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HM Inspectorate of Education 1 Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum May 2008.

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1 HM Inspectorate of Education 1 Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum May 2008

2 HM Inspectorate of Education 2 Where are we now? Draft outcomes available to all. Engagement stage. Schools and pre-school centres have engaged with these to different extents. Trialling is taking place in a number of establishments.

3 HM Inspectorate of Education 3 Curriculum for Excellence All teachers have responsibility for promoting the development of literacy and numeracy. With the increased emphasis upon literacy and numeracy for all young people, teachers will need to plan to revisit and consolidate these skills throughout schooling.

4 HM Inspectorate of Education 4 How Good Is Our School 3 Children in our centre make very good progress in all aspects of their development and learning. Teachers develop pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills appropriate to the curriculum area. QI 5.1 Curriculum QI 2.1Learners’ experiences QI1.1 Improvements in performance

5 HM Inspectorate of Education 5 What do we mean by literacy? In developing my literacy skills, I communicate, collaborate and build relationships; I learn to reflect on and explain my thinking; I reflect on how well I am listening and talking, reading and writing; I respond to and act on feedback to help me improve and I provide sensitive and useful feedback to others; I develop my understanding of how language works and what is special, vibrant and valuable about other languages and cultures, and my own;

6 HM Inspectorate of Education 6 What do we mean by literacy? I engage with a rich range of texts in different media; I explore the richness and diversity of language, how it can affect me and the wide range of ways in which I and others can be creative; I appreciate the power of language to influence and bring about change; I develop an understanding of relationships, motivations, ideas and actions; I extend and enrich my vocabulary through listening, talking, watching and reading; and I take advantage of opportunities offered by ICT.

7 HM Inspectorate of Education 7 What do we mean by numeracy? In developing my numeracy skills, I can estimate and round in a range of contexts; I can use number processes accurately; I can use fractions, percentages and decimal fractions; I can use and understand the uses of money;

8 HM Inspectorate of Education 8 What do we mean by numeracy? I can measure and use time; I can use and analyse data; I can use a range of units of measure; I can use the ideas of chance and uncertainty to predict likely outcomes; and I take advantage of opportunities offered by ICT.

9 HM Inspectorate of Education 9 Literacy and numeracy across the curriculum Does the school / centre’s curriculum deliver literacy and numeracy purposefully in appropriate contexts and complement core English and Mathematics activities?

10 HM Inspectorate of Education 10 Points to consider What are the main challenges in ensuring the development of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum? What examples of practice have been successful in developing literacy or numeracy in meaningful contexts?

11 HM Inspectorate of Education 11 Literacy and numeracy across the curriculum Does the school / centre’s curriculum deliver literacy and numeracy purposefully in appropriate contexts and complement core English language and Mathematics activities?

12 HM Inspectorate of Education 12 Gathering Evidence Observation of learning and teaching Examination of pupils’ work/ children’s profiles Evaluating attainment Discussions with : Learners Teachers Management team

13 HM Inspectorate of Education 13 Learners Have you learned any new literacy/numeracy skills in other lessons/subjects? Have you used your literacy/numeracy skills in other activities? Can you tell me about any tasks/activities where you have needed to use a range of literacy and numeracy skills together to complete the task?

14 HM Inspectorate of Education 14 Staff What opportunities are there for pupils/children to learn new literacy and numeracy skills in your subject areas? How do you ensure that there are meaningful opportunities for learners to use their literacy/numeracy skills in other contexts? What type of tasks have pupils/children undertaken that required them to use a range of literacy and numeracy skills together in order to complete the task?

15 HM Inspectorate of Education 15 Staff with responsibility for literacy and numeracy across the curriculum How has the school/centre supported staff in the development of literacy/numeracy skills across the curriculum? How does the school/centre help learners to see why their literacy/numeracy skills are important in developing their thinking and their learning in their life? How does the school/centre monitor the impact on learners of its approaches to teaching and developing literacy/numeracy skills across the curriculum?

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