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Morning Sun OP506 Morning Sun Screen Printing Company Presented by: George Holk James Gemperle & Kim Dubois.

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Sun OP506 Morning Sun Screen Printing Company Presented by: George Holk James Gemperle & Kim Dubois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning Sun OP506 Morning Sun Screen Printing Company Presented by: George Holk James Gemperle & Kim Dubois

2 Morning Sun OP506 Company Overview u Founded in 1986 u 425 Employees, $52M Annual Sales u Product: Custom Screen Printed T-Shirts u Market: Primarily Department Stores, and Some Smaller Retailers u Batch Process, Make to Order

3 Morning Sun OP506 Competitive Priorities u High Quality u Flexibility u Speed of Delivery

4 Morning Sun OP506 Plant Layout and Work Flow (Approximately 150,000 Square Feet) Warehouse Screen Prep Art Shipping Sewing Offices Embroidery Printing

5 Morning Sun OP506 Plant Operations & Methods of Supporting the Competitive Priorities of: Quality, Plant Operations & Methods of Supporting the Competitive Priorities of: Quality, Flexibility and Speed

6 Morning Sun OP506 Raw Materials Inventory u JIT System u Strong Supplier Relationships u Quality Inspections Performed u Orders Stacked by Design and Size Scale

7 Morning Sun OP506 Art and Screen Preparation u Designs by In-House Art Department - 200 In Stock Designs (Down from 500) u Frames and Screens are Constructed u Design Image “Positive” is Burned onto Screen

8 Morning Sun OP506 Competitive Priorities  Quality -Supplier Relationships -Raw Material Inspection -Design Engineering  Speed, Flexibility -Reducing Inventories (JIT) -Fewer Designs

9 Morning Sun OP506 Screen Printing u Two Types of Screen Press Machines Used -Hand Press -Auto Press u Dryer Oven Belt u Shirts Inspected for Quality u Foiling, Embroidery u To Sewing for Final Work

10 Morning Sun OP506 Screen Printing CP Support  Quality -Quality Inspections, Run Set-Up Testing and Fail Safing  Delivery Speed -Reduction of Set Up Times -Combining Processes -New Embroidery Machines  Flexibility “Mass Customization” -All Machinery on Wheels -Hand Presses for Special Orders

11 Morning Sun OP506 Sewing u Labels and Collars -Formerly Outsourced u Capacity -20 Machines /3 Shifts u Bottleneck

12 Morning Sun OP506 Sewing (cont.) u Identified as “Herbie” u How to Move Herbie Upstream -Collars -Smaller Batches -QC Runners

13 Morning Sun OP506 Sewing cont. u Other Changes Made: -Pay for Performance -Purchase of 10 New Machines -Limit Order to Size Scale

14 Morning Sun OP506 Sewing- Competive Priorities  Quality -QC Runners  Speed and Flexibility -Additional Machines -Improved Throughput

15 Morning Sun OP506 Summary - Operations Support of Competitive Priorities u Quality -Inspections, QA Dept. u Flexibility -Mobile Production Equipment -Order Size Variance u Speed -JIT, Moving /Combining Processes

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