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CHANGING WORLDS The Impact of University Research.

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Presentation on theme: "CHANGING WORLDS The Impact of University Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHANGING WORLDS The Impact of University Research

2 Babies and cot death how research led to a life saving campaign Professor Andrew Dick University of Bristol

3 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign 2000 babies died each year from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (cot death) in the UK alone This number was rising in the UK and world-wide Mid 1980s

4 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Babies sleeping face down Babies covered in too many blankets Babies exposed to tobacco smoke 1990: Research identifies three risk factors

5 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Risk factor: Sleeping position % Side : OR = 2.19 [1.62 to 2.95] Front : OR = 10.23 [5.92 to 17.68]

6 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Risk factor: Exposure to tobacco smoke Hours of smoke exposure Odds Ratio for cot death 1.002.433.845.898.30 Each hour of smoke increases risk by 100%

7 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Deaths reduced by 30 – 40% after only one month Deaths further reduced by 70% after two years 1991: Back to sleep campaign launched 12 babies are saved each week in the UK

8 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Over half of cot deaths occur when co-sleeping Advice should be followed day and night 1990 - 2006: Further findings “The safest place for your baby to sleep is in a cot in a room with you for the first six months. ”

9 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign Better approaches to investigation and care of families after unexpected childhood deaths Contribution to the Children Act 2004 Department for Children, Schools and Families publications Policy reform

10 Babies and cot death: how research led to a life saving campaign 12 babies saved each week in the UK 10,000 deaths prevented in the UK 100,000 deaths prevented world-wide

11 CHANGING WORLDS The Impact of University Research

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