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The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Archbold Integrative Medicine Center.

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Presentation on theme: "The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Archbold Integrative Medicine Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Practice of Clinical Health Psychology Robin Perkins, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Archbold Integrative Medicine Center

2 Health Psychology: Utilizes the contributions of the science of psychology to promote and maintain health, prevent illness, and identify causes related to health, illness, and wellbeing.

3 Titles: Behavioral Medicine Medical Psychology Psychosomatic Medicine Health Psychology

4 Requirements: Ph.D. in Psychology Prefer Specific graduate training and graduate internship in Clinical Health Psychology State License in Psychology

5 Areas of Work: Academic Institutions Medical Centers / Hospitals Research Institutions Private Practice Primary Care Practices

6 Top Three Professional Activities: Clinical Practice 65% Research 55% Teaching / Supervision 50%

7 Clinical Focus: Individual Psychotherapy Group Psychotherapy Psychological Testing Teaching Family Therapy

8 Specific Areas of Clinical Focus Cardiology Neurology Pain Management Smoking Cessation Stress Management Diabetes Cancer Pulmonary Diseases

9 Cardiac Psychology Prevalence: *** 4,000 People in the U.S. suffer from myocardial Infarction (MI) each day*** *** 1 out of 5 Americans have an MI before the age of 60***

10 Cardiac Risk Factors Modifiable Non-Modifiable Total Cholesterol Age and LDL Male Diabetes Family History Sedentary Personal History Lifestyle Smoking Obesity Stress Psychosocial Factors

11 Major Psychosocial Variables ***Type A Behavior ***Anger and Hostility ***Chronic Stress ***Job Strain ***Exhaustion ***Social Isolation ***Depression

12 Charlie *Charlie is referred to you by his cardiologist. *The referral reads: “Stress Management.” *Charlie’s wife calls and makes the first appointment. *Charlie cancels the first appointment but attends the second with his wife.

13 Charlie *Assessment: Diagnostic Interview Psychosocial Mental Status Medical history Psych Hx / Sx Psychological Testing ?

14 Charlie * 48 years old white male * Family history of heart disease *Father died of a heart attack at age 50 years *Older brother Fred is a “cardiac cripple”.

15 Charlie *Married (second time) for 25 years. *Oldest son (22 years) is in college. *Has one daughter still living at home (16 years).

16 Charlie *Completed 4 years of college *Degree in Criminal Justice *Works as a prison guard in a low security federal prison for men.

17 Charlie *Smokes 1.5 to 2 packs of cigarettes per day. *Does not exercise and really struggles to meet physical demands of job. *Drinks 1 to 2 beers per night, usually after work. * Diet: SAD

18 Charlie *Has no friends outside of a few co-workers that he occasionally has a beer with after work. *Does not attend church with his wife and daughter. *Does not have much contact with other family.

19 Charlie *No significant past medical history. *No significant past mental health history. *No family history of mental health issues.

20 Charlie *Charlie presents as alert and oriented in all spheres. *Walks with a cane, poor posture. *Does not make good eye contact. *Speech is normal.

21 Charlie *Mood seems depressed. *Affect is flattened. *Range is restricted. *He reports not knowing why he is here and denies any problems.

22 Charlie *Talk with wife? *Important Issues to address? *Build rapport?

23 Charlie *Wife presents as very supportive of Charlie. *She reports that she is worried about him: *He tends to work too hard. *Is not sleeping at night. *He is normally controlling with a temper – now worse.

24 Charlie Issues to address?

25 Issues to address? *Personality factors *General stress *Work stress *Smoking *Alcohol? *Exercise *Diet

26 Issues to address? *Mood: depression?- Anxiety? *Sleep *Social Isolation

27 Charlie Rapport: *How can I help? *What does Charlie want? *Depression / Anxiety / Fear /Denial? *Start with medical and work to psychological

28 Other thoughts about Charlie?

29 Questions? Thank You

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