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Math in Kindergarten Lisa Sherman Math Science Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Math in Kindergarten Lisa Sherman Math Science Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math in Kindergarten Lisa Sherman Math Science Teacher

2 Math in Fairfield Workshop teaching: mini lesson, independent work time, share or wrap-up Focus on building independence and the sharing of strategies through discourse A blend of inquiry based investigations and skill based instruction Meet students at their level of understanding: developmental model vs. deficit model

3 What your child will learn: Unit 1: Counting and Matching Numerals 0-5 – Focus on developing the benchmark number of 5. Unit 2: Geometry – Basic shapes: 2-D and 3-D Unit 3: Counting and Matching Numbers 6-10 with matching – Moving to the ten structure  basis for our number system! – Also work on proper number formation

4 What your child will learn: Unit 4: Counting and Matching Numerals 11-20 – Working explicitly with teen numbers – Decomposing numbers Unit 5: Addition and Subtraction within 5 – Mastery is not expected  building concepts! Unit 6: Developing Place Value Concepts Unit 7: Measurement

5 How can you get your child ready for math in Kindergarten? COUNT!

6 Getting ready for Kindergarten Make math happen throughout the day: Time  what does the clock say when you wake up? Eat breakfast? Catch the bus? Go to sleep? Estimating  How many items in our grocery cart? Birds on a tree? Coins in my pocket? Compare  Do we have more or less than ten bowls on the table?

7 Getting ready for Kindergarten Share coins with your child- identify each one, talk about how much they are worth Shapes- find shapes all around you Look for patterns, create patterns using household objects Play games! Parent math website: me me

8 Read math books!


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