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The Efficient Maintenance of Access Roles with Role Hiding Chaoyi Pang Xiuzhen Zhang

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Presentation on theme: "The Efficient Maintenance of Access Roles with Role Hiding Chaoyi Pang Xiuzhen Zhang"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Efficient Maintenance of Access Roles with Role Hiding Chaoyi Pang Xiuzhen Zhang Yanchun Zhang Kotagiri Ramamohanarao

2 COMAD'2008.2 Overview  Motivation  Multi-domain secure role graph  Main ideas  Updating cross-domain accesses  Updating privileges on a role  Experiments  Conclusions

3 COMAD'2008.3 Motivation The efficient maintenance of role accessibility: In a multi-domain environment that supports role-hiding. In a multi-domain environment where a service provider acts as the central mediator. In database applications using a first-order predicate language (SQL). To support various updates and changes.

4 COMAD'2008.4 The role graph  A directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing the subsumption relationship among roles.  The transitive closure relation for a role graph represents the “reachability” relationship.

5 COMAD'2008.5 The multi-domain secure role graph  G 0, the role graph for the mediating service provider.  G 1 … G n, the role graphs for domains 1 … n.  Cross-domain accesses link domains.  Some roles of a domain are hidden from the service provider or other domains.

6 COMAD'2008.6 The multi-domain secure role graph: an example

7 COMAD'2008.7 The privileges for roles In a domain, the privileges for a role are propagated to its ancestor roles. Privileges are not propagated via the cross-domain arcs.

8 COMAD'2008.8 Main ideas  The role accessibility is represented as computing the transitive closure relation among roles.  The incremental maintenance of the accessibility of roles is mapped to incrementally compute the transitive closures for DAGs.

9 COMAD'2008.9 Core algorithms – Add(G, TC G, E) Given a graph G, its transitive closure TC G, and a set of arcs E to be inserted to G, the new access node pairs that should be added to TC are those form a path via E. INSERT INTO Susp(Start,Tail) SELECT DISTINCT X.Start, Y.Tail FROM TC X, TC Y, E WHERE X.Tail=E.Start AND Y.Start=E.Tail; INSERT INTO TC(Start,Tail) SELECT * FROM Susp;

10 COMAD'2008.10 Core Algorithms – Del(G, TC, E) A set of node pairs depending on E are deleted first, which may result in wrong deletions. The wrong deletions are then corrected via joining.

11 COMAD'2008.11 Core Algorithms – Del(G, TC, E) … % Table Susp: When deleting E(Start,Tail), any path from x % via a node pair of E to y are affected and stored in Susp. INSERT INTO Susp(Start,Tail) SELECT X.Start, Y.Tail FROM TC X, TC Y, E WHERE X.Tail=E.Start AND Y.Start=E.Tail; % TABLE Trust: the node pairs not using the deleted arcs of E. INSERT INTO Trust(Start,Tail) SELECT A.Start, A.Tail FROM TC A WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Susp X WHERE X.Star=A.Star AND X.Tail=A.Tail);

12 COMAD'2008.12 Core Algorithms – Del(G, TC, E) … % TABLE Temp: new node pair (u,v) represents a path from u to v. INSERT INTO Temp(Start,Tail) SELECT A.Start, B.Tail FROM TRUST A, G, TRUST B WHERE A.Tail=G.Star AND G.Tail=B.Star AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM E WHERE E.Star=G.Star AND E.Tail=G.Tail)) AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Susp X WHERE X.Star=A.Star AND X.Tail=B.Tail)); % The result: Update TABLE TC. DELETE FROM TC; INSERT INTO TC(Start,Tail) (SELECT Start, Tail FROM Trust) UNION (SELECT A.Start, A.Tail FROM Temp A);

13 COMAD'2008.13 Updating cross-domain arcs  Inserting a cross-domain arc e(u, v): Let <u be the set of arcs originating from u that need to be inserted. Add(G ms, TC Gms, TC <u ), where G ms is the global role graph. Remove redundant access node pairs.  Deleting a cross-domain arc e(u, v): Let >v be the set of arcs need to be deleted. H=Del(G ms, TC Gms, e). Del(G’, H, TC >v ) where G’=G ms -e.

14 COMAD'2008.14 Updating role privileges Update (insertion or deletion) of a privilege on a role: Finding the affected roles. Removing null and reducible roles, and removing redundancy. Subsumption induced by merging roles.

15 COMAD'2008.15 Experiments

16 COMAD'2008.16 Conclusions  The efficient maintenance of accessibility among roles in a multi-domain environment supporting role hiding has been studied.  The SQL-based incremental approach can be applied in database applications.  Our proposed approach can be extended to multi service providers satisfying the acyclic requirement for role graphs.

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