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MP 2 Review.

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1 MP 2 Review

2 Which of the following is a possible source of Earth’s magnetic field?
sun’s magnetic field magnetosphere moon’s magnetic field Earth’s iron core

3 How did scientists develop a model of Earth’s interior?
a. through indirect observation using seismic waves b. through direct observation by drilling all the way to Earth’s core c. through indirect observation using the magnetic field of Earth’s moon d. through direct observation by examining the upper few kilometers of Earth’s crust

4 Which of the following has the compositional layers in order starting with the outer most layer?
A. core, mantle, crust B. mantle, core, crust C. crust, mantle, core D. mantle, crust, core

5 Subduction is NOT a factor in which type of plate collision?
a. collisions between continental crust and oceanic crust. b. collisions between oceanic crust and oceanic crust. c. collisions between crusts of varying densities. d. collisions between continents

6 At locations where sea-floor spreading occurs, rock is moved away from a mid-ocean ridge. What replaces the rock as it moves away? a. molten rock b. older rock c. continental crust d. compacted sediment

7 Which of the following statements about shadow zones is NOT true?
They are locations on Earth’s surface where no body waves from a particular earthquake can be detected. They exist because the materials that make up Earth’s interior are uniform C. Waves bend and change directions as they pass through Earth D. A large S-wave shadow zone covers the side of Earth opposite an earthquake

8 The fastest-moving seismic waves produced by an earthquake are called
Rayleigh waves b. s waves c. Love waves d. p waves

9 Which of the following does NOT describe magma that causes explosive eruptions?
felsic magma large amounts of trapped and dissolved gases rich in light-colored silicate materials low viscosity

10 New ocean floor is constantly being produced through a process known as
subduction continental drift sea-floor spreading convergent boundary

11 Two plates grind past each other at a
transform boundary convergent boundary subduction zone divergent boundary

12 Which aspect of mafic lava is important in the formation of smooth, ropy pahoehoe lava?
a fairly high viscosity a fairly low viscosity c. rapidly deforming crust d. rapid underwater cooling

13 The magnitude of an earthquake can be expressed numerically by using
only the Richter scale b. both the Richter scale and the moment magnitude scale c. only the Mercalli scale d. both the Mercalli scale and the moment magnitude scale

14 How is the intensity of an earthquake measured?
by measuring the amount of destruction caused by the earthquake by by measuring the strength of the earthquake based on the size of the area of the fault that moves c. measuring the amount of ground motion caused by the earthquake d. by measuring the number of seismic waves that occur during the earthquake

15 Which of the following statements describes the relationship between the epicenter and focus of an earthquake? The focus is the point on Earth’s surface what the epicenter of an earthquake is located The epicenter is the point on Earth’s surface that lies directly above the focus c. The epicenter is the point where an earthquake occurs, and the focus is where seismic waves reach Earth’s surface d. The focus is deeper within the Earth than the epicenter is

16 Which of the following is NOT a major volcanic area?
subduction zones mid-ocean ridges boundaries of tectonic plates central continental plains

17 Island arcs form when oceanic lithosphere subducts under
continental lithosphere calderas oceanic lithosphere volcanic bombs

18 Magma is liquid rock that forms beneath Earth’s surface
Magma is liquid rock that forms beneath Earth’s surface. Which of the following is NOT a condition under which magma may form? decreased pressure increased temperature a volcanic eruption addition of fluids

19 Which of the following statements best describes oceanic crust?
high in silica low density high density not found on the same plate as continental crust

20 Which layer represents the outer core?
B. C. D.

21 What surface features are most often found at boundaries that move away from each other?
mountains deep-ocean trenches mid-ocean ridges faults

22 What type of plate boundaries move away from each other
convergent divergent transform subduction

23 What surface features are most often found at boundaries that move away from each other?
mountains deep-ocean trenches mid-ocean ridges faults

24 What type of plate interaction is indicated by letter E?
continental rifting divergence sea-floor spreading subduction

25 Which layer of Earth’s interior does not transmit S waves?

26 Which of the following is not likely to occur at the boundary in diagram A?
earthquakes lava flow subduction volcanoes

27 How does subduction of oceanic crust shown in diagram B produce mountains?
a. Magma rises between the plates at a divergent boundary. b. Subduction produces hot spots, which in turn produce volcanoes. c. Magma pushes up the layers of rock above it, forming a dome. d. The mantle and crust of the subducted plate melt, and the resulting magma forms volcanoes.

28 Which type of volcano is made up of only pyroclastic material that results from violent eruptions?
cinder cone composite volcano shield volcano stratovolcano

29 What type of seismic waves are indicated by the points on the seismogram marked by letter A?
Love waves Rayleigh waves c. P waves d. S waves

30 How are the waves at point C different than the waves at point B?
a. The waves at point C are slower that the waves at point B b. The waves at point C less damaging than the waves at point B are. c. The waves at point B get their energy from the waves at point C d. The waves at point C are S waves, while the waves at point B are surface waves

31 How do scientists find the epicenter of an earthquake
by comparing arrival times of P waves and S waves at several seismograph stations by digging at several locations and comparing data by comparing departure times of P waves and S waves at several seismograph stations d. by reviewing satellite photos of tsunamis

32 The picture shows changes in human structures after an earthquake
The picture shows changes in human structures after an earthquake. What process causes an earthquake and results in the offset of the structures and roads shown? focusing subduction surface waves elastic rebound

33 Which of the following does not signal a volcanic eruption?
a. an increase in thunderstorms near the volcano a change in earthquake activity a change in the amount and compositions of volcanic gases d. bulging of volcano surface

34 What surface features are most often found at boundaries that move away from each other?
lithosphere core mantle crust

35 Explosive eruptions commonly result from
aa lava felsic magma mafic magma pahoehoe lava

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