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A New Day for Learning and Leading - WELL!. This Evening’s Presentation  Update progress toward the implementation of DCSD Student Wellness Policy- ADF.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Day for Learning and Leading - WELL!. This Evening’s Presentation  Update progress toward the implementation of DCSD Student Wellness Policy- ADF."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Day for Learning and Leading - WELL!

2 This Evening’s Presentation  Update progress toward the implementation of DCSD Student Wellness Policy- ADF  Illustrate activities and events –Nutrition Services  Discuss the future- Moving Forward 2

3  Philosophy- 21st Century Learning  Research shows that healthy students have:  improved academic performance  improved attendance  decreased disruptive behavior  increased attention and cognitive  engagement  lifetime habits for a healthy future  Policy ADF, ADF-R, ADF-E The Beginning 3


5 News You Can Use  11,520 students have recess before lunch  2047 students have had a visit from a chef to kickoff nutrition discussions  26 schools are participating in Coordinated School Health  7 schools participated in International Walk to School Day  Career Tech – Pro Start 5

6 Activities and Events 6

7 7

8 Nutrition Services 8

9 Objectives of Today’s Presentation To illustrate the progress we have made towards healthier meal options. 9

10 Goals of presentation Past – Present - Future 10

11 The Past 11

12 The Past Typical High School: 150 – 200 lbs of french fries daily 12

13 The Past Flavored Milk 13

14 The Past 14

15 Definition of “Nutritious” (Grades 4 -12)  Federal Guidelines (USDA)  Calories785 Kcals  Protein15 grams  Fat 30 % composite  Saturated Fat10% composite  Calcium370 mg  Iron4.2 mg  Vitamin C17 mg  Vitamin A285 RE 15

16 Definition of “Nutritious”  Douglas County – Above & Beyond  100% Whole Wheat 16

17 Definition of “Nutritious”  Douglas County – Above & Beyond  100% Whole Wheat  Sugar - Not more than 35% added sugar 17

18 Flavored Milk pulled off menu  Flavored milk study  Milk consumption dropped 35% overall  Takes an additional 3-4 food items/make up the nutrients  Cost additional $44 to make up nutrients per student per year. 18 The 2009 Study “The Impact on Student Milk Consumption and Nutrient Intakes from Eliminating Flavored Milk In Schools.” Milk Processor Education Program

19 Flavored Milk pulled off menu  DCSD action  Keep Chocolate milk on menu  Reduce sugar content in Chocolate milk  Take out high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) 19

20 Definition of “Nutritious”  Douglas County – Above & Beyond  100% Whole Wheat  Sugar - Not more than 35% added sugar  3 year goal to achieve 95% Fresh Fruits & Vegetables offered on the menu. 20

21 Definition of “Nutritious”  Douglas County – Above & Beyond  100% Whole Wheat  Sugar - Not more than 35% added sugar  3 year goal to achieve 95% Fresh Fruits & Vegetables offered on the menu.  Increasing Fiber in the diet….Whole grain pasta, Whole wheat bread, Brown rice etc. 21

22 The Present  Our Elementary Menus Today 22

23 The Present  Our Elementary Menus Today  Breast Bites  Sandwich Filets  Grilled Breast Filets  Fajita Strips  Chicken Breast Tenders 23

24 The Present  Our Elementary Menus Today  Lasagna Roll Up 24

25 The Present  Our Elementary Menus Today  Fresh Ground Beef 25

26 The Present  Our Elementary Menus Today  Chef salad 26

27 The Present  Our High School & Middle School Menus Today  Oriental Chicken Salad 27

28 The Present  Our High School & Middle School Menus Today  Real Fruit Smoothies 28

29 The Present  Our High School & Middle School Menus Today  Spicy Italian Subway Sandwich 29

30 The Present  Our High School & Middle School Menus Today  Big Daddy’s Vegetarian Pizza 30

31 The Present  Our High School & Middle School Menus Today 31

32 District Wide We Serve:  Healthy entrees (meats & proteins)  100% whole wheat  Fresh fruits  Fresh vegetables  Low fat, low sugar nutritious milk 32

33 We Are Succeeding  Meal participation is up 1800 meals per day in the elementary!  100’s of e-mails thanking us for serving healthy meals.  Our 1 st quarter return on investment has netted an increase in fund balance. 33

34 We Are Succeeding As we encourage students to eat healthier, there is a great challenge in getting them to accept meals. 34 Increased Participation = Financial Success

35 Success Stories  Working with the ACF Colorado Chefs  Elementary Epicureans experiences in elementary 35

36 Success Stories Colorado Proud Day – Cougar Run Elementary 36

37 Success Stories Colorado Proud Day – Rock Ridge Elementary 37

38 The Future-Success stories  Working with the ACF Colorado Chefs  Elementary Epicureans experiences in elementary  For Kids, By Kids – Building Student Menu Champions.  Culinary Boot camp next summer to train DCSD Nutrition Service employees. 38

39 The Future-Our commitment  Continue to pay attention to the research and act on it.  Continue working with Colorado Chefs  Continue to seek student and parent input  Continue active leadership in the 8 components of wellness in DCSD 39

40 The Challenges  Staff training on healthy meal preparation  Helping students to make healthy food choices, keeping meal participation successful  Continuous improvement on our investment of receiving, storage and distribution of fresh healthy foods 40

41 Thank You Nutrition Service & Student Wellness Champions 41


43 “You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy and you can’t keep children healthy who are not educated.” Dr. M. Jocelyn Elders, Former Surgeon General 43

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