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Block Cipher Transmission Modes CSCI 5857: Encoding and Encryption.

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Presentation on theme: "Block Cipher Transmission Modes CSCI 5857: Encoding and Encryption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Block Cipher Transmission Modes CSCI 5857: Encoding and Encryption

2 Outline Different modes of transmitting data over networks Limits of Electronic Codebook Mode Cipher Block Chaining for removing patterns Basic structure of stream ciphers –Cipher Feedback Mode –Output Feedback Mode –Counter Mode –Tradeoffs of different stream modes

3 Transmitting Encrypted Data Encrypted data transmitted one block at a time –Created by block cipher (AES, DES, etc.) –Blocks of size 64 or 128 bits Problems: A large message (such as a database) may consist of thousands of blocks –Each encrypted with same key –Patterns vulnerable to cryptanalysis Large blocks not efficient for network transmission –May be best if ciphertext generated/transmitted one byte at a time

4 Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB) Plaintext divided into N blocks of size n Each block encrypted individually with same key Recipient decrypts each block individually

5 Electronic Codebook Mode Advantages: –Each block can be encrypted/decrypted in parallel –Noise in one block affects no other block Disadvantage: vulnerable to cryptanalysis –Long messages often contain repeated blocks –Produce identical blocks of ciphertext 11010010 01101110 11100110 01101110 01101110 000101100 Aha!

6 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Each block of plaintext XORed with previous ciphertext block before encryption Same plaintext block  different ciphertext

7 Cipher Block Chaining First block XORed with initialization vector (IV) –Must be known to sender, recipient –Must be different each time to avoid patterns Usually transmit in ECB mode as first block –Generate random IV

8 Cipher Block Chaining Equations: C 0 = E(K, IV) C i = E(K, P i  C i-1 ) IV = D(K, C 0 ) P 0 = D(K, C 1 )  IV P i = D(K, C i )  C i-1

9 Stream Cipher Generates ciphertext one bit at a time –Ciphertext transmitted in packets of any size –Can be decrypted before entire block arrives Key stream generator –Algorithm generates “random” key bits k 1 k 2 k 3 …k n from cipher key K –Specific to stream cipher (RC4, etc.) or based on existing block cipher (DES, AES)

10 Key Stream Generator

11 Block Cipher Stream Generators Uses existing block ciphers (AES or DES) Generates r-bit ciphertext from n-bit blocks –Usually last r bits of cyphertext created by block cipher Input to encryption algorithm usually depends on previous blocks to avoid patterns (like CBC mode) Input

12 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Previous ciphertexts used to create shift register S Shift register contents encrypted with key Results placed in “temporary register” T

13 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) First r bits of T used to create byte key k i Byte key XORed with next r bits of plaintext to produce next r bits of ciphertext for transmission

14 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Previous r bits of ciphertext added to end of shift register S –All other bits in S shifted left –First r bits discarded CiCi C i-1 C i-k C i-2  shifted left discarded r-bit C i transmitted Inserted at end of S for next plaintext b-bit shift register S

15 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Initial contents of shift register S is initialization vector IV Rest of ciphertext depends on previous ciphertext

16 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Decryption: Recipient uses previous ciphertext to create same shift register S –Encrypted with key –First r bits taken to create byte key k i –XORed with next r bits of ciphertext received to get next r bits of plaintext

17 Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Problem: CFB inherently sequential –Each block depends on previous block(s) –Cannot take advantage of parallel hardware to speed up encryption/decryption –Cannot generate key stream in advance while waiting for rest of message Solutions: Output Feedback Mode (OFB) Counter Mode (CTR)

18 Output Feedback Mode (OFB) Contents added to shift register taken directly from T Not dependent on the plaintext Could theoretically generate all of key stream in advance

19 Counter Mode (CTR) Use a simple counter to generate next bytes of ciphertext –Counter increments each time  different ciphertext generated –Know all counter values in advance  Generate all byte keys k i in advance

20 Counter Mode (CTR) Counter generates next n bits used in key generator –Encrypted with key –XORed with plaintext –Can select first r bits of result for stream transmission

21 Counter Mode (CTR) Sender and recipient must know initial counter value IV –Can be transmitted via ECB mode

22 Counter Mode (CTR) Sender/recipient increment counter in same way for each block encrypted/decrypted

23 OFB and CTR Vulnerabilities If opponent has single known plaintext P 1 and C 1 can then derive key stream as P 1  C 1 Can compute other plaintext P 2 from C 2 using P 1  P 2 = C 1  C 2 Must use different key each transmission Problem for any non-chained stream cipher C2C2 P1P1 C1C1

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