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Babak saedi Assistant professor of tehran university, Imam khomeini hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Babak saedi Assistant professor of tehran university, Imam khomeini hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Babak saedi Assistant professor of tehran university, Imam khomeini hospital

2  How the Ear Hears  Types of Hearing Loss  Amplification & Assistive Devices  Teaching Strategies

3  Outer ear  The pinna is a collector of sound wave vibrations that are sent through the external ear canal.  Middle Ear  A tympanic membrane and three tiny bones, incus, malleus and stapes, move in harmony to send the vibrations into the inner ear.  Inner Ear  The vibrations are changed into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain to create what we understand as “hearing.”

4 Compare with Flash 3 version HOMEHOME FLASH VERSIONFLASH VERSION Click on Flash Version for animation.

5  Conductive Hearing Loss  Sensorineural Hearing Loss  Mixed Hearing Loss  Progressive Hearing Loss

6  Definition  Loss of hearing that originates in the outer or middle ear.  A mild hearing loss is caused from the fluid buildup in the middle ear from a middle ear infection, or otitis media.

7 Healthy tympanic membrane Acute otitis media with fluid Chronic otitis media Otitis media with tympanic membrane hole or perforation Otitis media treatment - tympanic membrane hole or perforation with a ventilator tube in place

8  Damage in the inner ear.  Usually causes a permanent hearing loss

9  Hearing loss that involves the middle and inner ear.

10 Normal 0-15 Mild 15-30 Moderate 30-50 Severe 50-70 Profound 70-110

11  A gradual and increasing loss of hearing over time  Immediate medical referral and treatment is necessary

12  Hearing Aids cannot fix a hearing loss  Hearing Aids only amplifies incoming sound for the child  Types of Hearing Aids

13  Programmable  Computer programmed to provide some flexibility and enhanced sound quality with minimal fine tuning to the hearing loss  Digital  Computer programmed to provide maximum flexibility and exceptional sound quality with fine tuning to the hearing loss

14 Earmold Digital Hearing Aid Digital Hearing Aid & Earmold

15  A transmitter is worn by the teacher with a microphone near the mouth, and the student hears the teacher’s voice on their personal FM receiver.  An FM receiver is worn by the student as a personal listening device allowing them to have direct listening to the teacher’s voice.


17  Reduces the signal-to-noise ratio.  Brings the teacher’s voice closer to the student’s ears.

18 Microphones, transmitter, receiver, neckloop transducer, and external earbud.

19  FM’s are flexible and ESSENTIAL for children with hearing loss  In ANY classroom or cooperative learning situation  Can be self-contained functioning as a hearing aid  Can be attached to a child’s hearing aids

20  The cochlea is electrically stimulated with surgically inserted device.  Children with profound loss have a better chance of good language and literacy skills when implanted early.

21 Transmitter headpiece and BTE processor Transmitter headpiece with a diagram of the electrode in the cochlea.

22 Causes development delays for students  Academically  Socially  Vocationally

23  Delays in auditory processing skills affect language skill development  Delays from auditory processing affect the receptive and expressive language skills for speech  Language developmental delays affect learning causing delays in academic development



26  Delays in language could affect the child socially  Isolation is often a result of language delays and the child’s limited communication abilities

27  Delays in language development can affect the child’s job skill development  Could limit the child’s long term vocational choices

28  Provide better acoustics in the classrooms  Classroom strategies to aid the child’s instruction  Model and promote a positive attitude

29  Normal Classroom Acoustics  Slick surfaces  Noise pollution  Low signal-to-noise ratios (voice level to noise level)

30  Problems in Classroom Acoustics  Sound reflects off slick surfaces and echoes  Most surfaces are slick  Desk  Floors  Walls  Hearing aids amplify ALL sounds including noise

31  Noise Pollution  Noise enters the room  Hallways  Heating and air conditioning vents  Outside noises – mowing, playground  Other classrooms  Noise inside the room  Students talking  Rustling paper  Pencil tapping  Chair movements

32  Signal-to-noise ratios (teacher’s voice level to noise level)  Is not loud enough for a voices to be heard above the noise  The teacher’s voice level needs to be about 15-20 dB above the noise level for understanding of words spoken

33  Strategies to help students with hearing loss  Preferential seating to be able to lip-read  Face the child when speaking  Avoid moving too much around the room  Gain the child’s attention by a  Gentle touch on the shoulder  Calling their name  Monitor for comprehension  Repeat or rephrase instruction  Pre-teach vocabulary

34  Keep a positive attitude and model this for other student’s benefit  Teach the class about hearing loss and the equipment used to help the loss  Don’t use exaggerated pronunciations – speak normally, but slowly and clearly  Repeat what other students say in discussions  Provide written, simple instructions  Use an overhead to provide visual information

35  Improve classroom acoustics  Use an FM system  Carpeting on floors  Fabric wall hangings and cushions  Tennis balls on the bottoms of chairs  Curtains over windows  Suspended ceiling tiles


37 cochlea Pinna (aruricle) external ear canal Tympanic membrane malleusincusstapes Cochlea & hair cells Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear

38  You can’t fix a hearing loss  Any hearing loss – even MILD – impact children’s learning  Improving classroom acoustics will improve learning for hearing and hearing impaired children  If children can’t hear, they can’t learn

39 audiomerty Physical exam Hearing loss pathologic External ear Congenital malformation wax tumormalignan t benigninfection Middle ear com Adhesive otitis perforatio n c holestatom a normal otosclerosis Senseurineural hearing loss

40 chronic congenital Noise inducepresbycosisTUMOR acute SSNHLTRUMAINFECTIONOTOTOXISITY

41 CONGENITAL HEARING LOSS geneticsyndromenonsyndromNon geneticinfectiousdrugidiopathic

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