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Maths Language Support Workshop By Jennie Caldicott Birmingham Adult Education Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths Language Support Workshop By Jennie Caldicott Birmingham Adult Education Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths Language Support Workshop By Jennie Caldicott Birmingham Adult Education Service

2 WHY? Introduction of Functional Skills: -Representing -Analysing -Interpreting Higher level of language skills involved in this

3 ACTIVITY ONE What might learners find challenging about answering these questions – language rather than the maths skills? How could you help learners understand what the question is asking them to do? How could you help learners develop the process/steps need to answer the question?

4 WHERE DID WE START? Working party Focus on discussion and language use Framework for tackling any questions

5 WHAT DID WE DO? Devised a 10 hour scheme of work Found/produced learner-led activities to support this Collated the best examples of the resources in a file Made this accessible to all tutors

6 RESOURCES Powerpoint presentation: maths-process-skills -powerpoint Introduced the DICE method of approaching questions Glossaries The bank of activities for each area of the curriculum

7 ACTIVITY TWO What do each of these activities require the learner to do? How does this develop maths language and support the learner in their progress and achievement?

8 HOW? Set up as a 10 hour supplemental course to develop the language skills of those learners with an identified need The learners were identified by the individual tutors The scheme was delivered in one of two ways: - 5 x 2hr course - 10 x 1hr sessions Funding came through the Additional Learning Support fund

9 FINDINGS Run earlier in course Attendance Monitoring

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