time of observation, NOT later from memory 2.If you need to test, again, do so. 3.Begin writing the Research Report 4.Write the Annotated Bibliography 5.Finish the notebook/Don’t forget the Abstract 6.Design your presentation board if going to district or for extra credit 7.Attach the notebook to the board with a strong string, cord or yarn

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