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Career Exploration  What is a Job? Occupation? Career?

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Presentation on theme: "Career Exploration  What is a Job? Occupation? Career?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Exploration  What is a Job? Occupation? Career?

2 Job : A distinct position with specific duties and responsibilities in a particular place. For example, photographer at the department store in Centerville. Occupation : A cluster of jobs with common characteristics requiring similar skills. For example, photographer. Career : The combined total of all the events in one’s life and how they relate to the work one chooses. This includes, education, work, family, leisure activities and more.


4 Five Guiding principles  CHANGE IS CONSTANT  We change constantly, and so does the world around us – including the working world. Because the skills of a single occupation will no longer take workers from the beginning to the end of their working lives, adaptability is an important skill to carry into the next century.  LEARNING IS ONGOING  Graduating from high school or college does not signal the end of learning. Opportunities to learn are everywhere, just waiting to be recognized and taken advantage of.  FOCUS ON THE JOURNEY  Traveling through life is like traveling down a road; having a destination gives direction, but most of the time is spent moving along. Pay attention to the journey, with all its pitfalls, sidetracks, opportunities, and highways to new destinations.

5 Five Guiding principles  FOLLOW YOUR HEART  Dreaming can lead to an understanding of what we really want. And what we really want is a prime motivator in shaping a rewarding career. It may take a lot of work to attain it, but never be afraid to pursue a dream.  ACCESS YOUR ALLIES  The journey of life is not taken alone. Friends, family, teachers, neighbors – any of them can be inspiring and helpful allies when it comes to judging what steps to take on life’s path.

6 Career Cruising  Click on Career Cruising Link from my Teacher Page  Login: Username: dbams Password: blazers  Create a Portfolio  Username: db-student id (number used in cafeteria – db12345)  Password: Birth date in 8 digit format (for example, if your birthday is Sept 1, 1999, you would use 09011999)

7 True Colors – Personality Test  Word Cluster Sort  The Word Cluster Sort reveals rows of word cluster groups – each box of three words represents one unit and one color. Working one row at a time, rank each word cluster group by assigning 4 points to the group most like you down to 1 point for the word group least like you.  Now, total all columns. Your highest score indicates your primary, or brightest color; the lowest score represents the color least like you.  Go to my Teacher Page and read the True Color Summary for your “color.”

8 True Colors – Personality Test  Go to the poster in the room with your color. On the white board, list:  5 adjectives that describe your color personality  3 potential careers that may suit someone with your personality.

9 Learning Styles Inventory  Click on Assessments – Learning Styles Inventory  Take Quiz  Complete the “Learning Styles Inventory” handout from my Teacher Page. Save to Student Share when done.

10  Log into Career Cruising and complete the Career Matchmaker Assessment.  After answering the 39 questions, answer more questions under “Improve Results.” Continue doing so until all questions are answered.  Complete the My Skills Assessment next.  Complete the Career Assessment handout. Assessments

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