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By: Satyadhar Joshi

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Presentation on theme: "By: Satyadhar Joshi"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Satyadhar Joshi

2  AGRE is high scoring exam  You need to 60/65 for a good score  All questions are basic but from a wide domain in mathematics

3  Cardinality  Rings  Approximation  Compactness and Connectedness  Analytical Complex  Metric  Decimal expansion of 7 23  K factorial number of zeros  Euclidian Algorithm  Vector Spaces

4  R and R n  Graph Theory  Symmetric group

5  Do Princeton a 100%  Solve RAE all tests  Solve old tests from internet or yourself  Cover all areas  US students don’t expect out of the book things, and hence these two book is the bible

6  Vector Spaces of Linear Algebra  Cardinal Numbers R 26 of RAE  Ordinary numbers R 38  Student T and Chi and others in Statistics  Numerical Analysis (not even mentioned in CSGE Princeton)  Geometry of Complex Number (z to d planes)  Figures is SET theory  Logic Chapter

7  Graph theory on 266  Algo on 267

8  Leibniz integral  Wronskian (EM 161)  Newton Aprox  Sylow group  Mclaurence series  Height of polynomila  Eisenstein's criterion FOR irreducible polynomial  Cosets in abstract algebra  Isomerism

9  Fourier  Laplace  Curl divergence  Minima for x,y  Integration ab initio  Series all type  Eisenstien criteria off polynomial  Heaviside theorem  Invariant sub group

10  Characteristic of Ring  Complex matrices  Laplas transform  Discriminant of tertiary quad equation  Alpha and beta function  Factor group of AA  Riemann integrals (ab initio area under curve)  Eisntein criteria for irreducibility 20  Joining of sub group 23  Eighen values in D 28  Homomorphic groups from z8 to z4  Fourier sine series  Greens function for Double difff Eqn

11  Multiple differentiation  Left ideal of ring  Convergence  Variance of 1,2,3,4,5 with equal probability  Linear transformation and then finding inverse  Beta and gamma function of sin integration  Left ideal of Group  Homomorphism (Abstract Algebra)  Labesque measure of a set

12  Log questions  Order of permutation 29  Orthogonal vectors  Lebesgue measure  Definite integration rule  Hermitian matrix (entries that is equal to its own conjugate transpose)  Laplas transformation

13  Laurent series q12  Modular ring invertible  Z transforming two other side q9  Power set  Indicial equn  Symmetric matrix are those who are commutative  Power set properties  Harmonic complex function  Fields & Rings (Abstract Algebra)  Permutation group  Chebyshev's theorem probability




17  Black and white


19  Intersection of planes

20  Fourier  Laplace  Curl divergence  Minima for x,y  Integration ab initio  Series all type  Eisenstien criteria off polynomial  Heaviside theorem

21  Complex integral (704 AEM)  Double intgn  Max min of 2 functions  Exact Diff Equn (25 AEM, 64)  Vector calculus (curl divergence gradient 446 AEM)  Topology ()  Eigen Values vectors  Higher order diff equn  Probability normal distribution

22  Laurenz  Residual theoram

23  Partial  Delta

24  Green’s theoram

25  All complex integration formula esp the inverse ones  All limit integration formulae  All trigonometry  Coordinate geometry

26  Questions on topology (questions on subspace, metrics)  Questions on AA (isomorphism and ableian)  Questions on Number theory (Euclidean and Congruence, right ideals)  Questions on Set theory (subsets)  Questions on Graphs (spanning tree)  Questions on Probability  Questions on Definite Integration

27  Schaum's outlines on Abstract Algebra  Berkeley Problems in Mathematics

28  Some exam content belongs to Indian Engineering Maths but many topics are not in EM  Linear Algebra

29  3D geometry  Trigno Equ  Diff and intgn  Prob  2(ML Khanna),3(Engg Maths),4(arrihant books),5 (Cracking the AGRE Math)

30  To request a free session on any topic of the exam you can email me at

31  REA Tests  Cracking the Subject GRE Math  Papers of ETS (old)

32  Crack the GRE Maths exam by Princeton review    Maths Subject Test, Morris Bramson, ACRO 5 test  4 GRE Maths Subject Test Provided by ETS  E-Mathematics-REA---The-Best-Test-Prep-for- the-GRE-Test-Preps 

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