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Alcoholism your body and your life How do your body systems react to alcohol and what are the bodies defense mechanisms?

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Presentation on theme: "Alcoholism your body and your life How do your body systems react to alcohol and what are the bodies defense mechanisms?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alcoholism your body and your life How do your body systems react to alcohol and what are the bodies defense mechanisms?

2 What is Alcohol  Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) – type used in drinks  Made synthetically or fermentation of fruit  Mixed with water/flavoring  Little taste with EMPTY calories  12 oz beer = 5 oz. wine = 1 ½ oz. liquor

3 What is Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Abuse?   Alcoholism (alcohol dependence) and alcohol abuse are two different forms of problem drinking.   Alcoholism is when you have signs of physical addiction to alcohol and continues to drink, despite problems with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or job responsibilities. Alcohol may control your life and relationships.   Alcohol abuse is when your drinking leads to problems, but not physical addiction.   In your journal summarize the difference between abuse and alcoholism.

4 The Bodies Defenses  Throat Stings  Choking Reflex  Vomiting  Sweating  Urinating  In your journal respond to the following: Why do you think your body responds to alcohol with the above. Use the five “responses” in your answer

5 Alcohols Effects On The Body  20% passes directly into blood stream  Remainder passes into small intestines & then into the blood  Write the above in your journal the click in the link and write the different effects on the body.

6 Alcohol and the Body Looking at some of the effects of long term drinking on the body.


8 Heart Raises blood pressure, blood fats and the risk of stroke and heart disease in heavy drinkers. Heart disease is generally lower in light to moderate drinkers.


10 Central Nervous System Chronic drinking can lead to dependence and addiction to alcohol and to additional neurological problems. Typical symptoms of withholding alcohol from someone who is addicted to it are shaking (tremors), sleep problems and nausea. More severe withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and even seizures.


12 Liver


14 Kidney Drinking alcohol can cause the kidneys to increase urinary output. This can lead to dehydration. It can also impair fluid handling and may cause acute kidney failure Enlarges the kidneys, alters hormone functions


16 Beer Belly Beer Gut is the storing of excess calories in the abdomen creating excess fat around the organs.


18 Oral Irritation to the mouth and esophagus can lead to various forms of cancer in the mouth.


20 Osteoporosis Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, resulting in bones being weak, soft, brittle and thinner (Osteoporosis).


22 Sexual functioning can be impaired and cause impotence and infertility, that is sometimes irreversible. Females also have a high risk of developing breast cancer. In men it may lead to sterility, shrinking of the testis and breast tissue growth


24 Blood System Alcohol in the blood stream interferers with absorption and can cause anemia (low iron)


26 Nose The increased blood flow rushing to the surface causes capillaries to burst creating spiderlike lines in the face and nose


28 Review

29 Sources consumption/ consumption/ sa/vwgitract.htm sa/vwgitract.htm you/ you/

30 Multiplier Effect  Never mix alcohol with any other type of medications

31 Drinking does hurt others

32 Costs to the family  Causes of the four most leading causes of accidental death (car crash, falls, drowning, and burns caused by fire)  They factor into 20-35% of all suicides and play a major roll in domestic violence   Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin drinking at 21. 5 In your journal write the three costs to the family 5

33 Cost to society   Alcohol is a major factor in the 3 leading causes of death for 16-24 year olds (traffic accidents, homicides and suicides) Alcohol is by far the most used and abused drug among America’s teenagers. According to a national survey, nearly one third (31.5%) of all high school students reported hazardous drinking (5+ drinks in one setting) during the 30 days preceding the survey. 3 3   In your journal write the two major costs to society

34 Alcohol Addictions In your journal summarize the following three stages of addictions and write a descriptive example for each stage

35 Stage One  Social drinking  Often to relax or relieve stress  May develop memory loss and blackouts  Often make excuses for their drinking behavior  Tolerance increases

36 Stage Two  Cannot stop drinking  Drink alone  Drink everyday  The body has developed a tolerance  Drinking becomes a central event

37 Stage Three  Final and worse stage  Problems can no longer be denied  Alcohol is a constant companion  Aggressive and or isolated from friends and family  The body is addicted  Reverse tolerance  When they stop drinking, there will be withdrawals

38 Sources:  year-old-3.html year-old-3.html year-old-3.html  Taken from EWHS created by Ms. Seals  Modified by Sukraw 2011  ol_youth.htm ol_youth.htm ol_youth.htm  02/health/main6258459.shtml 02/health/main6258459.shtml 02/health/main6258459.shtml

39 Who’s to Blame? Number the below people from best to worse. Justify your choices.   Adam had the party   Bart came with beer   Clint bought beer   Darcy did not tell   Ethan drove & drank   Fawn told David to drink   Ginger called for ride   Hank pulled wires

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