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Lesson 1: Length T. Trimpe 2008

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1 Lesson 1: Length T. Trimpe 2008

2 English vs. Metric Units Left Image: Right Image: Which is longer? A. 1 mile or 1 kilometer B. 1 yard or 1 meter C. 1 inch or 1 centimeter 1.6 kilometers 1 mile 1 yard = 0.9444 meters 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

3 Metric Units The basic unit of length in the metric system in the meter and is represented by a lowercase m. Standard: The distance traveled by light in absolute vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second. Metric Units 1 Kilometer (km) = 1000 meters 1 Meter = 100 Centimeters (cm) 1 Meter = 1000 Millimeters (mm) Which is larger? A. 1 meter or 105 centimeters B. 4 kilometers or 4400 meters C. 12 centimeters or 102 millimeters D. 1200 millimeters or 1 meter Click the image to watch a short video about the meter.

4 Measuring Length Ruler: How many millimeters are in 1 centimeter? What is the length of the line in centimeters? _______cm What is the length of the line in millimeters? _______mm What is the length of the line to the nearest centimeter? ________cm HINT: Round to the nearest centimeter – no decimals. 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters

5 Lesson 2: Mass T. Trimpe 2008

6 English vs. Metric Units Which is larger? 1. 1 Pound or 100 Grams 2. 1 Kilogram or 1 Pound 3. 1 Ounce or 1000 Milligrams 1 pound = 453.6 grams 100 kilogram = 220 pounds 1 ounce of gold = 28,349.5 milligrams

7 Metric Units Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object. The base unit of mass in the metric system in the kilogram and is represented by kg. Standard: 1 kilogram is equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK), a platinum-iridium cylinder kept by the BIPM at Sèvres, France. Metric Units 1 Kilogram (km) = 1000 Grams (g) 1 Gram (g) = 1000 Milligrams (mg) Which is larger? A. 1 kilogram or 1500 grams B. 1200 milligrams or 1 gram C. 12 milligrams or 12 kilograms D. 4 kilograms or 4500 grams Click the image to watch a short video about mass. Kilogram Prototype Kilogram Prototype Image -

8 Measuring Mass Top Image: 2Fscales%2F265&h=125&w=125&tbnid=gYhi6- briKOMKM%3A&zoom=1&docid=wzGGFwywYwYrkM&ei=MrAPVL2EK8WlyATK_IHIAg&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=307&page=2&start=17&ndsp=26&ved =0CC4QMygSMBI We will be using digital scales to find the mass of various objects. The scale is set to zero using the “zero” or “tare” button before objects are placed on it. Then, objects are placed on the scale and you read the digital numerical value

9 Measuring Mass – Solids and Liquids Measuring Solids Measuring Liquids Irregularly shaped solids or powders may need the assistance of a container. When using containers to measure solids, you must be sure to zero the scale with the container before measuring the object’s mass. When using powders, a weighing tray is necessary. Measuring the mass of liquids always involves the assistance of a container. When using containers to measure liquids, you must be sure to zero the scale with the container before measuring the liquid’s mass. For this it is common to use a graduated cylinder or beaker

10 Lesson 3: Volume T. Trimpe 2008

11 English vs. Metric Units Which is larger? A. 1 liter or 1 gallon B. 1 liter or 1 quart C. 1 milliliter or 1 fluid ounce 1 gallon = 3.79 liters It would take approximately 3 ¾ 1-liter bottles to equal a gallon. 1 fl oz = 29.573 ml 1 12-oz can of soda would equal approximately 355 ml. 1 quart = 0.946 liters

12 Metric Units Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. The base unit of volume in the metric system in the liter and is represented by L or l. Standard: 1 liter is equal to one cubic decimeter Metric Units 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL) 1 milliliter (mL) = 1 cm 3 (or cc) = 1 gram* Which is larger? A. 1 liter or 1500 milliliters B. 200 milliliters or 1.2 liters C. 12 cm 3 or 1.2 milliliters* Click the image to watch a short video about volume. * When referring to water Liter Image:

13 Measuring Volume Top Image: Bottom Image: We will be using graduated cylinders to find the volume of liquids and other objects. Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve. When using a real cylinder, make sure you are eye-level with the level of the water. What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____mL What causes the meniscus? A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid attract those of the container. The glass attracts the water on the sides.

14 Measuring Liquid Volume Images created at What is the volume of water in each cylinder? Pay attention to the scales for each cylinder.

15 Measuring Solid Volume Click here for an online activity about volumeClick here for an online activity about volume. Choose Lessons  Volume & Displacement 10 cm 9 cm 8 cm We can measure the volume of regular object using the formula length x width x height. _____ X _____ X _____ = _____ n/syllabus/unit14/new/testingmain1.htm We can measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Amount of H 2 O with object = ______ About of H 2 O without object = ______ Difference = Volume = ______

16 Lesson 4: Temperature T. Trimpe 2008

17 English vs. Metric Units Which is hotter? 1.0 ºC or 0ºF 2.30ºC or 30ºF 3. 0ºC or 100 K image:

18 Metric Units Temperature refers to the degree of hotness of a body, substance, or medium; a physical property related to the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of a substance The base unit of mass in the metric system in the Kelvin and is represented by K. Standard: The Kelvin scale begins from what is called absolute zero, the hypothetical point at which all molecular motion stops. (-273.16ºC or -459.69ºF) The Kelvin is not commonly used except in scientific endeavors. The most common unit used is degree Celcius represented by ºC Common Metric Units 273.16 K = 0 ºC 373.16 K = 100 ºC Click the image to watch a short video about temperature Image:

19 Measuring Temperature Top Image: Bottom Image: We will be using thermometer to find the temperature of various objects. The thermometers are placed on the object and then allowed time for the temperature to reach a steady state or show change. For solids, you want to ensure the bulb is in contact with the desired substance or in the correct location in reference to a heat source. For fluids, a rubber stopper may be used to keep the thermometer from touching the container and affecting the temperature reading.

20 Converting Temperature Metric to English Conversions Metric to Metric Conversions K = 273.16 + ___ º C º C = ___ K - 273.16 º C =( ___ º F – 32) / 1.8 º F = (___ º C x 1.8) + 32

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