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Day Two Welcome back!!. Working with Families Motivation to change Highly resistant families Rule of optimism Cultural diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Day Two Welcome back!!. Working with Families Motivation to change Highly resistant families Rule of optimism Cultural diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Two Welcome back!!

2 Working with Families Motivation to change Highly resistant families Rule of optimism Cultural diversity

3 Framework for Assessment 2000 What are the strengths of the parents in this family What are the difficulties/risk factors of the parents in this family. What are the strengths of the children What are the difficulties/risk factors of the children in this family

4 Influencing Change Think about when you have been in a situation where change is taking place I.e. re-structuring; moving house; buying a new car What makes you resistant to change What makes you open to change

5 Motivation to change contd..

6 Responses to Change

7 The rule of optimism For a variety of reasons professionals want to think the best of the families with whom they work. This can lead to the minimising of concerns, failing to see emerging patterns and so on

8 8 Working with families who present as difficult Keep yourself safe Think about how best to calm situations without losing focus on what you need to do If it’s frightening to you – how must it feel to the children living with it? Think about how parents may be ‘managing’ you

9 1.EXPERIENCE ‘The Story’ Engage with/observe worker’s experience 2.REFLECTION Feelings about the story Previous stories 3.ANALYSIS: What does the ‘story’ mean? Enable worker to explore context of experience 4. PLANS AND ACTION Identify goals plans and services What is the next chapter in the ‘story’? Good supervision helps workers to be clear about their purpose and tasks, and helps workers reflect on the emotions generated and meaning of their work Keep the child in focus

10 Graded Care Profile (GCP)

11 CP Plan 31/03/2010 Neglect and the use of the Graded Care Profile

12 Neglect exercise 3 statements

13 Introduction to the Graded Care Profile Developed as a practical tool to give an objective measure of the care of children across all areas of need by Drs Polnoy and Srivastiva. Developed to provide an indication care on a graded scale. Blackpool are using the Salford version of the tool with minor adjustments. It should be used in all cases where neglect is identified as an issue

14 Grades Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 1 Level of Care All child’s needs met Essential needs fully met Some essential needs unmet Most essential needs unmet Essential needs entirely unmet/ Hostile. 2. Commitment to care. Child FirstChild First most of the Time Child/ carer at par Child second Child not considered 3 Quality of Care BestAdequateBorderlinePoorWorst

15 Grades These grades are then applied to each of the four areas of need based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs


17 Areas of Care Sensitivity Responsivity Reciprocity Overtures Self Actualisation Care of Esteem Care of Love and Belongingness Care of Safety Care of Physical needs Stimulation Approval Disapproval Acceptance In Presence & Absence Nutrition. Housing, Clothing, Hygiene & Health Maslow, A. 1954

18 How it is Organised The GCP Gives an objective measure of the care of a child by the carer It gives qualitative grading for actual care delivered to a child taking into account the commitment and effort shown by the carer Grades are on a 1-5 scale. 1 being the best and five the worst Each area of care is made up of different sub areas and some sub areas are further broken down into different areas of care

19 Area of Physical Care Sub Area1 Child Priority 2 Child First 3. Child and Carer Equal 4. Child Second 5. Child not Considere d Nutrition QualityAware and thinks ahead: provides excellent quality food and drink. Aware and manages to provide reasonable quality food and drink. Provision of reasonable quality food, inconsisten t through lack of awareness or effort. Provision of poor quality food through lack of effort: only occasionall y of reasonable quality if pressurised. Quality not a considerati on at all or ignores advice about quality.

20 The scoring sheet Areas Physical Sub Areas 1 Nutrition 1 Child Priority 2 Child First 3. Child and Carer Equal 4 Child Second 5. Child not Consider ed

21 Scoring QualityQuantityPreparationOrganisationNutrition 2232 Average Score 2

22 Scoring NutritionQualityQuantityPreparationOrganisation The average score is 4. If there is a single score of 4-5 for one of the sub areas this becomes the average score, regardless of the other figures. 2433

23 Obtaining a Score for an Area Follow the same principle for getting an overall score for an area by taking an average of the sib area scores. Again, if there is a single score of 4-5, score that point regardless of the other scores. See Page 30 in the tool.

24 Uses of Graded Care Profile Pre Referral Assessments Initial Assessments Snapshot Assessments Monitoring Assessments Contribution to Core Assessments

25 Seeing the Child Working with the child The genogram and chronology The visit or meeting with the child Reflecting on the meeting Analysing what you have seen Planning NSPCC publications 2006

26 Coffee break

27 Case Conference

28 When will a conference be held? Safeguarding enquiry shows that there is a risk of significant harm There are concerns regarding an unborn child Child subject to child protection plan in another authority moves to Blackpool It should take place within 15 working days of last strategy discussion

29 What is the purpose of an initial child protection conference? Provides inter-agency setting where information from safeguarding enquiries can be analysed Assesses parental capacity to safeguard child Assesses future risk to child Makes decision concerning whether a child protection plan is needed Decides current and future action necessary to safeguard child

30 The decision making process Is the child at risk of significant harm? Does the child need a child protection plan to safeguard them? Majority decision or Chair’s discretion if agreement not possible

31 Attendance Chair All relevant professionals Anyone with parental responsibility Child Quorum is a social worker and at least 2 other professional disciplines who have had contact with the child and family (but conference can go ahead in exceptional circumstances if not quorate)

32 Exclusions Parents can be excluded by the Chair if: Their presence may seriously prejudice the welfare of the child, e.g. where information shared could further victimise the child or increase the child’s vulnerability to further abuse There is evidence they may behave in such a way as to disrupt the conference e.g. by being violent, threatening or being in an unfit state due to substance misuse or acute mental illness Exclusion at one conference is not reason enough for exclusion at further conferences

33 Roles of professionals involved in the process All professionals invited to child protection conference have a role in sharing, and assessing information; and making decisions about the child's future Often it is only when information from a number of sources is shared that a full picture becomes clear

34 Roles of professionals involved in the process All professionals should submit written reports to child protection conference, particularly if they cannot attend. Must distinguish between fact, observation, allegations and opinion There is now a multiagency CP report form for completion by professionals Must be available to Chair at least one working day before conference Unless containing confidential information (and non-disclosure agreed with Chair), report must also be discussed with parents/child 2 days before conference

35 Get into single agency groups Read the background history and role cards As a group, write a brief written report to share with the case conference for each of the roles you have been given Within the group decide who will play which role and attend the conference The initial Case Conference It is a good opportunity for anyone who has not attended a conference to do so!! There will be tasks for everyone!!



38 What happens now? Establish core group - initial meeting within 10 working days of conference Set meeting date for core group (must be within 10 working days of conference) Appointment of Lead social worker Set date for review conference Outline Child protection plan agreed

39 The core group meeting translates the broad recommendations into an operational written agreement: a child protection plan. It is expected that agencies will agree to undertake various components of the child protection plan that relate to them and communicate with the key worker as necessary. Following the Initial Child Protection Conference:

40 Core group members must meet within 10 working days of the case conference and at least every 4 weeks thereafter. Any core group member can request a meeting and that should include the parents.

41 What is the purpose of the core group? The Core Group’s task is to reduce the risks, or prevent the occurrence of further significant harm to the child, and safeguard the child’s well being to the point where the child no longer requires a Child Protection Plan.

42 The core group achieves this by… Developing the Child Protection Plan as a detailed working tool Carrying out the actions specified in the Plan Engaging effectively with the family to ensure their co-operation with the plan Meeting regularly (4 weekly) to monitor progress Providing reports for Review Conferences Requesting a earlier conference if the plan cannot be achieved or needs to be significantly altered

43 Closer multi-agency working and early evaluation of problems Clarify roles and responsibilities. Addressing professionally dangerous practice. Ensuring a multi-agency protection plan is frequently evaluated and refined. Gives the professionals an opportunity to discuss what to do if the plan is not working Advantages of core groups

44 Advantages of core groups cont. Ensuring a co-ordinated and complementary approach by all agencies. Highlights unmet need Offering a forum where parents and children can contribute to child protection planning. Effective use of time and resources. Stream-lining the system by identifying pertinent issues to be discussed in case conference forum.

45 Membership of core groups The Key worker The child if appropriate Parents and relevant family members Professionals who will have direct contact with the family

46 Things to consider prior to a core group meeting Below are suggested some ideas of the matters which should be included in such an agreement: Frequency of meetings – we would suggest that meetings are booked ahead for three to four months at a time, rather than done at one meeting for the next. Who to contact if unable to make a meeting and commitment by all members to put information in writing in such circumstances, wherever possible. Appointment of a person who will take on the role of organising venues for meetings etc. Establishment of a system for taking minutes, perhaps on a basis of rotation

47 continued Procedure to be followed if one member wants to call an earlier core group meeting. Commitment to undertake the tasks given by the core group within the required timescale. Appointment of a chair person for each meeting to ensure the agenda’s adhered to etc. Strategies for resolving any difficulties which may occur – remember the core group generally gets stuck on process issues rather than the actual work.

48 The meeting should be chaired on a rota basis. The person who chairs should not take the minutes. Even though there is a key worker, core groups are everyone’s responsibility. It is not appropriate to cancel them if the social worker is unavailable. The core group should be rearranged within a few days or run without the social worker. The other workers still have a responsibility to meet and review the child protection plan.

49 Agreeing the plan with the child The CP Plan should be explained and agreed with the child in a manner appropriate to their age and understanding by using the Child’s Conference Pack Interpreter if necessary


51 Working Together 2010 Emphasises the importance of: Being child-focussed: Understanding the child’s daily life experience Seeing the child alone where appropriate Decision-making being based on information about the family’s history and functioning The inter-relationships of strengths, protective factors, vulnerabilities and risk factors should all being analysed.

52 Contact with the child How the child is seen MUST be part of the child protection plan. Key worker to see child at home at least every 6 weeks (unless plan specifies otherwise) Child’s bedroom must be seen Child is seen alone (or babies awake) every 6 weeks. (unless plan specifies otherwise) A mobile child should be seen walking “a seen child is not always a safe child”

53 Difficulty with access to the child should be reported to the SW Team Manager and CP plan reviewed. Consideration should be given to an early Review or legal action. Social worker can request a Child Protection Case Conference is re-convened early if a Child Protection plan is not working

54 Group work activity In groups design and draw a simple leaflet explaining what a core group is. We will need a leaflet for: Children Young People Parents

55 Tea break Back in 15 minutes

56 The Child Protection Plan

57 SMART outcomes S Specific M Measurable A Achievable R Relevant T Time-bound

58 Outcomes regarding personal health and fitness. SpecificMeasurable AchievableRelevantTime- bound I will exercise more this year NN?YesYes?

59 Group 1 I will exercise more this year Group 2 I plan to stop smoking soon Group 3 I will eat more fruit and vegetables every day Group 4 I will cycle to work if it’s not raining

60 Perspectives of children Resilience

61 The end

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