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Section 29.2 The Marketing Survey

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1 Section 29.2 The Marketing Survey
Marketing Essentials n Chapter 29 Conducting Marketing Research Section The Marketing Survey

2 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 How to construct a survey
What You'll Learn How to construct a survey The ways that technology is used in marketing research

3 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2
Why It's Important Businesses need valid and reliable data to make good decisions. Marketing researchers need to know how to construct survey instruments that provide the necessary information to assist in the decision-making process.

4 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 validity reliability
Key Terms validity reliability open-ended questions forced-choice questions

5 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Constructing the Questionnaire
Questionnaires should provide data that have validity. Validity exists when the questions asked measure what was intended to be measured. Research questionnaires should also have reliability. Reliability exists when a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials. To be valid and reliable, a questionnaire must be properly written, formatted, and administered.

6 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Writing Questions
Survey questions can be either open ended or forced choice. Open-ended questions ask respondents to construct their own response to a question. Example: "How can we serve you better?" Forced-choice questions ask respondents to choose answers from set possibilities. Forced-choice questions are the simplest to write and easiest to tabulate.

7 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Yes/No Questions
Two-choice questions give the respondent only two options, usually yes or no. Yes/No questions should be used only when asking for a response on one issue. Yes/No questions are often used as filter questions. Filter questions help to guide respondents to answer only those questions that apply.

8 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple choice questions give the respondent several choices. When constructing multiple choice questions, it is important that the options are made comprehensive enough to include every possible response.

9 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Level of Agreement Questions
When assessing attitudes or opinions, it is often a good idea to write statements that reflect those attitudes or opinions. Then you can ask respondents for their level of agreement with the statements.

10 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2
Basic Guidelines for Writing Questions When writing the specific questions you should follow some basic guidelines: Each question should be written clearly and as briefly as possible. Use the same ranking or rating scales for all similar questions. Do not ask leading questions, which suggest a correct answer. Avoid any bias, which is a systematic error introduced by encouraging one outcome or answer over the others.

11 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Formatting
Questionnaires must have excellent visual appearance and design. Use dark ink (usually black) on light paper and type that is easy to read. Use shaded sections for contrast and arrows to lead the reader through the questionnaire. Slide 1 of 2

12 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Formatting
Place section headings or numbers on survey sections, and number all questions. Include clear directions. Include demographic questions at the end of the survey. People will be less likely to answer them at the beginning. Slide 2 of 2

13 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2 Administering the Survey
All surveys should have deadlines for completion. Surveys should include a brief explanation of the survey’s purpose, either presented before the survey or in a cover letter (with a mailed questionnaire).

14 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2
The Impact of the Computer Technologies on Marketing Research Computer technologies have had a tremendous impact on marketing research. Software programs allow researchers to analyze huge amounts of information. They also allow researchers to find secondary data in computer databases, prepare surveys, and generate lists of potential questionnaire respondents. Slide 1 of 2

15 The Marketing Survey SECTION 29.2
The Impact of the Computer Technologies on Marketing Research Computerized databases are a source of data collection. Software programs assist with forecasting, analyzing market data to predict future sales. Research can be conducted through online surveys and focus group chat sessions on the Internet. Automated dialers place calls automatically, and digital surveys can be conducted by a prerecorded voice. Slide 2 of 2

16 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts
ASSESSMENT 29.2 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts 1. Why should questionnaires provide data that have validity? 2. Why should research questionnaires have reliability? 3. What are three steps that must be taken to construct a valid and reliable questionnaire? 4. What are some methods of administering a questionnaire? 5. Name six research activities that computers can help researchers perform.

17 ASSESSMENT Thinking Critically 29.2
Can business risks be eliminated by marketing research? Why or why not?

18 Marketing Essentials End of Section 29.2

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