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‘Half my life is an act of revision.’ John Irving

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1 ‘Half my life is an act of revision.’ John Irving
RE Revision ‘Half my life is an act of revision.’ John Irving

2 Marriage and Family Life
You need to be able to explain how society's attitudes have changed and why. Sex Selfless Love Promises in Front of God Vows Main features Of The Ceremony Family Children The Purpose Of Marriage The Sacrament Of Marriage Role Model Public Declaration Lifelong Faithfulness Monogamy A Vocation Genesis Celibacy Fornication Pre-Marital sex Adultery Changing Attitudes Cohabitation Marriage and Family Life Sex & Marriage Alternatives To Marriage Promiscuity Selfish Love Consequences Differing Christian Attitudes Civil Ceremonies Homosexuality Changing Attitudes Gay ‘Marriage’ Civil Divorce Purpose & Importance Separation Family Life Divorce Nuclear family Extended Family Re-Constituted Family Role of The Church Annulment Bringing up Children Keeping Families Together

3 Believing in God Religious Religious Experience Upbringing
Christian family and community Numinous/Awe Conversion (change to religious believer) Why believe In God Religious Experience Prayer Religious Upbringing Presence of Religion in the world Personal choice Miracle Evidence Mystical Arguments for God’s existence Design Theist (God exists) Atheist (God doesn’t) Agnostic (Unsure) Monotheist (One God) Polytheist Pantheist(Many Gods) Stigmata Causation How do people Believe in God Search for meaning and purpose Believing in God Logic Non-religious explanations of experience The force of prayer Nature of Prayer Arguments against God’s existence Existence of Evil & Suffering Impetus to change society Prayer Unanswered prayers Charity Responses to Evil and Suffering The Problem of Evil Acceptance of God’s will Free Will Moral or man made evil Natural Evil (natural disasters, disease etc.) 3

4 Christianity-Same religion….different churches
Protestant church This church developed in the 16th Century after protests against some of Catholic worship, money and power of church. Henry VIth set up Church of England after cutting himself off from the Pope. This is the Anglican church or the ‘Church of England’. Catholic church Formed by St. Peter Led by the Pope in the Vatican in Rome. He is the spiritual authority for the religion. Have strict views on certain topics.

5 Abortion Catholic Church Always wrong, equivalent to murder.
Foetus is a life. Protestant Church Can be considered more loving in extreme circumstances such as: Mother’s life at risk, foetus is severely handicapped, mother has been raped/act of incest.

6 Euthanasia All Christians believe in the Sanctity of life- that life is holy and sacred. Most Christians: Is taking away life of human being- that is always murder. God made us in his own image- only he has authority to take life. Terminally ill patients can still honour God No-one can judge another person’s life. Some Christians- would allow pain relief drugs that would shorten life as it would improve the quality of patient’s remaining lifetime. Other Christians- Would allow life support machine to be turned off as life has already ended.

7 Catholic church on Euthanasia:
‘An act or omission that causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder greatly contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his creator’ Research task-Research the case of Diane Pretty.

8 ‘Theistic arguments’ (Arguments for existence of God)
Argument from Design 1) The world is so well ordered and everything is balanced to sustain life. It’s independent complex parts makes a whole. 2) This complex world must have been designed 3) If designed then needs a designer 4) Only God is powerful enough to do this. Argument from Causation 1). What causes one thing must have self have been caused by another thing. 2) This can’t go on for ever and ever. 3) There must be a ‘First cause’ that started everything off. 4) Only God could be this first cause as God is the kind of being that caused himself to exist. 5) Therefore God exists.

9 Divorce Roman Catholic Protestant
Doesn’t allow, vows cannot be broken as sacred agreement made before God Will allow an annulment if couple can prove that -Didn’t understand what doing at the time -Forced into the marriage -Have not had sex yet -One of partners not baptised. Protestant Believe that to allow divorce in some cases is more loving and shows forgiveness- both key values in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Should accept that people make mistakes and give them a chance. Some churches will allow divorcees to remarry in the church if they have a meeting with the vicar beforehand. Believe in the Bible account where Jesus is said to have allowed divorce in cases where the partner has been adulterous.

10 Contraceptive use Catholic Protestant
Every sexual act should be open to the possibility of conception. (Sex is for making babies) Contraception encourages promiscuity (sleeping around) which leads to more STI’s being passed. Marriage is for having children, and should only be having sex in a marriage Protestant Contraception can protect women’s health, which is loving. Bible isn’t against it. Sex is for pleasure, gift from god. Can reduce family size to promote existing families quality of life.

11 Key Quotes recap ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit (i.e. the poor and needy) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ (Matthew 5:3) “God created man in his own image… male and female, he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27) “There is neither Jew nor Greek…you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28) “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14) “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit?” (1 Corinthians 7:4) “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”. John 11:25-26

12 Exam teckers

13 Each topic has a choice of 2 questions.
For each topic answer all of the top half OR all of the lower half.

14 Give yourself about 1 minute per mark
So about 22 minutes for each topic.

15 There are 3 types of Christian.
Roman Catholic. Strict Protestant. Liberal Protestant.

16 Different types of Christians...
With the traditional and older ideas are Roman Catholics and strict Protestants. Some are more modern and “easy going” Christians and are called liberal Protestants.

17 But if you have no idea, just say…
As taught by Jesus...(your reason) As it says in the bible...(your reason) As the Church says...(your reason)

18 Always say some. “Some Christians think that...”

19 A) Definition questions. (2 marks)
Correct answer – 2 marks Partially correct answer – 1 mark Incorrect – 0 marks

20 One simple reason – 1 mark
B) An opinion question asking for two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) One simple reason – 1 mark Two reasons or having just one reason developed – 2 marks Two reasons with one of them developed further – 3 marks Two reasons with both of them developed fully – 4 marks

21 C) A short essay question. (8 marks)
Level 1: Little understanding has been shown. Give 1 or 2 marks. Level 2: Basic understanding such as 2 short reasons. Give 3 or 4 marks. Level 3: A developed understanding such as 3 reasons or some expanded upon. Gives 5 or 6 marks. Level 4: Clear understanding of the issue. 4 reasons or a comprehensive explanation. Gives 7 or 8 marks.

22 For both i and ii marks can be given as:
“A question about a quote.” In your answer refer to Christianity. i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) ii) Give reasons why people may disagree with you. (3 marks) For both i and ii marks can be given as: 1 mark for a simple reason 2 marks for a developed reason or two reasons 3 marks for three simple reasons, or two developed reasons or one fully developed reason

23 Question D: 6 marks Question D: ‘Women should have the same rights as men in religion.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) Answer 1: (ii) Catholic Christians might disagree with me because they think that women cannot be priests. 1 mark for a reason why some people might disagree. 23

24 Question D: 6 marks Question D: ‘Women should have the same rights as men in religion.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) Answer 2: (ii) Catholic Christians might disagree with me because they think that women cannot be priests. They believe that because Jesus only appointed men as his apostles only men can be priests. The reason is developed so it moves up to 2 marks. 24

25 Question D: 6 marks Question D: ‘Women should have the same rights as men in religion.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) Answer 3: (ii) Catholic Christians might disagree with me because they think that women cannot be priests. They believe that because Jesus only appointed men as his apostles only men can be priests. They would also argue that the priest represents Jesus at Mass and as Jesus was a man, only male priests can celebrate Mass. The answer now gives another reason for some people disagreeing, so it moves up to 3 marks. 25

26 Question D: 6 marks Question D: ‘Women should have the same rights as men in religion.’ (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) (i) I agree with this because some Protestant Christians would agree with this because they believe that men and women were created totally equal by God. It says in Genesis 1 that God created male and female equally. Also Jesus treated women as his equals and had women disciples showing that women should have equal rights. (ii) Catholic Christians might disagree with me because they think that women cannot be priests. They believe that because Jesus only appointed men as his apostles only men can be priests. They would also argue that the priest represents Jesus at Mass and as Jesus was a man, only male priests can celebrate Mass. This answer to question D can gain full marks because both parts refer to Christianity. 26

27 Point Evidence Explain
Student task: Use these quotes to write a point/evidence/explain format for a topic of study (e.g. life after death, abortion, euthanasia). -’Love thy neighbour’ -‘God made man in his own image, male and female, he created them’ - ‘Be fruitful and multiply’

28 Keywords Task: Practice writing the definitions of these challenging keywords. -Numinous -Conversion -Reconstituted family -Promiscuity -Civil Partnership -Causation -Non-voluntary euthanasia

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