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Cells. 1 nucleus- control center using DNA 2 cytoplasm- holds cell water and parts 3 cell membrane- diffusion (oozing) 4 cell wall- protects.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells. 1 nucleus- control center using DNA 2 cytoplasm- holds cell water and parts 3 cell membrane- diffusion (oozing) 4 cell wall- protects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells

2 1 nucleus- control center using DNA 2 cytoplasm- holds cell water and parts 3 cell membrane- diffusion (oozing) 4 cell wall- protects

3 5 mitochondria- food into energy 6 chloroplast- photosynthesis 7 ER- tunnels 8 ribosomes- make proteins 9 vacuole- storage

4 2 structures that make it a plant cell?

5 Systems Pumps blood to deliver food, hormones, oxygen, and CO2 circulatory

6 Exchanges oxygen for CO2 at the alveoli respiratory

7 Breaks big molecules into small molecules So they fit into a cell digestive

8 Includes ovaries and testes reproductive

9 Includes T4 cells and wbc to fight infections immune

10 Makes chemical hormones to control… Everything Endocrine

11 Movement, tendons, soft tissue muscular

12 Supports and protects Where is your thorax? Skeletal

13 Brain and spinal cord Nervous system

14 Removes liquid waste from your blood Excretory

15 Homeostasis Keeping the body in balance If you exercise, your oxygen goes down, So your respiratory system increases (you breathe faster) to bring in O 2 and your heart pumps faster to deliver the oxygen

16 Genetics Dominant gene: always shows, Written with capital letter Recessive gene: only shows if it is alone Written with lower case letter Co-dominant gene: two genes there, both show

17 The table below shows some dominant and recessive traits discovered by Mendel in pea plants. Base your answers to questions 4-7 on the chart. TraitDominantRecessive Seed shape Round (R)Wrinkled (w) Seed colorYellow (Y)Green (g) Pod colorGreen (G)Yellow (y) Flower colorPurple (P)White (h) Stem HeightTall (T) Short (s)

18 How could you get 100% white flowers in the offspring? And the answer is hh x hh

19 Cross RR with ww Predict % wrinkled % round

20 Cross a Tall pea (Ts) with Ts Predict % tall, and % short

21 Fission (binary fission) Asexual (1 parent cell) Doubles DNA, and splits into 2 clones sketch:

22 Conjugation 2 protists Swap DNA at the oral groove Sexual or asexual? Why? Sketch:

23 Budding Baby grows on side of parent Sexual or asexual? Why?

24 Regeneration Grow back parts,or grow a new organism from parts Sexual or asexual? Why?

25 Fertilization Sperm from male enters Egg from female Sexual or asexual? Why? sketch

26 Mitosis Where is DNA? Answer questions

27 Body Cell reproduction Name a body cell Process where cell is created is mitosis # chromosomes in human body cell is 46 (23 pair) sketch

28 Gamete (reproductive cell) Name reproductive cells Sperm and egg Process where cell is created is meiosis # chromosomes in egg and sperm is 23 sketch

29 Photosynthesis and Respiration Cell part that does photosynthesis Chloroplast 2 factors needed Water, carbon dioxide, sun Root function? Soak up water (in xylem)

30 Photosynthesis and Respiration Gas used to make glucose Carbon dioxide Gas excreted by mice when using sugar to make energy gas is CO2

31 Scientific Method Hypothesis Control Carton with 3 seeds Independent variable Distance between seeds Dependent variable (IT DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU……) Height of plants

32 Scientific Method Constants and why

33 Discuss Amy adding fertilizer

34 ECOLOGY Producer: Green plant (makes own food) Consumer: Eats for energy Decomposer: Eats dead things: Bacteria, worms, insects, mushroom, mold

35 Ecology Sketch a food web Start with? Which way do arrows go? What do arrows mean?

36 Ecology Energy pyramid Start with? Indicate % energy (trophic) at each level

37 Ecology Source of energy for the web/pyramid? Sun Herbivore eats Plants Omnivore eats Plants and animals Carnivore eats meat

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