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Breast cancer patient pathway

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1 Breast cancer patient pathway
62 day GP referral to first definitive treatment

2 Referral Day 0 – Patient referred by their GP on 2ww pathway. Referral made via ICE. Day 2 – Patient sent appointment letter. Appointment scheduled for day 13 – no sooner slots. Day 10 – Patient telephones hospital to cancel their appointment, due to a prior engagement. Patient was not expecting to be seen for 4-6 weeks. Appointment rebooked for next available slot, at day 23. Referrals via ICE to be encouraged. GPs always to inform patients that they will be sent at appointment within 2 weeks of referral. Last calendar year - Average wait for appointment is 11.7 days. Median wait is 13 days. 95th percentile is 15 days.

3 Outpatient Appointment
Day 23 – Patient seen by consultant in clinic. Referred for mammogram, U/S guided core biopsy and same-day follow up in clinic with the results. For MDT discussion. Day 28 – Case discussed at MDT with biopsy results. Cancer confirmed. For surgery. Day 30 – Patient attends one stop follow up clinic. Informed of diagnosis and plan for surgery. Patient has cardiac condition so requires anaesthetic review. Patient wants ‘thinking time’. Highlight importance of mammogram and U/S biopsy at first appointment.

4 Surgery Day 35 – Patient contacts CNS with decision to proceed to surgery. Patient referred for surgery with anaesthetic review. Provisional surgery date given. Day 45 – Pre-operative assessment with anaesthetic review. Case referred to Cardiology for advice. Day 52 – Cardiology confirm patient fit for surgery. Day 59 – Surgery.

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