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Painting & Drawing II Goals: Create original self portrait line drawing using Sharpies and pens that show your understanding of mark making and types of.

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Presentation on theme: "Painting & Drawing II Goals: Create original self portrait line drawing using Sharpies and pens that show your understanding of mark making and types of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Painting & Drawing II Goals: Create original self portrait line drawing using Sharpies and pens that show your understanding of mark making and types of line, value and texture. As always, composition is key! Focus: Lines, Value, & Mark Making

2 Steps to the success Create a 5 x 5 grid and make 25 “marks” showing different value, texture and line variety (see examples) fill 2 pages of your sketchbook. Take a photo of yourself at an interesting angle. USE A PROP – for example, a hat, jewelry, scarf, your hand, your hair in your face. Print that photo out, it should be in black and white! Find all of the shapes and map them out with pencil Fill in the map with marks using sharpie and pen

3 Mark making using line – make 25 boxes with different marks

4 More mark making!

5 Van Gogh

6 Herbert Tereszkiewics

7 Kris Trappeniers

8 Luke Dixon

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