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The Coaching Imperative YouBenJohn. Successful Leaders Are Coachs Successful Leaders Are Coachs Coaching is Leading –A Leader is a Dealer in Hope –A Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coaching Imperative YouBenJohn. Successful Leaders Are Coachs Successful Leaders Are Coachs Coaching is Leading –A Leader is a Dealer in Hope –A Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coaching Imperative YouBenJohn

2 Successful Leaders Are Coachs Successful Leaders Are Coachs Coaching is Leading –A Leader is a Dealer in Hope –A Leader is the Relentless Architect of the “Possible” for Others Coaching is the Heart of Management –Necessary for Organizational Survival & Growth –Get the most out of what you have; expand what you have –Release Aspirations – Build Capacity – Produce Desired Results

3 Coaching Defined Coaching Defined Everything you do to produce extraordinary results in others 1.To Build Capacity & Resilience 2.To Release Aspirations 3.To Produce Desired Results 4.To Reduce Risks & Liabilities 5.To Get the Most out of What a Person Has 6.To Expand What a Person Has

4 Coaching Defined - Coaching Defined - More 7.To Overcome Inertia 8.To Attack Hubris 9.To Move the “Locus of Control” 10.To Fill in Gaps 11.To Help Create Visions and Personal Mission Statements 12.To Build on Strengths 13.To Recognize & Appreciate

5 The Ideal Colleague

6 Personal Coaching Cycle Begins with Sharing a Personal Philosophy Personal Coaching Cycle Begins with Sharing a Personal Philosophy What You Hope & Expect of the Person 1.Observation –Focus on Problem, not Person 2.ID of Anomalies 3.Permission to Coach 4.“Mission” Statement 5.A Plan – A Coaching “Contract” 6.Feedback Regularly 7.Mid-Course Corrections 8.Celebration 9.Start the Cycle Over Again with New Goals

7 Creating a Personal Mission or Vision Statement


9 Write Down 8 – 12 PHRASES… Which Reflect Your Vision Short phrases or single “describing” words (such as “sense of humor”) Use Adjectives such as “innovative,” or “caring,” or “strong” Use Nouns (such as “Musician” or “Dad”)

10 Combine Similar Phrases… Combine those which duplicate Reduce the number to a “Vital Few” Capture the “Essence” of You! Use words that are few in number, but passionate in content

11 Create Mission or Vision Statements… For each essential phrase or group of similar phrases… Complete the sentence… “My Vision is to…”

12 Your Personal Vision Statement Combine The Statements Into Your Personal Vision Statement

13 “The Four Pillars of Phil” My Vision is… “The Four Pillars of Phil” My Vision is… 1.To approach life and living with passion, a broad perspective, innovation, and a sense of humor! 2.To witness and support the achievement of positive, exciting and happy outcomes for members of my family, friends, and my professional colleagues. 3.To be a respected, sought after public administrator, consultant, teacher, speaker and author. 4.To seize every opportunity to help improve the community and my family through service, problem solving and philanthropy.

14 Coaching Tips & Tricks 1.Treat Intuition as Real –The Best Predictor of Future Behavior is … 2.Always be Job-Related 3.Take Evaluations Seriously –Be On Time! –Be R-E-S-P-E-C-T – ful –Use the Process – but Go Above & Beyond It 4.Don’t Walk by Anomalies 5.Seize GEMS (Genuine Encounter Moments) 6.Overcome Fear of Coaching 7.Live to Coach – Coach Yourself 8.Use Directed Imaging

15 More Coaching Tips & Tricks 9.You are Always on Duty as a Role Model! 10.Be a Partner An “Accountabilty Partner –A “Could be Partner” –A “Thinking about How” Partner –A “Conversation” Partner 11.Use Multiple “Media” & Approaches –Formal Meetings –Over Coffee –During Brief Encounters –On the Street –Verbal & Written

16 The Coaching Contract Written (or not) – advantages to the written version Mutual Commitments –To Available Training –To Learning & Applying New Skills –To Modified Behavior –To Regular Feedback & Measurement of Progress –To Recognition & Celebration Try a Contract with Yourself!!

17 What’s Next??? Create a PERSONAL ACTION PLAN to Live Out Your Vision How Many?? By When?? How Will I Know I’ve Gotten There??

18 A Philosophy of Living Passionately & Impacting the Lives of Others Coach/Conductor Ben Zander

19 Спасибо! Ngiyabonga Dankie Enkosi

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